Објављено у Germany - Финансијске анализе - 27 May 2017 17:02 - 79
today our dear admins published a new article about discounts and new updates of the I wanna say my opinion about it
after my recent efforts to bring almost dead EGerman community back to the game now I see people talking of leaving since they saw new article about game updates
I cant speak behalf of whole E citizens but here in EGermany no one liked new updates and everyone is talking about leaving game we love playing this game but not under any circumstances we know game needs money to operate but honestly this is too much having boot camp upgrade which will cost over 300 golds for sure and at the same time new update of strategic buildings
admins need players and since this a free game they need to put advantages for players who pay for game and I don't see any
problem in that but giving a huge advantage to players who pay for the game eventually will kill the will for normal players to play then game
there must be a line between earning money for game and being greedy I don't really know if admins of the game think that this game is dead and they are trying to get the most money they can it out of it before it dies or what??
best regards a player who loves playing this game
after my recent efforts to bring almost dead EGerman community back to the game now I see people talking of leaving since they saw new article about game updates
I cant speak behalf of whole E citizens but here in EGermany no one liked new updates and everyone is talking about leaving game we love playing this game but not under any circumstances we know game needs money to operate but honestly this is too much having boot camp upgrade which will cost over 300 golds for sure and at the same time new update of strategic buildings
admins need players and since this a free game they need to put advantages for players who pay for game and I don't see any
problem in that but giving a huge advantage to players who pay for the game eventually will kill the will for normal players to play then game
there must be a line between earning money for game and being greedy I don't really know if admins of the game think that this game is dead and they are trying to get the most money they can it out of it before it dies or what??
best regards a player who loves playing this game
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Heil Kaveh

they should make only one new thing , not now at once both of them -.-



Big problem....

agreed v

admin get your s. together

I have quitted many games in past for the same reason, i enjoy playing a game when i become a toy myself because of updates no thanx i pass... no big deal. Life goes on and its out there

PS sorry for short article but I liked to keep it short enough since I m a lazy reader but comments section is open for all to express their opinions personally I have q3 life kit and I dont have enough golds for even upgrading q5 boot camp let alone extra life kits I dont see any logic in this update I might buy some golds for discount as I used to do but now I must invest huge amount of money which I cant afford 


i agree with you. voted o7

Thats true!

2nd LK is a huge fail, voted

Agreed, this update is too stupid

I think that admin lost imagination how this game can be improved. So if we will suggest him better way for improvement would be great.

Agreed, admins do sth

99% of you tal like you dont like this, but inside you do
I like this update, and I was wondering when will this come.
So, no vote, no supp 

i m no visa player and i like this update 

I am not a player and I like big melons

1. News about every Discount is a good news, especially for the members of rich countries 2. Your efforts are significant and results are truly amazing, ... you successfully managed to bring some worldwide famous thieves and losers, well known because of destruction of several countries ___ Once more Germany will be wiped and your suicidal approach will prove themselves again 3. I hope that Peaky will stay, if eGermoneys will left the game... we need him to cry here. 4. The price for a new TG is fair, especially for citizens of eGermoney, this country is well known as a rich country with just a few spoiled players with many multis, protected and favoured by Admins 5. Don t be rude, players are playing and Admins are working here. Work has a price. Players are their customers, not a friends. You are just pathetic if you didn t noticed this simple fact.

attention seeker alert anyways number of votes proves you are wrong this is a war game if you wanna play farm vile or sim city you choose wrong game
you are the biggest thief people here always talk about number of your multies at game start famous to stick to rich players and suck their gold problem is it seems we didnt give anything to you so you cry at every given chance 2 days ago I asked people if they want nap and strong majority was against it over 300 golds might seem reasonable only to thieves and suckers like you you will take a loan from Poland authorities and move on to next country but you will have no place in Germany for ever niether in our lands nor in our hearts I wonder why you dont talk about fake countries anymore after SoA and Turks moved to USA thing that you used to babble about a lot same goes for other things that you say your thoughts changes by time mine are stable you are simply pathetic

hail bro


This is how you keep things interesting
All MMOG game required patients and planing. The Q5 upgrade was expected when we had new set on icons if anyone was not getting prepare for it .. its his/her mistake.

hichi gold nadaram tg up konam che berese be life kit 

well workout area was expected and I have nothing against it some are rich and will pay for it some like me will wait for a miracle to happen and have it but adding strategic buildings update at the same time is really too much for an average player like me let alone poor or new players


The primary concern is workout, rest any offer is not effective in any manner to any player only if your argument is that you can spend money and i can t the you can argue about anything in the game.

Guys.. You can upgrade TC on first day.. You dont lose strength or anything else if you dont build up another LK on lvl 5.
You can have it on level 2-3 for the beginning.

game is also for no premium players premium players have enough advantages already there MUST be a line between earning money and greediness I will buy gold in discounts for sure but it wont do me any good cause I wont be even able to upgrade boot camp let alone strategic buildings maybe 100 players can afford to buy enough golds to upgrade both of them what about rest ain t they players of this game ?? or are they aliens??

You are obviously allergic if we are talking about the truth, Kaveh. I don t need a money, seeing you crying here is just enough for me. How stupid can be a comment, citizen of Izrael will not be accepted in Germany? LOL Do you really except me to join this country? I don t see how can I even start the explanation why this is so unrealistic expectations of you. About Poland, I am simply sorry because I couldn t help more, it was just a very busy period in my RL.
Your trolling is pathetic almost as your CP skills. It is obvious that I returned to my previous country, so I didn t choose a new one.
Don t worry, comparing with you, I am enough skillful player, capable to build industry on my account, without country loans, VISA, or thieves actions. This way of playing you and your sorry companions in Germoney, will never understand. All you can is just to cry a river and trying to insult. No need to worry, you can not provoke me and force me to write a ticket because of you to moderators. I am glad to give you a chance for such an eruption of hate. Again.

lol look who is talking about insults I just used same words you used against me I also have enough industry on my account and good friends who can help me unlike you I dont
only think about myself and my sorry ass about ticket feel free to send it you wont get any response other than he is expressing his opinion only crying I see here is you crying btw it is not an article about you and your personal problems it is an article about gaming community and its problems btw number of votes are going higher and higher it must prove sth

the update is insane

i agree with you bro .. kaveh .. o7

Keep crying Kaveh, you are well-known as a ticket writer, not me. I agree, you have a lot of friends... among moderators.
It is quite tiresome explaining someone like you, why is this update made for. Ofc, players community is not the only dissatisfied here. Admins are also dissatisfied with the players. It is obvious, they want you out of the game. Make some space for a new players, you already played enough already. New players needs to feel themselves as the important, and Admins want to create a satisfying conditions for this. To accomplish this project, they need to get rid of old players,who are often accusing them because they are greedy and unfair. So, prepare yourself for a Farewell article, this is just a beginning.

Number of votes? I also voted, having attention here is actually a good thing. Because, if you are not the most important community here, Germoney is still far loudest.

ok as you say I m tired of reading your nonsense maybe if I stay silent you may eventually get tired of your craps :/ so talk to my hand after this

I think the update is interesting, we all knew Q5 TG was coming for a few months so people had enough time to save up for it. It’s really the only must do update on the 7th the double LK is a middle term long term project for most players, your account is not useless if you can’t make another one right away, it creates one more objective to look for and achieve in the future. It will also increase food consumption for LK and weapons because people will have more energy to spend so it’s good for the economic side of the game. Also it’s cheaper and better for newer players to do 2x LK Q3 than save for 1x Q5 for example and they get 20% more energy also, or 2x Q2 than 1x Q4, which is also cheaper in gold but same energy.

Chickerino +1

@chickerino I didnt say 2nd life kit update is bad and I agree with things you said above about more consumption of weaponry and food and better market I m just saying one thing at one time this thing right now is putting too much pressure on average players like one month has passed since last update I dont know about you but an average or good economical account only can profit 10 or 15 golds per day lets say 10 golds unless he has a lot of referrals or diamonds what can you do with like 300 to 450 golds and I assumed that you havent spent anything during this month for other things and just saved your gold so only option is to buy gold with price of over 300 golds for boot camp for sure you will have to buy 50 100 golds to upgrade boot camp and maybe add some factories to you account but honsetly not most of the players can buy gold and maybe over 50% of gold buyers like me can not buy more than 50 100 golds thing that I do in every discount so this will increase the gap between premium players and normal players too much and kill the will for playing the game

cry moar duck !!!,


Any service required funding, i remember few months back when Iran France was face to face in the game and we found huge server lags which is seriously annoying and effecting the results or strategy of both sides everyone was asking about new server but i wonder do anyone thing where do they get money for these kind of upgrades? Sure this is how they make it is very simple I use to play tennis and i know it is an expensive game in term of equipment and environment i need so i pay for those things and it make me better from many other players it is same for online players if you want to grow you have to spend.

True story //// new update kill weak players so ...

Who s gonna like the game where is so much corruption and money-laundering.

@Kaveh yeah I understand your points, it might be hard for some players but TG update will be around 202g on discounts as far as I know, so it is affordable for the majority of players I believe since most people have been saving and waiting for it 

@ Peaky, stop acting like Kaveh and start using dots. If you wrote so many words organized in just a single sentence, you will not trick others to trust you. Real Kaveh left the game long time ago ;-)

hahahaha, yeah, all accs in Germany are Peakys, he is using zombie pcs to log in so many accs, stop be so paranoid Misakichan and enjoy whats left of this game 

Lol. Terrible update. Almost rivals the introduction of unlimited range naval battles.

the TGs are for 2/5 since I was saving for them since naval battles came out.. but this stupid 2nd LK building is so stupid for new/poor players. let s say we have an over average player which doesnt upgrade TG to q5 and goes 2nd LK building. so he can build 2 LKs a day-bigger stock-more damage-even more difference between old and new players which SUCKS. and now-imagine ppl who have money to do 2nd LK AND TG... the ultimate tanks,new players will never catch up to them unless they spend a fortune. very bad.

Well, I am sorry coss of exposing their secrets. Peaky is not an ordinary player. He has an access an authority as the other Admins. It is allowed to him not only farming the multi accounts, even so taking control on accounts that are left by the owners. It is simply the truth, this game is full of multi accounts, and .... there is much, much less real players. Peaky has also a specific mission, his job is to make other players hating him and his characters in the game. Hating so much, to make you enough anger to grab your money and even pay, just to beat him on the battlefield. Same as the former Japanese duo Shiro/Nakituminayashi, they are just a scenario makers. This, and other similar articles have a simple task, to get some confidence for their characters. So, be my guests, trust them and allow them to make their toys of you :-p

you are at best and I mean at best paranoid sorry cant stop myself xD

And you wrote here that you will not answer on my posts here. Peaky, it is over, you are exposed. :-D

I m not peaky -_-

It s hard but i agree you

I am not Peaky also

Peaky is just a character, used in the game, nobody is actually a Peaky.

Well decide, is he character, friend with admins, Master of multis, friend of Shiro and Naki, Kinyas bigest love or smth else.

oh get a room you two
Misakichan we can see that you play this game just for their attention, its funny and sad in the same time. Keep it up, this dying game need funny love stories like this xD

If u want free game , u may play candy crash. All games need visa for game costs.

It is your fault for spending gold... If your ass was a little bit more economic you wouldn t complain

@Peaky, The one who is playing with this accounts is just an unfair player. And doesn t care about the friendship, game or eCountry, only money is what is interesting.
@DreSanu, wake up. World is not so simple. It was never about the attention, your comment is representing bad intentions or limited range of understanding


@Tyrael, skilled player doesn t need money for this game, but players like you wants to be on the top, over the night. I understand that you are defending your approach, announcing that game needs money. Admins are grateful because of amount of money that you spend here and they give you reward, now you are in their team in other game. Obviously they are using you and you like this. So, better stay there, instead of advocating, they need some serious changes in the game here, together with significant changes in Admins/Moderators team.
I see some signs of their willingness to accept the reality, and I am curious to see how far they can go.

What other game, can you tell me the name of a game, i dont understand you shisui

Peaky Blinder nakituminayashi.... LOL x 1k . So, this is Germoney now?

It was from a start, we are playing loooooooooong game,

its too bad update

Loooooong game with nakituminayashi (ridemydick)? Peaky, it is unbelievable LOL

@Tyrael, if all games needs money, so why is Candy Crush free and still operates even without p2w?

Dear @Misakichan and @LL B L A C K B E A R D , Everyone wants to make money ,
Like those who made this game . Meanwhile Candycrash is one of the most money-winning games. There is too much free game , Those who keep such games alive , Credit card users . If the game does not make money , The game turns off the server.That s why game makers want to earn money . ty , o7

I also have no intention of being first , The reason I support the game , I want to develop more.

So, please explain us why the same people are organizing another online game, the clone of this one? Looking for the way to survive? It is legitimate to try to make some profit, but please, do not try to trick the players community, pretending like a friend of players, or even more, one of us! Let s make a clear distinction between players and workers in the game!

Misakichan, LOL, you have been reported for using bad language here, there is a lot of underage players, behave, watch your language here. Its not your game