Објављено у Serbia - Први кораци у игри - 27 Jan 2024 04:45 - 8
Good morning to all.
As o have seen few players complain about bad luck in getting explorer moves from battle where in some cases player spent many many hits without getting any or just few moves, i have decided to test it my self and carefully count every hit and every move while i was going for them my self.
Start of test was basically start of weekly challenge, Monday - Sunday, as that can accurately count number of hits and i was carefully to get most use out of hits (trying to get all of them 1000 energy hits) but there was about i would say 3% that ware not .
As i have finished island and got all i planed i have finished my test there.
At same time i was also testing chance for lucky dice, but in this article i will only look in to Explorer moves chance.
Please note that this is only sample of 1 player for very limited number of hits relative to % chance, and to get more accurate picture imo this kind of test would need to be done by 10 players at least
Some info i got from players was that chance for explorer move was 1%, while for Lucky dice was 4%
So start of this test was day 2934, and picture below was at the end of that day

Number of Explorer moves collected was 3, than i stopped when third was received to try have some consistency .
Day 2935 (to keep it bit shorter i will just post results for each day till day 2938 where i finished testing)
-Battle hits progresses - 109 700
-Explorer moves - 5 out of 5
Day 2936
-Battle hits progress - 152 560
-Explorer moves - 5 out of 5
Day 2937
-Battle hits progress - 188 190
-Explorer moves - 5 out of 5
Day 2938
-Battle hits progress

-Explorer moves - 1 out of 5 with that one , i have finished getting all 6 towers and pink stone on map and im done with this event.
So what i get from this is that for 222 490 hits , if i take out about 3% that possible ware 500 energy hits or less, while i did try to minimize them using Ebars that comes to about 216 000 hits for total gain of 19 explorer moves
This means that i needed on average about 113.6 hits for each explorer move
That comes to just about 0.88% chance to gain explorer move per 100 hits.
Honestly this is surprising to me, as it did feel due to some very bad days that chance should be closer to 0.6-7%.
So 0.88% is well withing margin or "bit bad luck" especially when sample size is so small, and it could be different if last night i didnt have so bad luck that it took me about 34 000 hits just to get single Explorer move.
I have enjoyed this event along side of Lucky dice, great combo, this was actually mi first time actively fighting since i started this game, and it was lots of fun but there was good amount of frustration as well.
My suggestion how to improve event:
Many people have had very bad luck and maybe admin should introduce something like Guarantied counter to get explorer move.
Counter could start counting only 1000 energy hits and from lets say 200 or 250, so after so many hits if player has bad luck when counter reach 1, next 1000 energy hit should be guarantied Explorer move.
Also if player gets Explorer move before counter reach 0, than counter is reset back to beginning.
That would help greatly with players having horrendously bad luck and save a lot on frustration as it does get frustrating for many.
Im sorry for long article, hopeful someone will find it that bit interesting.
Thank you for your time o7
As o have seen few players complain about bad luck in getting explorer moves from battle where in some cases player spent many many hits without getting any or just few moves, i have decided to test it my self and carefully count every hit and every move while i was going for them my self.
Start of test was basically start of weekly challenge, Monday - Sunday, as that can accurately count number of hits and i was carefully to get most use out of hits (trying to get all of them 1000 energy hits) but there was about i would say 3% that ware not .
As i have finished island and got all i planed i have finished my test there.
At same time i was also testing chance for lucky dice, but in this article i will only look in to Explorer moves chance.
Please note that this is only sample of 1 player for very limited number of hits relative to % chance, and to get more accurate picture imo this kind of test would need to be done by 10 players at least
Some info i got from players was that chance for explorer move was 1%, while for Lucky dice was 4%
So start of this test was day 2934, and picture below was at the end of that day

Number of Explorer moves collected was 3, than i stopped when third was received to try have some consistency .
Day 2935 (to keep it bit shorter i will just post results for each day till day 2938 where i finished testing)
-Battle hits progresses - 109 700
-Explorer moves - 5 out of 5
Day 2936
-Battle hits progress - 152 560
-Explorer moves - 5 out of 5
Day 2937
-Battle hits progress - 188 190
-Explorer moves - 5 out of 5
Day 2938
-Battle hits progress

-Explorer moves - 1 out of 5 with that one , i have finished getting all 6 towers and pink stone on map and im done with this event.
So what i get from this is that for 222 490 hits , if i take out about 3% that possible ware 500 energy hits or less, while i did try to minimize them using Ebars that comes to about 216 000 hits for total gain of 19 explorer moves
This means that i needed on average about 113.6 hits for each explorer move
That comes to just about 0.88% chance to gain explorer move per 100 hits.
Honestly this is surprising to me, as it did feel due to some very bad days that chance should be closer to 0.6-7%.
So 0.88% is well withing margin or "bit bad luck" especially when sample size is so small, and it could be different if last night i didnt have so bad luck that it took me about 34 000 hits just to get single Explorer move.
I have enjoyed this event along side of Lucky dice, great combo, this was actually mi first time actively fighting since i started this game, and it was lots of fun but there was good amount of frustration as well.
My suggestion how to improve event:
Many people have had very bad luck and maybe admin should introduce something like Guarantied counter to get explorer move.
Counter could start counting only 1000 energy hits and from lets say 200 or 250, so after so many hits if player has bad luck when counter reach 1, next 1000 energy hit should be guarantied Explorer move.
Also if player gets Explorer move before counter reach 0, than counter is reset back to beginning.
That would help greatly with players having horrendously bad luck and save a lot on frustration as it does get frustrating for many.
Im sorry for long article, hopeful someone will find it that bit interesting.
Thank you for your time o7
The Last Lynx PardinusGtmardelCooiKame SenninBunnyLiuB A T A S H ANilsonZajaczekz18GiovaniImGomasuКоментари (8)

You have precise info in admin s last two articles https://www.erevollution.com/en/newspaper/1. So 8% for dices and 1% for moves (if hitting with 1000 energy)


BTW, you should collect all 3 business packs. Since you re large producer, that will be perfect for you.

Thanks Cooi.
Well i have just spent last 30 min on writing article about lucky dice chance, as info i got from lads here was that chance for lucky dice was 4%.
In my test i got 8% making it ether pointless article or maybe it does confirm what you said that admin has stated...
My fault for being so long absent from game... 

@Cooi, i didnt know there was third BP, i will go after it today

Thank you Cooi and TopSecret for the information

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