Објављено у France - Ратне анализе - 27 Apr 2017 12:40 - 23

One month ago


Nothing else to say.
AncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAkhonousAmirRashidianNEVER BACK DOWNКоментари (23)

true/20 ?

c est cool je suis sur la photo


60 Millions putain

Hail FR ban Arg :o

Article for losers

75% of top 8 of argentina s battle was french. ISSOU.

Un article plein de sel, ça fait plaisir

ça rage 

Super Vote


True story

Argentina suck

did you know about timezone dude? gad damn retarded french CP. 

C est riche en sodium

One battle = 24h so shut the fuck up.

No entendi

o7 from Hungary
incredible battle

+1 risi

some people dont understand

Some people do not understand 

I believe nationality is not that important in erev. fighting with friends makes me happy enough
