Објављено у France - Друштвена догађања и забава - 17 Feb 2017 12:01 - 47

Everything starts with a dream. My dream is to make the most organised unit in the world, able to win battles in seconds, to storm the front no matter who the enemy is. Who can do that better than PIRATES?
In order for this to happen, we have the best supply system in the world, but the requirements are as high as supplies.
- 8000+ Strength.
- Taking Romanian citizenship.
- Being active on Discord. https://discord.gg/KHNHQqy
- Fighting ONLY in last minutes and/or at HQ orders.
- Use our Avatars
- Having decent English skills.
Supply System:
- 100 Heli q5 or 200 Heli q3 daily for 2x work
- Unlimited Q5 Heli and Q5 Warships at 0.03g/each (only for fighting at orders)
- 30 Days loans with no interest (no limit of gold set)
- Weekly events with rewards in Helis and Gold
Great Quotes
Take what you can, give nothing back
Not all treasure is silver and gold
The rougher the seas, the smoother we sail. Ahoy!
Where there is a sea there are pirates.
Always be yourself, unless you can be a pirate. Then always be a pirate.

KinyasDarken RahlTricky DickCaptain HarlockКоментари (47)


Not going to happen because Green Berets are best organized MU in this game 

v c

k lol




My MU s name ?? this is stealing

Just 100q5 helis? 



Gl o7

Lmao, your MU is gonna be a joke, because you are a joke too. We all know Green Berets are the best organized MU in game, and it will remain so for a long time probably. I even doubt you will have more than a few members, because everyone know what kind of dirty player you are.

@warchief we are still not taking you...

good luck


Hail Romania o/

1 mojito shoot for you...07

thats imposible!but if it become a reallity the game will stop be intresting and more and more acc every day stop playing!

http://image.prntscr.com/image/41292187b2204225a4e9f68998b12a96.png looool xD

There is MU named Pyrates :/

you are sailing for rubber ? why , it is near you, in Serbia s cores 

we took and kept it already, and we ll do it again, don t worry 

spavas li mirno ?

Good luck with your MU, 07

Good Luck BH o7

thanks o7


Interesting. Especially because Green Berets adores you so much ;-)

Nice ctrl C ctrl V battlecopy

Nice french MU 


lol that romanian couldnt stop stealing
now an MU name
why am i not surprised

Good luck bro!

I will contribute to your efforts, use Corsairs. Pirates (Pyrates) is already in use 

I often drink tea, does that count as English skills? 

give me supply 600 q5 food daily and a loan to upgrade LK to q5, betl hero

How you give 100 q5 heli? Each work produce 40 and 2 work give 80!!!!!

I m losing 2-3g per player with those supplies, i give from my own gold.

Tnx for answer