Објављено у France - Ратне анализе - 13 Feb 2017 01:14 - 21
First idea of strategy is Bonus to Attack, encirclement:
Let's say Macedonia attacks Greece region named Thessaly, this region surrounded by 3 regions that Macedonia control:

In this case, Macedonia get bonus Attack of 15% to their DMG.
Why 15%?
Because each region which is surround Thessaly, give to Macedonia 5% bonus attack.
If Macedonia decide to attack Albania, and they attack region of Albania named Korca.

Macedonia will get 20% bonus to their attack, 4 * 5% = 20%.
If instead of Macedonia, country Albania will attack Macedonia in region named Epirus.

Albania will get 10% to their attack, 2*5%=10% bonus attack.
But in this Idea we will add something new,
country that was attacked (Not only Declared War, directly was physically attacked by other country that DW on it).
Will be able to strike back, but this country can't attack from the region which was attacked.
That means if Albania was attacked by Macedonia in Korca, they can strike back only in one of this regions (Yellow):


Albania will get only 5% to their attack in this position.
But there is other effect of this attack.
If Albania attack region which is attacked it.
This region will not gives to Macedonia bonus attack because they will be busy in 2 fronts and lost their superiority from this region.
Let's back to Albania region Korca:

How you can see Albania decided to attack region of Macedonia named Epirus, which is attacking Korca.
This region not gives now 5% bonus to the attack.
Now Macedonia instead of get 20% bonus to attack will get 15% bonus to attack (4-1)*5%=15% bonus.
Each country can attack same country only one time.
Country which got a DW on it can't Strike Back until the other country attack it.
If all regions from where a country can to strike are under attack, this country can't strike back because all regions busy in defense.
Second Idea is much more simple.
This is what soldiers will get when they got attacked from many places same time.
Every battle where the country was attacked by other country include resistance war.
This country soldiers will get stress debuff of 5% to their dmg.
This debuff will count until 10 times (50%).
Lets say Macedonia control 4 countries, all this countries open RW + it's attacked by Turkey and Albania.
6 battles * 5 = 30% stress debuff.
This country will do 30% less damage than usual.
But one little change.
Only citizens of a country can open RW, if you foreign and not have this country CS you can't open RW.
I made a little survey and will be happy to see what do you think about this ideas.
Click on ME!
Let's say Macedonia attacks Greece region named Thessaly, this region surrounded by 3 regions that Macedonia control:

In this case, Macedonia get bonus Attack of 15% to their DMG.
Why 15%?
Because each region which is surround Thessaly, give to Macedonia 5% bonus attack.
If Macedonia decide to attack Albania, and they attack region of Albania named Korca.

Macedonia will get 20% bonus to their attack, 4 * 5% = 20%.
If instead of Macedonia, country Albania will attack Macedonia in region named Epirus.

Albania will get 10% to their attack, 2*5%=10% bonus attack.
But in this Idea we will add something new,
country that was attacked (Not only Declared War, directly was physically attacked by other country that DW on it).
Will be able to strike back, but this country can't attack from the region which was attacked.
That means if Albania was attacked by Macedonia in Korca, they can strike back only in one of this regions (Yellow):


Albania will get only 5% to their attack in this position.
But there is other effect of this attack.
If Albania attack region which is attacked it.
This region will not gives to Macedonia bonus attack because they will be busy in 2 fronts and lost their superiority from this region.
Let's back to Albania region Korca:

How you can see Albania decided to attack region of Macedonia named Epirus, which is attacking Korca.
This region not gives now 5% bonus to the attack.
Now Macedonia instead of get 20% bonus to attack will get 15% bonus to attack (4-1)*5%=15% bonus.
Each country can attack same country only one time.
Country which got a DW on it can't Strike Back until the other country attack it.
If all regions from where a country can to strike are under attack, this country can't strike back because all regions busy in defense.
Second Idea is much more simple.
This is what soldiers will get when they got attacked from many places same time.
Every battle where the country was attacked by other country include resistance war.
This country soldiers will get stress debuff of 5% to their dmg.
This debuff will count until 10 times (50%).
Lets say Macedonia control 4 countries, all this countries open RW + it's attacked by Turkey and Albania.
6 battles * 5 = 30% stress debuff.
This country will do 30% less damage than usual.
But one little change.
Only citizens of a country can open RW, if you foreign and not have this country CS you can't open RW.
I made a little survey and will be happy to see what do you think about this ideas.
Click on ME!
YouGodMecOSHiCaptain HarlockКоментари (21)


active population bonus attack i can agree. region bonus attack? i disagree

second idea can not be applied to valhalla soldiers, berserk soldiers, kamikaze soldiers, jomsviking, chetniks

this is nice idea but will affect for bad small countries, we should think something for them too

Kami wake up man

I think there is some good ides, but they nerf and change. I will think and write ideas here.

First one..Only attack bonus is bad idea. There is no way to defense against big countries that have many region. We think about alternative for defense bonus or RW bonus, if this idea will apply.

We need U.N attack bonus and NATO attack bonus to balance ideas of kami

For exapmle, defense bonus one is like attack bonus...and RW bonus one is like..more damage the rate of the country own core region that the country is occupied/their own core regions.

Second one..I think that is good idea. But We can open RW or direct attack after 2 or more days since the previous battles. So that needs more clearly standards.

It will help snowball for the big countries and weaken even more the weak countries.... I don t agree

all ideas here don t care about small countries 

good buy multies can open rws, we also to change lv30 or above can open rws


bad idea

first idea is good only for strongest countries now! second is better becouse its the same for all and we have all the same point of difficultly

I am strongly against any extra stress in my life. Even in erevollution. Good idea, but rename it please. Also tweak the numbers. 10% per country is harsh.

Everything seems interesting, including the number of active citizens, but what happens to small countries? The chances of winning are zero. And the difference between large and small countries would be increasing.

what about the poor countries 

This ideas brings ERevolutions warfare closer to rules of modern warfare. What about small countries? They already have no chance against the bigger countries, so this will not change anything at all. You can also see in reality the same outcome today. Maybe if they (small countries) join each other... I support this changes in the game.