Објављено у Estonia - Политичке дебате и анализе - 11 Apr 2020 01:40 - 7
Well, first of all I will update you guys about our foreign affairs. In last weeks we got a lot close to Indonesia in order to liberate them and rent some of their regions that we need. Because that we can truly consider them an new ally for us and it´s very important that you guys check in our feed if we should win or lose battles against them, cause it could be regions swap.
Our relations with Georgia have been fixed recently due to our cooperation in Belarus, where Baltics and Georgia shared regions and cooperates to maintain our allies from Belarus free.
We are not part of any alliance actually and our position in the global scenario of coalitions is neutral, which is a result of the end of georgian war that left us without a right place in the world since we have friends and enemies in both sides. Apart from this, we are cooperating a lot more with our old allies from Avengers.
Game will change the resources in map on 13th of this month, it will movement a lot the game since all big countries will be looking for new regions for bonuses.

Now on internal affairs. We have an new player coming from Belarus, sergfess joined us this week, welcome! Also some players returned to game after a loooong time, welcome back XerTaLT and Kosmaras. Who remembers the Xertomic bombs in old Lithuania? Hell yeah that is back to bomb our enemies :P
Now an important thing. I did notice that only 13 of our citizens are above the 46k strenght that the starter pack gives. So guys please check if you are one of them under it. If you are, consider buying the Starter Pack to make your account more strong if you have a good number of companies and all TGs upgraded. If your account has few companies which dont really give you profit, it could be better to request its ban and start again because if you buy the starter pack it will not give you the same amount of gold by medals that it gives to new players. I talked to game admins about it and will send you the procedure via private messages to the weak players.

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