Објављено у Romania - Финансијске анализе - 17 Sep 2021 00:08 - 26
Due to the recent changes, which consequently mean almost no gold income from inside the game for the players I think we should all sign some kind of a petition or something which the admin will see where we demand at least the training grounds to be free or at a lower cost at least.
Do we agree on that? 💪🏻 Think about that, admin.
Edit: They could also rethink about 1 gold expense for moving as you are suggesting in the comments and also rebuild on the missions. I do not think we will move a lot for such low rewards
Do we agree on that? 💪🏻 Think about that, admin.
Edit: They could also rethink about 1 gold expense for moving as you are suggesting in the comments and also rebuild on the missions. I do not think we will move a lot for such low rewards
LajbachLajbachTHE ONEMrBogdanIoaaafatdedegR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RgR33NnP0w3RKoreysPony of DarknessDarken RahlparazituKromionBunnyLiusandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111sandi111erikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikverikvКоментари (26)



Movement can be re-energized

only for 1 month we all not buy notfing,no packs.....no money for server,then tfink

stop buying packs and gold and they will change everything

ı think dont want to buy any packs with golds

eysi are u sugesting rewolt 

Shoot without weapons, cmmon you are behaving like baby, sell airs and shoot without weapons if moving is to big expense for you, no vote

Helsinki... In the missions... Move 25 times... 70B for 5g is a lot of dmg... A lot of no wep hits...
Would you make 350B of no wep hits in time to get the gold to move? 🤔
And after that your mission will be: get 100 gold gold from the medals... Hmm... Good luck with that and no weps 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

ok,in that situation they will change missions,its the easy way,but we look other changes as well


Moving could be payed with CC instead of gold. But I m against free training. Training expense is thing that keeps country CC in balance with taking out of the game all extra CC. Without it we would have huge surplus of it in game and value of CC would quickly diminish.

Moving cost can be country currency, and the country where u travel to receives that cc

I have a better idea: what about a travel pack which gives free moving tickets (only 7.99 €), and another pack which gives free training (18.99 €)???



Vote,but Admin dont care.

@Pony +1

Or at least give us Login pack for 9.90€ and the rest needs to pay 1g for every login


Moving is expensive let use cc to move as before is good. For training i agree that it is important to erase some cc regularly so it s not a good way to make free training.

Lucky whel is nov available only for rich players 

stop buying packs and gold and they will change everything