Објављено у Switzerland - Политичке дебате и анализе - 20 Jun 2018 07:12 - 7

Greetings to Everyone
I would like to announce the first journalism competition in Switzerland.
Journalism in Switzerland as well as in the World is not attractive to players. Besides having the Media Medal game brings nothing special players. I would recommend adding a medal for 25 votes, 50 and 100. Which would bring players money for their efforts in journalism. Medals would bring 2.5, 5 and 10 gold.

Switzerland decides to launch the first tournament in Switzerland. All citizens of Switzerland have the right to participate. All you have to do is:
Write an article of your choice, free theme.
Leave a link to your article in a comment.
I would ask all citizens of the world to vote for the article they like most.
Because the article with the highest number of votes will be proclaimed as a winner.

I will publish an article with all registered articles left in the comment
and then the vote of all citizens of the world will begin.
Swiss citizens have 10 days to write an article and report it in a comment.
From day 892 to day 902
The winner gets 20 gold.

I would remind the Swiss Citizens that the Swiss HIT Tournament will take place this week.
Swiss Turnament
Do not wait, join us !!!!
President of Switzerland
Srdjan M

CitraMoNКоментари (7)

[Gov. CH] Swiss Journalistic Tournament - https://www.erevollution.com/sr/article/32177


voted o7

v c

Nice artice keep it up
Might even write something,hadnt wrote ages.


Good initiative, voted!