Објављено у Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Ратне анализе - 26 Jan 2018 10:13 - 11
Hello , everyone
This is NAP between governments of Republic of Macedonia and Germany is signed with the following terms:
- Republic of Macedonia will return all core regions to Germany.
- Republic of Macedonia will not DW Germany.
- Republic of Macedonia will not fight in Germany RWs.
- Republic of Macedonia will take regions Moscow and Central Russia and Volga.
- Germany will not fight in Republic of Macedonia RWs.
- Agreement will be valid 60 days.
President of Republic of Macedonia
President of Germany
This is NAP between governments of Republic of Macedonia and Germany is signed with the following terms:
- Republic of Macedonia will return all core regions to Germany.
- Republic of Macedonia will not DW Germany.
- Republic of Macedonia will not fight in Germany RWs.
- Republic of Macedonia will take regions Moscow and Central Russia and Volga.
- Germany will not fight in Republic of Macedonia RWs.
- Agreement will be valid 60 days.
President of Republic of Macedonia
President of Germany
Resident EvilRob3rtMKizzy Gizzy GricinoOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteOpenoteКоментари (11)


signed by BATASHA !

Signed by Baubau - the angel of darkness

Signed by NaDuVaNi TLACHER




Удри на Швабите бе, како НАП!

ajde ideme nakaj indija o7

damn deutsch will not fight in our rws no more