Објављено у Serbia - Друштвена догађања и забава - 25 Apr 2019 13:02 - 11

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The story of Easter Eggs - https://www.erevollution.com/sr/article/33747

Za katolicki si zakasnio, ako si pisao zbog naseg pravoslavnog uskrsa zasto ga pises na Engleskom....

Zato sto nisu samo Srbi Pravoslavci, a i svi pravoslavci ne govore Srbski.

Crveno na radost

Kad smo vec kod toga ni svi pravoslavci ne slave po julijanskom kalendaru....

v c

Ok bookmarking article... I have never heard this story before VERY interesting! I always thought that Easter (Ishtar) was the pagan name for the time of Passover and the resurrection which were the two holy days that happened in April at two different times the first was in early biblical times Passover and then when Christ was resurrected both in April. Ishtar seems to represent the sins of man, Christ represents there salvation, and Passover was the warning to go and sin no more. I study all religions into one and they all seem to fit very nicely. thank you for this story.

o7 Nice
