Објављено у Japan - Политичке дебате и анализе - 06 Feb 2018 00:13 - 6
Hereby, I'm officially handing in my resignation as a MoFA of Japan.

Following this decision, I must also withdraw my signature form both of these international agreements, mostly because I believe that my word, given to our neighbors (now friends and allies), might not be honored:
South Korea and Japan - Rent and NAP
Taiwan and Japan - Rent
As to other reasons for such a decision..I ll keep them to myself and friends, whom I can trust.

by Demiurge - ©️®️ Archbishop of Perpetual Deliverance

Following this decision, I must also withdraw my signature form both of these international agreements, mostly because I believe that my word, given to our neighbors (now friends and allies), might not be honored:
South Korea and Japan - Rent and NAP
Taiwan and Japan - Rent
As to other reasons for such a decision..I ll keep them to myself and friends, whom I can trust.

by Demiurge - ©️®️ Archbishop of Perpetual Deliverance
CrunchКоментари (6)

evo ti zaljeba decxko

A da budes mofa Americki, glavno mudo svijeta vaskolikog ?

Pa dobro, postujem taj stav. Makijavelizam je prisutan u politici Japana, prijateljstvo se priznaje iskljucivo izmedju pojedinih igraca, izmedju drzava vlada zakon interesa. Legitimno je zastupati sopstveni stav, s tim sto vecina bira put kojim ce zajednica ici.

Harakiri 😁