Објављено у Turkey - Политичке дебате и анализе - 16 May 2021 13:45 - 5
The Uighurs are a prinantly Muslim, Turkic ethnicity who live in China’s North-Western Xinjiang Province
Traditionally known as East Turkistan, the province has been a prominent center of commerce for more than 2000 years. Beautiful, rich in culture as it is in resources, it has given birth to many civilizations and has been a cradle of scholarship, culture and power.

What is happening to them?
China’s mive concentration camps are essentially a no-rights zone for Uighurs who end up there for basically just being Uighur. There is no dignity.
3 million Uighur Muslims, have been unjustly detained in Chinese concentration camps
International media says the number of Uighurs in concentration camps is 1 million, while the US State Department says it is 2 million and Uighur rights organizations suggest it is closer to 3 million.
China claims its facilities are re-education camps. Anyone who has come out of them confirms they are worse than prisons

Uighurs die every 3 months according to an estimate. This figure excludes children.
Which is why the Chinese Government is doing everything it can to keep the program shrouded in secrecy
Here are some things that can get an Uighur Muslim taken to the concentration camps

Could you live like this?
If you can’t, why should they?

Traditionally known as East Turkistan, the province has been a prominent center of commerce for more than 2000 years. Beautiful, rich in culture as it is in resources, it has given birth to many civilizations and has been a cradle of scholarship, culture and power.

What is happening to them?
China’s mive concentration camps are essentially a no-rights zone for Uighurs who end up there for basically just being Uighur. There is no dignity.
3 million Uighur Muslims, have been unjustly detained in Chinese concentration camps
International media says the number of Uighurs in concentration camps is 1 million, while the US State Department says it is 2 million and Uighur rights organizations suggest it is closer to 3 million.
China claims its facilities are re-education camps. Anyone who has come out of them confirms they are worse than prisons

Uighurs die every 3 months according to an estimate. This figure excludes children.
Which is why the Chinese Government is doing everything it can to keep the program shrouded in secrecy

Here are some things that can get an Uighur Muslim taken to the concentration camps

Could you live like this?
If you can’t, why should they?

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Very good article ! Voted

Unfortunately no one will help them. Likes on facebook and blog posts do not help.
In situation like this it would be better either to die or to leave the country.

Humanity crying