Објављено у Germany - Борбена наређења - 18 Jan 2021 02:23 - 11
I put opposite headline than my ingame nemsis Bornax, on contrary i am calling all players who dont want to accept ex-YU contries (Serbia, Croatia and BOsnia) to tell you how to play and to tell you when and where you can shoot , to join e Germany.
Germany is country that have been deleted most time in history of erev and what, we lost imaginery regions, but we kept dignity and reclame our regions again. Our moto was and it will stay, when we are in war with some country that really play was always bring them to core and make peace with them without any other demands ( i mean except Gurgia, because right now gurgia is serbia boytoy and they deserve to be deleted, you cant make deal with 1 man country).
So i will keep it simple, who wants to play and wants to fight ex-yu alliance , you are more than welcome to come to e Germany, when you apply for CS just contact anyone from our gov. and keep your dignity, its one real thing that you have in this game, everything else is imaginery, your regions, your alliances, your gold, your cc, your factories.
At the end, this is war game, so you should fight.
Ako huso ne donira bar 200 cc nema ništa od ovoga
Germany is country that have been deleted most time in history of erev and what, we lost imaginery regions, but we kept dignity and reclame our regions again. Our moto was and it will stay, when we are in war with some country that really play was always bring them to core and make peace with them without any other demands ( i mean except Gurgia, because right now gurgia is serbia boytoy and they deserve to be deleted, you cant make deal with 1 man country).
So i will keep it simple, who wants to play and wants to fight ex-yu alliance , you are more than welcome to come to e Germany, when you apply for CS just contact anyone from our gov. and keep your dignity, its one real thing that you have in this game, everything else is imaginery, your regions, your alliances, your gold, your cc, your factories.
At the end, this is war game, so you should fight.
Ako huso ne donira bar 200 cc nema ništa od ovoga
NairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiKame Sennin12345123451234512345R I OB A T A S H AHi i am a simple multiBornaXentexnosBloody AvengerSaruhanbey45Battal GazimrarizonaNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiNairobiКоментари (11)

This is what I want to see !

good good, war is good on the internet

Germany sux man, Join Israel! we have more wars against big countries than Germany 

huso ne daji švarcvaldskim hajvanima ništa

Açın kapıyı biz geldik akrabalarımızı ziyaret edeceğiz. o7

And your alliance deleted Macedonia and Spain, recently. What a hypocrisi. You are done, admit it xD Now searching for new countries via newspaper hahaha... Low low low

@the_passenger Macedonia is and was a greek region mate.
everything else is imaginery, your alliances I could not agree more

hawkoulis +1

Passenger 1st spend less time here and study a little bit of history, 2nd you didn t get what Helsinki means and why he wrote this but you come to talk about hypocricy to us. Come on you can be better than this!

leaving rent free in your mind is fun and all but u deserve some payment, here`s 5 cc for u cutie

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