
Patroklos - Новине из Greece -
Look at them #4

Објављено у Argentina - Ратне анализе - 02 Mar 2022 06:54 - 3

Hello erev world 
I think that there will be one more article about that war with Portugal
and i think that this war might end soon.
Let's see what happened after my last article



And as i said earlier we got Madeira (i think for a while) since 
i don't want to conquer the world or to expand Morocco
since 1 player can't defend even 1 region not 5 or more !


Madeira will return to Portugal very very fast since 
i don't have any intention to try keep a non core region.

A message to Portugal and other countries in the future
If you ever need a region of Morocco for some bonus
don't hesitate to contact me and let me know that.
before you propose the DoW. 
99% you won't have to pay any kind of "rent"
and i won't try to make you waste things in RWs.

I would also like to thank everyone who made even 1 hit in this war
even if they fought against Morocco
and all those people who spent at least 2 seconds 
of their precious time to read my articles.

More in the next article
(i think it will be the last one about this war)

Thanks a lot for your time
Stay safe and enjoy the game
El Tarlo


BunnyLiuPony of DarknessClorofillaPandutinasTsiggerfaez1377

Коментари (3)

Mom, I am on the print!
This is emerging as an interesting series Smile
nice Smile