Објављено у Bulgaria - Политичке дебате и анализе - 29 May 2017 09:34 - 10
I am glad to announce that the governments of Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine have reached to an agreement - NAP . The agreement will be under the following conditions.
1. Vae Victis will not Declare war to Ukraine. Ukraine won't declare war to any VV or VVA country.
2. Romania will release all Ukrainian regions.
3. Ukraine will not declare Romania as Natural Enemy
3. Bulgaria will keep Taurida, Zaporozhia, Sloboda and Siveria
4. Ukraine will pay 300 gold in advance to Bulgaria, because of broken previous agreements and trust issues. (gold will be returned in the end of the agreement, if it is not broken)
5. NAP will be valid until 6 of July.
In order the agreement to be valid, it must be signed by:
President of Bulgaria
President of Romania
President of Ukraine
SC/vSC of Delos
SC/vSC of Vae Victis
Kind regards,
I am glad to announce that the governments of Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine have reached to an agreement - NAP . The agreement will be under the following conditions.
1. Vae Victis will not Declare war to Ukraine. Ukraine won't declare war to any VV or VVA country.
2. Romania will release all Ukrainian regions.
3. Ukraine will not declare Romania as Natural Enemy
3. Bulgaria will keep Taurida, Zaporozhia, Sloboda and Siveria
4. Ukraine will pay 300 gold in advance to Bulgaria, because of broken previous agreements and trust issues. (gold will be returned in the end of the agreement, if it is not broken)
5. NAP will be valid until 6 of July.
In order the agreement to be valid, it must be signed by:
President of Bulgaria
President of Romania
President of Ukraine
SC/vSC of Delos
SC/vSC of Vae Victis
Kind regards,
Kinyasno0bsailbotКоментари (10)

Signed, CP of Bulgaria and vSC of Vae Victis

Signed, CP of Ukraine

Signed, SC of Délos

Well done.



Signed,CP of Romania

1) breaking nap means breaking the word you as a contry give to another one.. my advice to mostly to ukraine: dont make such a mistake, dont jump on your word( like breaking nap, backstubing ally when he is having troubles) it harms your image as a country
2) its not shame to sign nap because mostly anti vv countries rovoke others to stand and fight against vv and then they throw tham like a garbige and they face 1 vs all vv. its a main reason anti vv side looks like a looser because some of them having a rest like they are on the beach in summer while their friends getting deleted
3) soon there will be discounts so countries try to achieve peace , make naps and get ready for sales so its not shame to sign naps
