Ghosts News

Silence - Новине из Iran -
The End

Објављено у Iran - Друштвена догађања и забава - 05 Apr 2018 14:18 - 136


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Коментари (136)

to ham rafti?! albate gofteh boodi Cheeky
fight of multies cant put better than that, have fun see you on another virtual planet o7
Duset daram all of u. I hope one day will be together again. Hail Iran Turkey brotherhood. o7
man gold nemikhastam!!!
Good luck in life
*something in comments* Smile GL in RL
Good luck in life See you in other games
good luck n have fun
best friends...good luck in Rl and our group
First of all, good luck in RL. Mind you, everybody is leaving the game, thats because you do too, not because game became boring. eIran have been the country which more has contributed to be boring.
See u in other life guys, it was honour o7
Sad good luck in RL
Well, good luck in RL, guys Wink
Thanks everyone, It was an honour for me too. @Hermer I disagree about that. If you would like I can prove it in pm.
thank you everyone o/
GL RL againts bin selman Laugh
Good luck in RL o7
Personally, i think that not only the administrators contributed to that, a % of the community also in destroying the game
o7, goodbye!
همگی تون موفق باشین.. لحظات زیاد و خوبی رو با هم گزروندیم .. من هم از پشت همین تریبون خداحافظی مو از بازی اعلام میکنم .. حوصله مقاله زدن ندارم :دی ..
Thanks DJ EmCeeTest ¬_¬
Thanks everyone and goodbye
bro :/ good luck in real life
goodbye Sad
Farewell, my dear buyer!
Tnx for good battles ,we have great time . Good luck in rl friends o/
All the best and GL i RL o/
good luck i will miss you guys o/
Sad GL I miss you messrs :/ especially you B4B 😚
Take care and good luck, guys o7
take care bro and have fun in other game o7
I want your cake
Good luck 07
Good luck See you
Goodbye my friends, i think, we won this game, together! o7 (not need gold)
good luck
Game rip ..good luck to you guys
good bye mates! as @progabesz said... we won Wink good luck in RL and i hope to see you again in some new game in future Wink o7
Good luck IRL guys !
Good luck in RL guys and especially to Pejman
good luck my friend o7
موفق باشین همه شما دوستان گلم . پژمان جان // مهیار جان // محوک عزیز // مهتاب جان // کیان جان
multiran finally leaves the game !!
Pejmaan mardee poshte parde😍😍😍
good luck o7
Good luck Smile
About how much gold we are talking about Wink
Good luck
Have fun in RL
good luck guys
good luck and send goldz, will be joining you in the quitland soon
vagheani mikhain berin? ei zendegi
Good bye, good luck o7
dont go to early
good luck in rl bro o7
something Wink
goodbye and good luck in rl o/
So true!
Good luck in RL o7
Good luck in life
Good luck your in life
this is sad. i wish u continue. o7
Good luck your in life
well good luck
ادمو عاشق بازی میکنید بعدش میزارین میرین؛ حلالتون نمیکنم Sad
something Smile
Good luck o7 (send some gold this way Cheeky )
So long suckers AHAHAHAHAH Laugh
good bye
@mcmoox worst njab in serbia Laugh
Please send me money I am baby Sad((((
Ok , you leave and we leave here Laugh
You are not leaving in silence Wink
Good luck! Take care! o7
leaving is haram
Buena suerte Envían unos golds Smile
leaving because game is borring ?? With your words, same thing over and over... well solution is simple , change side, you might find it bit more interesting. After all you guys invested so much time here, give it a go, for sure it wont be same thing as it is now. o7
Im sorry to hear that my friends, you should definetely stay here for longer. Something have to change. As all of us can see, VV side is killing the game, but unfortunately they dont do anything to fix it.
So long from Ireland
@TopSecret @Knight of Brutality I said it game needs fresh air. and there is no way for new players so it will be dead anyway. changing side will give just few months more. By the way Iran is ready for everything you want. at least I was. but I said what is the way to do it and Nemesis did it too slowly. I said disband Nemesis and accept that alliance defeated against TNO and then TNO will disband and then can create new alliances. don t ask us to change side when allies need our help. must bring few days(or weeks) peace in the world then everyone can chose new alliance and no one call them traitor. Anyway thats finished for me. good luck everyone.
good luck my friends and my bros. از هر لحظه از زندگیتون لذت ببرین و خوش باشین هرجا هستین موفق باشین
was good to play with iran. i know most of u and heard more then u. so i will saw u in other game in another time. just remember that beast never die Wink
Gl o6
این بازی بدون شما یه چیزی کم داره، ادمین بازی باید بیشتر مراقب باشه* *همیشه شاد و بی درد وغم باشین
Good luck o7
Good Luck!
تولدت مبارک
happy birthday dear kian تولدت مبارک کیان عزیز
موفق باشید همه دوستان
silence, problem is that in last 2 years only names of alliances ware changed (on both side), and bulgaria Smile So for good part why things are the way they are , we can blame 2 sides along with admin. I wish you best in RL, but i still think that things can change here but we cant only expect admin to do something..
ای بابا همه رفتن . پزمان هم که رفت تو این بازی خیلی کمک من بود کلاً از اول با پزمان اکانتمو اوردم بالا حال رفت دیگه حس این که بیام اینجا نیست : ( راستی تولدتم مبارک کیان جان
چی بگم دادا // کلا جدایی در هر حالتش سخته مخصوصا وقتی این همه مدت کنار هم بودیم . چی بگم ؟ همتون مشتی و با عشق و با صفا بودید . هر جا هستید سرهاتون بالا // عزتتون پایدار // دست علی نگه دارتون باشه
Good luck in RL!
Tavalodt Mobarak! Smile GL HF !
gl o7
داداش تولدت مبارک و موفق باشید
give fuking gold and shut up xddddd
Shut up baby↑↑↑
Golds donated. Goody bye o7
بچه ها خداحافظ. امیدوارم جای دیگه ببینمتون
Good luck guys.
تولدت مبارک Good luck guys.
Good luck guys. کامنت.
good luck
gl o7
Gl o7
Good luck in RL guys see you o7
Good luck
Good luck for you real life.
upali mrak admine
good luck in life
good luck in real guys