Објављено у United States of America - Друштвена догађања и забава - 13 Dec 2017 16:29 - 40
Greetings human race.
Rules are well known and simple.
1. Vote
2. Subscribe
3. Add me as friend
4. Reply to this article with your Vote and Subscription number, example : Vote: 1 Sub: 29
I will draw the winner on day 707.
Happy holidays.
Winner : https://streamable.com/v5bwr
sirAlex https://www.erevollution.com/en/profile/88971
Rules are well known and simple.
1. Vote
2. Subscribe
3. Add me as friend
4. Reply to this article with your Vote and Subscription number, example : Vote: 1 Sub: 29
I will draw the winner on day 707.
Happy holidays.
Winner : https://streamable.com/v5bwr
sirAlex https://www.erevollution.com/en/profile/88971
Green EagleКоментари (40)


Vote: 1 Sub: 29 (Yes, it s the same that the example xD But I am the vote one and the sub 29).

Sub 30 v 2

Old sub vote 3

Vote : 3 Sub : old

vote 4 sub 31

Vote 3 old sub

sub 32 vote 5

Vote: 6 Sub: 33

old sub, VOTE # 7

vote 8 sub 34

Vot 9 sub 35

v10 s 36

v3 s old

s37 v11

vote 12 sub 38

v13 s39

v14 s40

V15 S41

v16 s42

v17 s43

old sub v18

S45 v19



Vote: 23 Sub: 48


s50 v25 gl m8s

S 51 v 25 n13

Vote : 27 Sub : 52

Vote 28 Sub 53 , Good luck 

v30 s54

v31 s55

v32 sub 56

v33 sub57

v 34 sub 58

v 35
sub 59

v 36 sub 60

v1 sub61

V38 s61