Објављено у France - Финансијске анализе - 22 Mar 2021 15:34 - 11
I'm just writing an article because I saw there is space in the international press.
And I think that's all finally, I don't have a lot to say, maybe you can talk in comments on what you want, or if you are bored, for example by all your money in your account, you can still donate it me. Without any particular reason, except for A LOT OF FUN ! :)
Hope my initiative would have success, I spent 2 golds to create the journal, I hope it would be a good investment ^^
I'm taking a lot of risks writing this article, its consequence can be disastrous, the stake has never been so tremendous ! But risks is part of life, and I hope you will provide me your support to help me in this adventure ! And which adventure ? I don't know, none I think, I'm talking about nothing since the beginning of the article, so I don't know what it can be, maybe you have an idea, but not me. In any case I congratulate you to be still here, I think a lot of people have give up at the second sentence, and I understand them. Now you belong to the smallest elite who read until here, I am very proud of you, and now I will be able to share you an information that should be kept as a secret, but if you belong to this small part of people, you will have this privilege. No I am joking. Seriously from the beginning I said I don't have a lot to say, that is in a part false because I talked a lot, but it is still true in another part because I still have nothing to say, and you are still reading this article that still doesn't have any sense. I will maybe add some bullet points with vocabulary from the game, to make believe the content is interesting and talk about something :
- Aircraft battle strategy
- Functional booster bonus
- Production of medium quality raw materials
I put these three terms in italics to highlight them a little, but not in bold that would have been too visible and suspicious. And I won't talk about it, as I am not an expert in Aircraft battle strategy, functional booster bonus (I think it doesn't exist), and in the production of medium quality raw materials, maybe for this last point, I can say that medium is between the low and the high, maybe around the middle. But anyway, I just realized that I wrote a lot of paragraphs, a lot of sentences, a lot of words, and also a lot of characters in this articles that talks about nothing. Maybe you can think I try to win time, but win time to say what ? I have nothing to say and I said it several times since the beginning of the article, that's crazy ! Anyway this article starts to be very long, it could be longer if I were motivated, but fortunately to everyone (maybe not for me), I could sleep only for few hours during the last night, so I start to be tired. But I still could write all of this, and I don't even know how much time I have put, so imagine if I would have had more energy and more time ! The article would be hugely longer, and it is already very long now ! But in order for me to see who read the article until there, you can put a comment including a long ohhhh, ahhh, omggg, ehhh... or whatever other exclamation, more an exaggerating sentence claiming the highest quality of this article (whereas not at all), and ending with two "!". It can be a lot of constraints, I agree with you, but if you read until there, you are the most courageous, so I think you are able to do it !. This article finally needs to end, and I will now create a new paragraph to let think I finished the core content of the article, in case some people read only the introduction and the conclusion, they would never know the adventure we lived together in this article.
In any case congratulations and thank you to have reading this article until the end ! Maybe in the future I would make a more detailed article on the subject if I have more time.
Don't forget to donate me money as I said at the beginning, I am sure you had forgot it :P
Have a nice week !
I'm just writing an article because I saw there is space in the international press.
And I think that's all finally, I don't have a lot to say, maybe you can talk in comments on what you want, or if you are bored, for example by all your money in your account, you can still donate it me. Without any particular reason, except for A LOT OF FUN ! :)
Hope my initiative would have success, I spent 2 golds to create the journal, I hope it would be a good investment ^^
I'm taking a lot of risks writing this article, its consequence can be disastrous, the stake has never been so tremendous ! But risks is part of life, and I hope you will provide me your support to help me in this adventure ! And which adventure ? I don't know, none I think, I'm talking about nothing since the beginning of the article, so I don't know what it can be, maybe you have an idea, but not me. In any case I congratulate you to be still here, I think a lot of people have give up at the second sentence, and I understand them. Now you belong to the smallest elite who read until here, I am very proud of you, and now I will be able to share you an information that should be kept as a secret, but if you belong to this small part of people, you will have this privilege. No I am joking. Seriously from the beginning I said I don't have a lot to say, that is in a part false because I talked a lot, but it is still true in another part because I still have nothing to say, and you are still reading this article that still doesn't have any sense. I will maybe add some bullet points with vocabulary from the game, to make believe the content is interesting and talk about something :
- Aircraft battle strategy
- Functional booster bonus
- Production of medium quality raw materials
I put these three terms in italics to highlight them a little, but not in bold that would have been too visible and suspicious. And I won't talk about it, as I am not an expert in Aircraft battle strategy, functional booster bonus (I think it doesn't exist), and in the production of medium quality raw materials, maybe for this last point, I can say that medium is between the low and the high, maybe around the middle. But anyway, I just realized that I wrote a lot of paragraphs, a lot of sentences, a lot of words, and also a lot of characters in this articles that talks about nothing. Maybe you can think I try to win time, but win time to say what ? I have nothing to say and I said it several times since the beginning of the article, that's crazy ! Anyway this article starts to be very long, it could be longer if I were motivated, but fortunately to everyone (maybe not for me), I could sleep only for few hours during the last night, so I start to be tired. But I still could write all of this, and I don't even know how much time I have put, so imagine if I would have had more energy and more time ! The article would be hugely longer, and it is already very long now ! But in order for me to see who read the article until there, you can put a comment including a long ohhhh, ahhh, omggg, ehhh... or whatever other exclamation, more an exaggerating sentence claiming the highest quality of this article (whereas not at all), and ending with two "!". It can be a lot of constraints, I agree with you, but if you read until there, you are the most courageous, so I think you are able to do it !. This article finally needs to end, and I will now create a new paragraph to let think I finished the core content of the article, in case some people read only the introduction and the conclusion, they would never know the adventure we lived together in this article.
In any case congratulations and thank you to have reading this article until the end ! Maybe in the future I would make a more detailed article on the subject if I have more time.
Don't forget to donate me money as I said at the beginning, I am sure you had forgot it :P
Have a nice week !
Pony of DarknessSophiaCaptain HarlockMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosLastecThe Last Lynx Pardinusednaunagant895SuccoSuccoSuccoSuccoSuccoSuccoSuccoSuccoSuccoSuccoSuccoSuccoSuccoSuccoSuccoSuccoSuccoSuccoSuccoSuccoGjoemenGottfried BouillonNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneNiceoneCristian OlarcertacitoRodinelkymaonagraКоментари (11)

Great article but missing masculine gifs !

Great article but missing masculine gifs ! x2

mdr t es un grand malade

De ouf je sais pas ce qui m a pris haha



Do the world a favor and shoot yourself

Le problème d avoir un petit pseudo, c est plus long a remplir une seule ligne tout seul!

Haha merci, il y en a des plus cours !