Објављено у Ireland - Политичке дебате и анализе - 02 Dec 2019 12:38 - 17
Hi all
So I feel it is time to write an article on the position and plans for Ireland in the game.
But First some pleading...
the MPPs model has killed the game for small countries and while Ireland is just on the threshold and just about to function in the MPP world we would much rather have the old way back.
Also if any country wished to MPP Ireland drop me a line and we can discuss
So back to today's news for Ireland.
Today we announce the creation of...
The Celtic Union.
With the Celtic Nations of Wales and Scotland now joined with Ireland we feel it is right and proper to acknowledge their statehood and we do this by renaming our lands The Celtic Union. Now game mechanics mean that our country will still be know as Ireland and that the flag will be the Tri-colour, this cannot be helped. But in all discussions with outer countries we will refer to The Celtic Union and agreements will be made with The Celtic Union.
We will also rotate our Capital between Ireland, Wales and Scotland to show the equality we espouse.
You can find some historical notes on the Celtic Nations here
We wish to thank all countries that help us in this game especially those who ceded us regions to build our Union and improve our bonus.

Go raibh maith agat as léamh agus fág vóta (Gaelic)
Diolch am ddarllen a gadewch bleidlais (Welsh)
Taing airson leughadh agus fàg bhòt (Scots Gaelic)
Thanks for reading and please leave a vote (English)
EDIT:- Thanks to our friends in Turkey who are releasing Cornwall (South West England) to us, our Celtic Union is growing. Also add in The Isle of Man who while not on the eRev1 map we now consider an integral part of the Union.
So our members are now Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Cornwall and the Isle of Man.
So I feel it is time to write an article on the position and plans for Ireland in the game.
But First some pleading...
the MPPs model has killed the game for small countries and while Ireland is just on the threshold and just about to function in the MPP world we would much rather have the old way back.
Also if any country wished to MPP Ireland drop me a line and we can discuss
So back to today's news for Ireland.
Today we announce the creation of...
The Celtic Union.
With the Celtic Nations of Wales and Scotland now joined with Ireland we feel it is right and proper to acknowledge their statehood and we do this by renaming our lands The Celtic Union. Now game mechanics mean that our country will still be know as Ireland and that the flag will be the Tri-colour, this cannot be helped. But in all discussions with outer countries we will refer to The Celtic Union and agreements will be made with The Celtic Union.
We will also rotate our Capital between Ireland, Wales and Scotland to show the equality we espouse.
You can find some historical notes on the Celtic Nations here
We wish to thank all countries that help us in this game especially those who ceded us regions to build our Union and improve our bonus.

Go raibh maith agat as léamh agus fág vóta (Gaelic)
Diolch am ddarllen a gadewch bleidlais (Welsh)
Taing airson leughadh agus fàg bhòt (Scots Gaelic)
Thanks for reading and please leave a vote (English)
EDIT:- Thanks to our friends in Turkey who are releasing Cornwall (South West England) to us, our Celtic Union is growing. Also add in The Isle of Man who while not on the eRev1 map we now consider an integral part of the Union.
So our members are now Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Cornwall and the Isle of Man.
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Nice haha

Join Japan, Join NOW !!!

Celtic japan?
Brittany is more than welcome, PM sent to French CP
And Walen I wonder where I got the idea

Good luck, and do not forget about the Lusitanians, they were Celts too!

I know that many consider Galicia, Cantabria, Asturias and Northern Portugal to be Celtic. Would Lusitania be in these regions?

If wikipedia is trustworthy, a big part of Portugal was inhabited by Celtic tribes, but the status of Lusitanians is debatable: ``Some believe it was essentially a pre-Celtic Iberian culture with substantial Celtic influences, while others argue that it was an essentially Celtic culture with strong indigenous pre-Celtic influences.`` Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lusitanians

I should add Cornwall (South West England) and Isle of Man would also be Celtic and along with Brittany have their own Celtic Languages.

Wish you the best 




o7 good luck brothers

Good luck

v45 o7

Thanks to all for the votes, comments and support. Remember we still have 1 MPP slot to fill so if your country is interested drop me a PM