Објављено у Serbia - Друштвена догађања и забава - 21 Dec 2019 04:51 - 11
BornaXCORDOSCORDOSnagant895steppenwolfWeltschmerzBOSMAN12345StormbringerStormbringerStormbringerStormbringerStormbringerHuang DiUndeadpoletarecpoletarecpoletarecpoletarecpoletarecpoletarecpoletarecpoletarecpoletarecpoletarecpoletarecpoletarecpoletarecpoletarecpoletarecTaTa RaTacount zeroTroterMauzerMauzerMauzerMauzerMauzernagant895nagant895nagant895nagant895BLADE2321evilwolf76VoyvodaOdVutreszeresd pocakotZurigorriMandrake85Bombero1976ArminZHen_FlaiddgargabgTaTa RaTaArminZBayek of SiwaBayek of SiwaBayek of SiwaBayek of SiwaКоментари (11)

I want to use this situation to say thank you to Peaky Blinder. He gave us a chance to expand our borders. Nothing of this would not be possible without him. Once again, Serbian people are very grateful and we will never forget this. You will be always our favorite Serb-hater.


CpBija o7


nice job Serbia!

izi guys


I hate you Plavi Golub 

Znam da ga volis