Објављено у Estonia - Политичке дебате и анализе - 06 Dec 2019 19:41 - 13

Hello Baltic citizens,
I write this article to tell you guys about our latest moves in foreign affairs, since you probably noticed the high tension and hostilities between Georgia and our nation. I would like to know the opinion of you about these events, because we are in a iminent course of war against Georgia, that will start anytime soon either by us or them.
In march of this year, or february or april, I dont remind correctly, the admins changed the resources map. In this shuffle the Georgian CP and leader from our past alliance (Revengers-Avengers), Georgian Legend, gave us the oil in Finland, in the other hand they would have oil in Ukraine. The problem started a month later because Georgia was not being able to maintain their oil in Ukraine due to Ukrainian resistance and support from their allies. Because that, an month later the georgian government changed a bit and one of their country officials and important player there, Gigi, requested the oil back of Finland saying it was an georgian region. I did not agree because for me it was gaven and because that Georgia shooted 20 millions against us and tried take it by force (notice we were in same alliance), but we managed to hold the region. Few weeks later Qurcika talked to us and apologized for the acts, restoring the friendly relations. After these events the fact is, Georgia has not been an close ally anymore. They also attacked Spain, Avengers member, without Spanish accordance, during the tournament for points, leaving our relations even more bad. I have also showed this all to arca (who had very good relations with Georgia) and he also agreed with me. Apart from these problems is important to say that I kept my friendship with Georgian Legend and Qurcika.
Also just 2 months ago Georgia was also constantly DoWing Finland, I have no idea why but I suppose it was to try take regions that Finland liberate from us (tho this time they did not fight against us). In recent weeks however Georgia became extremely inactive and we have been also fighting in opposite sides. After Revengers crash because Croat-Turkish problem, we sided with Croatia and Serbia, who are still our allies. Georgia, however, supported Turkey, which is completely comprehensive since they are long date close allies.
Ok, you guys know now an background of the mess between us and Georgia in the last months. But there is one more thing to know. Since few months ago I developed a great relationship with Talan, Hungarian CP. We had a dispute with Hungary months ago because tournament and we were even fighting each other constantly, but we solved it and started working together for partnership between our countries, regions swap, tournaments and etc. Hungary entered a dispute with Georgia for Russia, which made Georgia lose most of their russian regions. The regions Georgia holded in Russia had 3 specific bonuses: grain, sand and aluminium. The same resources we were holding in UK with airbase (150-200g monthly being used in airbases). Georgia was already very inactive and their main MU moved to other country (Israel). Before make any moves towards them I contacted Georgian Legend about the regions and he denied because according to him they were going to take Russia back against Hungary (???). Ok, so I really pondered the relationship we have with Hungary, the regions that would reduce our monthly costs in almost 200g, and Georgia who was a a lot inactive and inert on game. Isn´t hard to understand why I choosed to advance on Georgia. Our relations were terrible for months and even with Georgian Legend on government, my former friend, things wouldn´t get better because we are in different sides. I completely understand the angry of Georgian Legend on me because I was his friend (despite his necessities to insult and provoke like a child) and I took the regions of his country by hostile acts. But unfortunately the feeling he have now on me I had towards Georgia for a long time already, not because of him, but because the acts of former georgian governments.
With the facts on the table I let for you baltics analyse and say here if you agree with I have choosed towards Georgia or no since we are in a war because these choices. And to be honest, I am excited for some action haha.

Le MooseBunnyLiuarca7vagueEl Noobiesagi18FightMasterHuskybaja232baja232BelgorExpoBGArtabrn2101ePazShiba TatsuyaZabcisterTwingzasbzadeDzojaSallyPMihaistark2097tinydeepsilverKlatchMister NoLendlHaiN EvLaTmehdiranliodianyqFurkan06DariukasDariukasDariukasDariukasDariukasDariukasDariukasDariukasDariukasDariukasDariukasDariukasDariukasDariukasDariukasMee6Mee6Mee6Mee6Mee6Mee6Mee6Mee6Mee6Mee6Le MooseLe MooseLe MooseLe MooseLe MooseLe MooseLe MooseLe MooseLe MooseLe MooseLe MooseLe MooseLe MooseLe MooseLe MooseLe MooseКоментари (13)


Yaaaas o7
If Georgia wants to fight lets fight.
We will resolve our differences in old school, with our fists.

whatever... ready for anything...

I was away for a year or two and don t really know who is allied with who etc. I remember Georgia being close allies. However, I saw Georgian players messing with our RWs, then the missions came, I guess it just helped escalate things, because I sure used my RW missions to return the favor. Fight or not? That is not my decision, former friend turned hostile.. I m ok either way


I agree with casadeli and arca7.

if we fight - it could end up better for us... some left players could return to game tho... but its not granted...

Thats what i think, even because it was quite their choice to turn this into a personal fight and come at us

Is MDP Georgia back ?
A lot of things changed with them, but the more you fight, the more I enjoy 

Im not sure if current gov was the same of MDP, I wasn´t in MDP. But fighting is fun, so we also enjoy it 

when the Qurcika was CP, I was in Serbia because I do not liked what he done.
We had a conflict in Georgia and then he left Georgia.
Then I returned to Georgia.
Estonia thought rhat georgian firs military union left country.
you decided that it is our time to take russia and you was wrong.
Estonia started this and Georgie will finish.
what did qurcika, it is not road of georgia we are defending our land and our political situation.
Everyone must know that georgia it now united and more stronger when it was Divided in past.
United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Hey beowulf, I respect your viewpoint but I dont think we started it. As I wrote in article it has been a long time bad relationship between our nations. We will both finish it in battlefield, and we are excited for it, after all this is a war game for fun
good luck and let’s have some fun

Lets do what all want to do. I will follow