Објављено у United States of America - Политичке дебате и анализе - 13 Jan 2016 22:18 - 6

Hello fellow eAmericans,
After the latest announcement regarding our country, we are now heading towards the first Presidential election and the first Congressionals as well. Having this in mind and fulfilling the promises I made in my previous article, a new political party and a military unit have emerged.
As the first Political party, I present you the Federalist Party!

Federalist Party

As the first party in our country, we are running our first President as official candidate. In a few hours the Presidential elections will begin and Biohaze will be most likely our first President. It is advisable that all citizens with similar views and ideology join the Federalist party. In order to participate in the party debates, you may do so be registering on the national forum and request access to the Federalist Party boards here: Request access here.
Party Structure
As for the first party structure, I have decided to create the following party leadership officials as the first cabinet. Citizens who are already party members may contact me if they wish to take any of these roles.
Party President - Abraham Lincoln
Vice Party President - Vacant
Political Director - Vacant
Recruitment and Retention Director - Vacant
Media and Communications Director - Vacant
Fun and Games Director - Vacant
I'd to remind that while new players involvement will be taken, previous experience in these roles will be taken strongly into consideration.
Congressional Elections

Remember that in order to be able to candidate for congress you need to achieve the level 16. If you want to run for Congress, you will need to achieve this requirement before day change tomorrow. After the day change, it will be too late and I will have to make the ones who have already candidated official.
I'd like to remind that in order to be in Congress, a certain level of activity is required and this month the tasks will be herculian as there will have to be a draft of a new constitution, procedures, and questions regarding the economy and war. So please consider your activity since we are going to need as much as possible!
Lastly, this is an opportunity to encourage every citizen to recruit as many people as possible. The bigger lation we get, the better we can improve our military and safeguard our nation's future as a whole.
Retention and fun
As a final remark, I intend to start working on retention and fun games to boost retention within our party. If you have any suggestion regarding any types of games you'd wish to do, feel free to reply to the comments here with your suggestions.

Seal Team 6

A new military unit emerged and this MU will be the National MU for the time being, however as soon as the government decides to create the official US Armed Forces, most likely the Seals will go private. My idea as your current Commander is to make this unit a top hitting unit charged with heavy guns and turning battles around. So there will be three main focuses this MU will take:
1. Heavy Hitting and coordinated warfare
2. Big amount of supplies and heavy guns
3. Extraordinary activity
If you got what it takes to fight hard for our country, then you are at home. Regardless of this MU most likely going to the private sector, it is important to make this clear: The Seals will always fight for the United States and her allies.
So if it is your interest to fight for our country and get supplies, feel free to join Seal Team 6 here: JOIN HERE
Seal Team 6 Command Structure

For now, I am starting a very simple Command structure. I intend to have 4 Senior officers and a one junior officer per squad as soon as we start creating them. For now, this is the structure I have lined up:
Commander: General Abraham Lincoln
Vice Commander: Vacant
Training Officer: Vacant
Quartermaster General: Vacant
Every soldier is required to register on the forums and request the access to the Seal Team 6 section here: REQUEST ACCESS HERE
Make sure to follow the instructions on the access request thread. It is important that we know if you have previous experience or not to better ist you. If you are interested in officering, make sure to contact me as well and which position you'd be interested and why.
For now there will be only two main squads: Training Squad and Smackdown Squad. The Training squad will serve the purpose of training the citizens who do not have previous military experience and are new to the game. The Smackdown Squad is for the experienced players who know their way around fighting.
Names for the squads, stripes and new avatars will be all created within the next few days. If you wish to contribute, feel free to. Military ranks will also be decided and a supply system is on the draft so that we can hopefully start gun distribution at the least in 2 days.
In other words: Stay tuned, we are going to start kicking very soon!

I hope you all have enjoyed your read and keep tight America! Things are just starting to get interesting!
You may all return to your regularly scheduled clicking and I will return to mine.
Kind regards

Коментари (6)

First denied for the Feds and for the Seals!

great job man 

V + S

V + S

V + S