Mando - Новине из Georgia -

Објављено у Brazil - Друштвена догађања и забава - 13 Sep 2017 11:14 - 28

Lesson #1 "How To Kill a Game" (interesting af)


Grizzly021Esdeathking lebronjamessorkhpost

Коментари (28)

Waiting someone who comments that VV killed game, we know this but you want same
Ahahahahahah when u have 70% dmg u didnt cry Laugh poor gurgians
Georgia traitors now crying river top kek
So legiolas, you are talking about balance and killing of game yet for full year VV refused to do same ?? LMAO Maybe in 2018 you might be able to compare Nemesis with VV far as killing game is concerned
420 BLAZE IT !
Topsecret yes! You are doing same shit remember this, i were against VV interests but as i see Nemesis has same ideas about kiling game. But i can agree that VV killed this game
what a joke
You right the game is unbalanced, Nemesis hit for allies, not Horizon it seem, look Argentina battle tonight, they are notanymore useful for you that s it?
Game is totaly balanced
Also its funny to see georgia talk about balance, when VV was a monster you didn t give a fuck about balance and take all bonuses of western europe, same for iran ect, and also now you use same argumentation than the rest of the world against VV at this time, now you are in shit and you have change VV name to Horizon to erase past and describe your side as a victim, you expect it work the time you recover, and ruled the game again but its over. The game is totally balanced, you get your time, now its over. Cheeky
All nemesis members are serbian puppets, sadly but totally true!
@HrvatskiCrniSokol Totally wrong
all nemesis members ar serbian puppets! fre !
Yep all members are Serbian puppets and they are good slaves Wink
Serbians are good masters Laugh i Like it a lot!
But when it was Georgia, Iran and Turkey *teaching* aka sitting on full bonuses for 1 year, it was ok for the other 13 VV countries to be sitting on those chairs, right? Laugh
looooooooooooooooooool hypocrits from georgia
gneu gneu gneu you kill game gneu gneu gneu difend argentina gneu gneu gneu gurgia gneu gneu gneu cry, shut up you damn kids
I cant see gurgian countryball cause german countryball is sitting on in!
dont give slack to Legolas, he was against VV killing the game, so much that he moved away from georgia and fought against its own nation, is the game a bit more unbalanced now and VV is on the loser side? yes, but srsly there are some nations in VV that desire a perma wipe for their arrogance, and their time will come Wink
forgot georgia
Speaking slave gurgian ^^
1st o7