Објављено у Hungary - Ратне анализе - 14 Sep 2017 11:52 - 64

For the last couple of days the formal leaders of Nemesis alliance ( in fact just ordinary slaves of Serbia ) have been talking about damage of Horizon alliance. Quoting: " where is your damage?" "you aren't helping each other" and etc. They are just trying to create internal crisis, and this propaganda is so strong that even I almost believed it, but i decided to check everything by myself., so i started to calculate the damage of Nemesis countries' master Serbia. I checked every battle of every Nemesis country to determine how much is Serbia helping its allies.
Lets start with a little bit of statistics:
In this table you can see that Serbia spends its 77% of damage for its own intentions, and only 23% for its allies.

In the table below you will see how much damage Serbia spent on each ally:

In the next table you can see the whole damage of each country from Nemesis in the last 7 days and check the ratio between their and their master, serbia's damage for them.

While writting this article, some of the battles really cought my attention. For instance: 1) When serbia made overkill of 7.4Bil damage in North Central States ( resourse: Sulfur ), looks like in this case serbia chose Sulfor over its allies. 2)Second battle in Pampas with 10B overkill, in summary 12B damage. I dont know what to say about this, just check it yourselves and draw conclusions.
What was happening while serbia was overkilling ?
1) Bulgaria lost against poland - Brestskaya
2) USA lost against Canada - Montana
3) Georgia got Abkhazia back - Abkhazia
4) Greece lost against Macedonia - Povardarie
5) Hungary lost against Taiwan - Eastern Taiwan
6) Hungary lost against Estonia - Pohja-Eesti
7) Hungary lost against Romania - Northern Great Plan
And many more battles like this lost.
I think many nemesis members and their allies will think about it, and realise that Serbia is a big threat to a game. If you ask me, why is Serbia not helping its allies and why is Serbia saving damage for themselves, ill say that they are scared. They know that one day their allies will not tolerate the fact, that Serbia treats them as slaves, anymore and will stand against them. It is the reason why they keep their damage. Untill then Serbia is doing everything to produce non-stop war where other nemesis countries spend their stocks while they are doing the oposite, so that they will always be safe.
Serbia's Real Face

Grey WindGeorgian BullCimenBatuSilentKillerSilentKiller2ping2ping2ping2ping2ping2pingAurielAurielZupa Czekoladowahomersimpsonraczek32versversversversversversBaby JesusBaby JesusBaby JesusBaby JesusBaby JesusBaby JesusBaby JesusBaby JesusBaby JesusBaby JesusEReJSkomeng_sajaSouflorZlatan0000Коментари (64)

propaganda begin 

he is just stating obvious facts..

yovhag datvo :d ha shen 50 lari awarmoe chventan

I love Servians masters 

serbians cant be allies 

@tedo123 propaganda is how you use facts to make them telling what you want to peoples.

Wow,amazing article,now i see why i cant see serbians in main battles xD

Sirbia the worst ally

Great article !! v

Oooh yeah mr krabs

serbians cant be allies

Sirbia the ally

Horizon fight with Atlas too who is Pro Nemesis so they have more damage. For this reason it happen Argentina was deleted France lost the capital Romania too . Respect Georgia and allies who fight and kick hard the enemy in hard times

Tnx god all of our allies are getting new colonies, of which they already got many. On the other hand it would be a shame if we saw an ally getting wiped while we do nothing, like gurgia for example xD

I m sorry that Serbia can show herself in every single battle alliance have maybe they are not that super power that you think???!! anyways you are blaming wrong people Germany is leading this alliance and everyone trust us cause we sacrifice our everything for other I havent had more than 10 tp medals last month almost fought every single day without medals for my friends so this is pointless

You can t be serious, right?

wake up people, serbia only cares about their bonuses, nothing more than that

Look, Serbia s real face, they betrayed the trust of Hungary and let them suffer the great loss of a thing so very important to them - letting Argentina liberate 1 core for 1 day?
Are you that uninteligent, for real?

V+S very interesting!

Poor Georgians 😢

There you go, now you have 40 rsd to work in Serbia 

Es: `Help` that recieved Greece from allies in a very important battle: ZERO! http://prntscr.com/gkruzd

Kromion, you recieved 16.7B damage from Serbia in 5 battles which weren t RWs, only in 3 RWs we havent fought. As you can see from your screenshot, almost nobody fought for FYROM neather.

but the thing is we knew they could win without us so...
fact stays the same, u didnt help your ally in need

But... They could have won and they chose to get wiped instead? Albania, Argentina and Poland?

We know situation and facts but we can t do nothing about this, because we have too many traitors and serbian occupiers in our country....true Croats leaving this game one by one because this sadly situation

According to greatest ally of them all (by the number of TA medals), HrvatskiCrniSokol, there are only 2 real Croats in game, himself and his friend rex croatorum. How can real Croats leave this game one by one if there are only two?

OMG, Can any Gurgian write smth and that smth wont be copy paste of some other article, no nemesis country is deleted, but on other hand you managed to get Aregentina in war and you let argentina to be deleted, and that is fact, nothing cant change that

actually I am totally agreeing . Nice and true article. anyone who checks battle results must have seen it.

Bonuses are my love... And yes everyone are Serbian puppets

Being Serbian puppet is the best part of my life 

there are many types of war, some are on the battlefield, others are with words (this propaganda bs) others are on the economy
if your IQ is higher than 100 you will understand

Poor Nemesis countries who thought Serbia had change. They were always the worst ally of the game, they are still.

Je suis Serbia

Both side are ridiculus =D Viva el Fortuna =)


Serbians never can be an ally only an enemy or an enemy

Poor gurgians, poor romy (cry romy, cry!!)
Poor esus, inace esus je gej

Little fool and ignorant kid, all of them are MY puppets. And just for your info Serbia does exactly as ordered. Actually they are some of the best countries I have ever cooperated with

You know u messed up serbja just own it and try to make it right.. oh wait NVM

germany is number one pupet

where is other pupets?
serbians cant be allies

Grizzly remember when Georgia had 100% bonuses? This is exactly how you played in VV at that time. I honostly can t remember a single battle where you gave any sagnificant damage for your ally until you lost your bonuses.

So we should wake em up by makin em lose bonus?? Or serbja s puppets will die alone?

I smell some gurgians tears 

Smell comes from your fellow serbjans shitting themselves.. poor serbjans and puppets


Bro last pic was RW and we shoot 1.3b without any medals recive. I never see gurgia to shoot 1.3 for deffending side in RW

Also look at yout TA and TR progres 2.5b each and look at my. Poor gurgians 

Bravo, now do one with how many VV countries suffered thanks to Georgians lack of help. Conclusion is that you never made article criticizing VV and Georgia while VV was dominating, but since tables have turned, congratulation on 1000th Georgian cry-article

Our 5% is like yours 100% xD

Georgians cry again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again, nothing strange..

That s why France didn t want to join Nemesis

Poor Georginas

oh, now that i readed this i will ask for turkey cs and hit againts serbia.

Only slaves of Serbia are albania and gurgia.

Georgians and French PD telling someone is a bad ally, LOOOOOL who the f are you to tell who is or who isnt a good ally? you are not an ally of Serbia, so this coming from you is just sad propaganda, if you want to talk about bad allies, ask Romania ive seen many shouts from them bashing French Leadership, saying they are dumb

propaganda article, a bad one


Spam lol ..poor VV...

Serbia is the worst ally of the game since the beginning so far, about 4-5 alliances are collapsed only because of their selfishness. That selfishness caused them got deleted 2 times, because their former allies were always mad at them 

Propaganda for retard believers

Who care about France lol