Објављено у Georgia - Друштвена догађања и забава - 12 Jun 2017 15:57 - 18

Two years ago there was flood in Tbilisi. The landslide, carrying 1 million m3 of land, mud, and trees, moved down into Tbilisi and dammed up the Vere river at two points, first at a 10m wide channel at Tamarashvili Street and then at a channel under Heroes's Square, a major traffic hub, connected with Tamarashvili Street through the Vere Valley Highway.
The resulting flood inflicted severe damage on the Tbilisi Zoo, Heroes' Square, Mziuri Park, and nearby streets and houses.

Animals in streetsThe Tbilisi Zoo lost more than 300 animals, nearly half of its inhabitants: the majority were killed by flooding.

Several surviving inhabitants of the zoo—a hippopotamus, big cats,wolves, bears, and hyenas—escaped from destroyed pens and cages to the streets of Tbilisi and a police unit was employed to round them up.


Police force, emergency services, and army units were deployed for rescue efforts. They were helped by hundreds of local volunteers. Scores of peoples trapped by the floods were airlifted by rescuers.
15 June was declared a national day of mourning in Georgia.President Giorgi Margvelashvili said he would allocate funds from President's Discretionary Fund to ist the affected families.

Don't Forget 13.06.2015. Tragedy Which United Us.

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Pray For Tbilisi

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ALL SUPPORT FROM SERBIA! We been through the same in 2014, we know how it is.


pray for Tbilisi