Објављено у Iran - Друштвена догађања и забава - 19 Feb 2017 14:46 - 84

nakituminayashinakituminayashinakituminayashinakituminayashinakituminayashiShirono0bsailbotLip GallagherrTricky DicklmperiusKincuardKincuardKincuardPeakyPeakyPanzer AceZaganos PasharezaderazCowoSukaBeoLSultan Haydar BassorkhpostRebazartarezzizoHassan9170tinyHulkingrezaaloneAce EconomistMrBl3ndTony SopranoJoker EvilJoker EvilJoker EvilJoker EvilTyraelAlieKing Elessarmetal and metalamirali khanhaftvudhaftvudhaftvudsepoysepoyBusterBusterBusterMiLeNaAaAaarkopadG 4 M p3trOs V E RarjanEdgarFigaroPalmerEnver PasasevenUltramagicsamaEvil SkullCp reza sparrowPanzer AceКоментари (84)

Oh my God ^^



v c

france as lion? 


Gde je Srbija?

brate napravi gif kako napustas Srbiju kad su joj igraci bili najvise potrebni, poyyy 

You can dream

ziiiiiiiijev ,odnos snaga prejeben ;D


Piko, Srbija i Iran nisu nikad u ratu bili


@Sturmmann Batbaianov you can wait ;D

Sturmmann is funnier than article hahaha 

Iran is a puppie who is always with Turkey if they are on the winning side and against them if they are on the loosing side.

LOL +++++

Dont talk too much Delos and FU, your stretegy from begin is 0... attack Albania FAIL. Start 9-10 battles vs Turkey is FAIL from begin...
Read again Carapicho article all parts o/


http://urlz.fr/4PRO Any strategy mean-less in this condition.



Still waiting

pick Serbia, pls pick Serbiaaa!! o// pleaseeee 

@Magnus the Red, FU strategy is good, but kada neko oće piški-neće piški tu nema pomoći, tako da čekam da se upotpuni to mesto gore

tic toc.. sooner or later. And I wait for the time to enjoy bring Persia on their knees. Love

vi ste se uvukli dovoljno duboko turcima, tako da vam strategija ne treba. dosta je samo da praznite stekove protiv srbije
ovi iznad se valjda smeju jer su skontali da ne znas da nacrtas zastavu nemacke?

Also it was a mistake to get Germany against MDP side back then, while the Serbian clan that benefited from this flip, now posts throphies of Germany and fights with IRAN for MDP interests.

Every country that has ktab as citizen became deleted eventually, this can t be a coincidence

: ) - but but but - http://prntscr.com/eaw2uz - this (maybe is the belgian, but) is not german flag ; )

lmperius take care cause if this is actually true i will get Turkish cs.

Peacky neko je zakinuo ocigledno, kada dodje iz d u glavu onda cete moci nesto ovako samo prazne price

It was a mistake, sorry, Flag is now good

ktab please don t do that mate 

@Sturmmann Batbaianov Sins Age is coming 

lmperius think of the epicness to fight against all, don t be a bonus lover

Ok then i will become cp next month and accept your cs
but France first 

Iran is most pu**y country who is on stronger side first TRS than MDP (VV)
and every war they come with Turkey

@Djurdjo Iran just have leaders with brain but you cant understand that
DD And ofc they come with Turkey that is called strategy so Delos and whatever is called that other alliance should learn that word. Shiro has spoken.

Yes leaders without 00
and good strategy when country with 7k and 5k go against coutry with 500 citizens
and they celebrating for me its not win.

Mortarion : LIKE.o7...good article evo.good luck..o7

winter is coming 

:-)) o7



Hi Paris


Crnobradi +1

winter is here :-)

oh come on you re teasing us so much, just dw already, i m hungry of fbhs




It would be perfect war for sure. I would like to fight for lions o7

Article is interesting as always. I just cant find conection between Bosnia and Iran. I missed something ?


na kakvim si ti drogama daj i nama malo 



Oh no, we are in danger :o


Crnobradi +1

but you wont, you are too scared 

Hahaha ! Come, we are ready :p

winter is coming

Koliko se ja sjecam Bosna nikad nije bila obrisana od strane Irana, kao ni Hrvatska.

the name of other alliance is FU mortarion xD

near future: https://www.erevollution.com/fa/article/23655

where is the Ukraine flag on the wall ?

jeli se ovo sprema neki napada na francusku? izgleda jedini sam ne upucen u to 

a srbije se toliko bojite pa se niste ni usudili da je tu stavite ?

YEP, FU mortarion, remember 

It is time to change your banner traitor

@srb1n96 Iran nikada nije brisao Srbiju, mada ne znam sta ce BiH na ovoj slici al ajde oni su makar imali rat sa Iranom ali nisu bili brisani stavise Bosna je tada preokrenula rat u nasu korist 

Ne znam kako imate obraza da se i javljate..
Dosta o vama pokazuje to što ste napustili svoju državu i okrenuli se protiv nje..

haha france is next


@srb1n96 takvi su ti oni svi iz beretki, nisu dzaba dobili priznanje za najbolje izdajnike 2016