Објављено у Serbia - Друштвена догађања и забава - 25 Sep 2017 08:37 - 1
Hey guys, sorry for this one, I will not make a good presentation with lot of graphical work like I made sometimes. I just want to show how the last update disturbed me.
Also I send this message to the support ticket team and I hope you will do the same, because every voice count, whoever you are on this game.
Also I send this message to the support ticket team and I hope you will do the same, because every voice count, whoever you are on this game.
I am a player since the day one, I was administrator and moderator for the forum and discord of french community, I was also CP and congressman for some months.
The next update that you report on your last article https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/29463 is a big shame for all the free to play community and everyone know that this game is alive because of the community and nothing else (because let be honest : this game is not REALLY good, and I am verry kind).
With this update, you made the game unplayable for all the people who are proud to be stronger without paying. I know you do not care because people who do not pay are just some place/number on a database for you, but be sure that nobody will pay for a deserted game.
I wich you will rollback this decision ASAP, or I will say my goodbye to everyone.
Thank you.
TrevasouTrevasouTrevasouJean EpsilonConnenNeuteSouflorКоментари (1)

décision illogique des admins à l état pure