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Plemenko - Новине из Slovenia -
to vote and suport

Објављено у Slovenia - Друштвена догађања и забава - 11 Jun 2019 14:28 - 2


Moj prvi članek bo v sklopu misij in bom vesel vsakega vota in suporta
Predstavljam pa vam eno mojih najljubših pesmi iz svoje mladosti katero še sedaj redno nažigavam xD
lp Grega

This is my first article  and i will be happy for any vote and support .
I will represent one of my favorite songs from my child days and now, this song goes realy loud from my speakers even this days

have fun ..Grega

Nirvana - Heart shaped box

Kurt Cobain, Nirvanin pevec in avtor besedil je trdil, da je pesem nastala zaradi in v inspiraciji tv reportaže o otrocih kateri se borijo z rakom-
Po drugi strani pa mnogi verjamejo v to, da pesem odraža odnos med njim samim in njegovo ženo Courtney Love.
Tudi pesem sama se nagiba v to smer saj prikazuje kako sta bila neomajno zaljubljena kar pa se tiče rib in raka, omenjena v pesmi ... to sta bila njuna astrološka znamenja. Courtney je tudi po drugem zmenku poslala Kurtu v hotelsko sobo škatlico v obliki srca v kateri je bila med drugim tudi glava punčke igračke in to bi naj vspodbudilo Kurta, da je napisal to pesem. Oba sta tudi gojila nekakšno ljubezen do zbirateljstva punčk igračk.
+ zanimivost ...  Originalni naslov pesmi je bil "Heart Shaped Coffin"

Kurt Cobain, Nirvana's frontman and the song's author, claimed that this song was inspired by a television report of children suffering from cancer. However, many believe it was really written about his shaky but pionate relationship with his wife, Courtney Love. The lyrics do tend towards this latter interpretation, since they seem to concern themselves with an unstable romance between two individuals. It's worth noting that the lyrics mention Pisces and Cancer, Cobain's and Love's respective astrological signs. Love, after their second meeting sent a small heart-shaped box, containing, among other things, a doll's head, to his hotel room. This is believed to have inspired the song's title. Cobain and Love both shared a love and fascination of dolls.
+fun fact :The original title was "Heart-Shaped Coffin."


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Коментари (2)
