Објављено у Ukraine - Политичке дебате и анализе - 04 May 2016 09:02 - 65
The Rising Stupidity alliance was created on day 71 with only one goal.

We all remember when Japan and Serbia "promissed" to all of us that they will bring balance to the game after EAGLE is disbanded.
That happened short after TRS was created, so there are 44 days since domineering alliance The Rising Stupidity keep conquering and humiliating small countries.
At first, they had 59.3% of Global Damage in Day 81:

Meanwhile , the biggest powers who fought against them, Greece,France and Turkey were Humiliated, losing their cores. There is no point to talk about the other ones that had no chance.
The only change came not long ago, when Ukraine decided to leave The Rising Stupidity and give hope to some countries. Yes, HOPE , that's all we got. Because other countries took advantage of that and joined TRS side (Poland and Bosnia ).
If we take a look at their biggest countries:
Japan = 7 core regions - 34 conquered
Taiwan = 4 core regions - 29 conquered
Serbia = 8 core regions - 21 conquered
Croatia = 8 core regions - 20 conquered
Hungary = 7 core regions(1 gave to Croatia) - 10 conquered.
Bulgaria,Iran,(FY)RoM and many others got colonies.
Meanwhile, Greece is conquered, Turkey made huge efforts to get their cores back, and most of the other countries are conquered by TRS.
Like that wasn't enough, Turkey didn't had enough days conquered by Croatia, Serbia decided to do it too.
Does STUPIDITY have a end? Don't forget that was promissed long ago.
Special Update on Knight of Brutality's request.
Damage at day 107, counting Ukraine as anti-TRS country, but not counting Poland,Bosnia and other puppets on TRS side,that changes the GAP close to the old one.

Sultan Haydar BasHenry Pfeiffer ArundelblackfunКоментари (65)

pirinç read and voted

You re right,i agree!!! o7

Don t worry, Naki will edit his article : http://prntscr.com/b07jq2 One month ago 

That is the purpose of an alliance - to conquer other countries and have bonuses from them. Keep crying. 

Only true fact in this article is that Turkey is small country that rejected to be part of TRS. Send regards to your CP 0/

Oh, i was thinking TRS was created to fight EAGLE and bring balance to the game

it was created to keep Turkey deleted forever 

@Babo, don t make me laugh. You spent all of your effort for wiping Turkey.

Btw where you saw TRS articles or whatever? we just stayed in communication we dont have chain of command,we dont have meetings we dont have SC,just friendship is left from TRS.But i hope so soon new alliance will be formed.

It s not too painfull, just killing all the fun cos you can t do nothing about it.
Hope there are some fair players that will bring the promissed balance to the game.
I refuse to believe all TRS players are greedy bastar*s

You took data from day 81 ? Do you know what all happened after that ?
Check newer article about % in dmg mate 

`took advantage` You say? Poland = 3 core regions out of 6 core regions. If we talk about stupidity put this too in the article.

This says a Romanian who has left his friends when they were the most difficult, and went to the EAGLE to fight against your friends. WTF? I see that you are now a lot of help, and maybe learn something from this.

@Knight,i checked, TRS is still OP in those stats, even if the new members weren t count.
@Aphian, Poland joined not long ago, wait your turn, TRS OPness will come to you too

The moment when he call Republic of Macedonia as FY(RoM) to gain sympathy from Greeks. #wellplayed

Last article with dmg was like 47-53 % for TRS..
Btw.. About regions, how many original and how many conquered regins France have ?

@Riven i said (FY) RoM , the optional letters are FY not RoM.
@KoB , in those stats Poland wasn t counter, neither other puppets
that s why i didn t added those stats, cos they are wrong. About France, that s the only country that still have some colonies. If Serbia wouldn t stop..they would lose them all. You can t compare one country having colonies.. with all TRS members having colonies.

Knight of Brutality 34 regions... because of USWE agreement 33 of them (alll except piedmont) are counted as core regions... and france isnt even having full bonuses... 20% house bonus are missing... also france is just one country... how much countries are in that TRS list? btw i still dont care that much about the battlefield... just found your question funny... 

Very well said. The articles of TRS about conquering their enemies, specially Turkey, were extremely immature, clearly with the intention of humiliation. I remember when EAGLE won epic battles in beginning of game and all I saw in feeds were ´good battle and bla bla, when TRS got their revenge they wrote that lot of shit. There is no respect in TRS, only kids

I didnt said that TRS is not OP atm, I just said that dmg % he is showing are not updated.

Also not mentioning the countries with no honor that joined them just to preserve their bonus and safety.

I m waiting for new stats too, but with all TRS puppets in it
like Poland and Bosnia

Many days ago you left us alone to keep your country safe. And before that time some countries promised to keep deleted Bulgaria for ever! and I think they did it for 60days. But finally everything changed. So Romania you should wait. soon or late alliances will change. In first days of game just visa made us defeater! And now it is still visa but not like that moment!

That article it s not about Romania. And we left that alliance for a reason, i don t want to say it over and over.

I don t remember BattleHero crying when EAGLE was having about same stats, much huger percent of the damage, EAGLE members was having again like 20-25 + region and etc. Them Romanian players didn t cried, they changed side when Turkey started conquer them. Now the damage stats went 53%-47%, TRS lost core member there is many alliances consisting countries with almost full if not full bonuses, many players, hospitals and etc. And again Romanian player cry cause it s old allies want revenge for their side changing.
About immaturity EAGLE comment back them was way immature. All articles related with Kosovo real situation problems, all articles connected with laughs and etc was if not more them at least equally immature. When Turkey was demanding 500g per region from the killed econommically Bulgaria Romania and BattleHero was quiet. When Croatia set 200 gold demand for entire country release Turkey cried hard it is insult and BattleHero show up with articles claiming no balance small countries are wiped. Why this double standarts?

Where is stupidity by TRS ? Which country is left without regions and which country is told to start pay 500g per region? Italy have region. Romania was left with region in Moldova. Do you know what is really wiped? Turkey was wiped - how many region Turkey left to Bulgaria? How many regions Turkey left to Israel ? How many regions was left for Armenia, Saudi Arabia. Just in Egypt was one left cow in the end of the world? And you talk for wiping and etc? That is absurd............. hypocrites

Lethal, EAGLE didn t had much higher percent of damage , actually was balanced , just that all countries arround Serbia made a coalition to protect eachothers. Everyone knew that one day Serbia will be the biggest and conquer all small countries arround and EAGLE just wanted to prevent that. The goal wasn t to be DOMINEERING and have colonies, was to prevent Serbia from becoming DOMINEERING, which exactly that happned.
Seems that you forgot, Romania dow Turkey to HELP Bulgaria..yeah , you forgot that. We left after we been fully conquered and received 0 help from our dear allies, same thing almost happened to Bulgaria when AtilaBG saw the real face of Serbia..BG was conquered , meanwhile Serbia fighting to get more colonies.

Battle Hero.. There is already one. Agamnenon article ( day 107 ) : https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/5246
And it is 47:53 %... You forgot that Ukraine changed side mate ?

KoB, hope you re not blind mate, Ukraine is counted as Anti-TRS http://prntscr.com/b08l0u . I didn t posted those stats because Poland,Bosnia and a few more puppets are not counted on TRS side.

What s the point of this article? If written some 2 weeks ago, it would make sense, but now... ? The overall situation has significantly changed, and I don t think that your data is correct anymore. The power has shifted significantly against TRS

@BH funny when you say puppets. what we were if not puppets before? just to drain/block cause in the end noone helped us in the battles, only to make dmg over here and over there, while we were without cores, so keep talking..

All I see is a butt-hurt article. Not to mention how right on the beginning you show us with bold words (only one goal) and then quote my article which says (our MAIN goal). Go take a nap

Also, I hope you counted out Argentina and South Korea out of your formula.

Humiliated,I like that word.

I don t understand and I don t approve this kind of articles. If I agreed I would then had to spare and show mercy in the future to my enemies. Which I will not, by any means.

@Jus7LeTHaL don t talk about countries being wiped when TRS is the king at it :p
Did you already forget Russia, China, Nigeria, South Africa, New Zealand, Philippines, etc
Some countries in your alliance have the worst reputation in the whole game, I understand why you won t disband

Crotinia we are coming open to door !!!

Sub 100 ...vote 50 ...what i won 

/me hugs AlbRevolution

Turks, please, English Language School!!!!!!

Cry darling! CRY a lot! XD.

lol babo u always making me smile http://prntscr.com/b0cbp7 today we saw who is small. @Jus7LeTHaL who exactly demand 500 golds per region can you tell me? We demand 200 golds only and i wrote the agreement that we offered you. I suppose lying is the new sexy.


Allahuekber. Kebap will rise again !!!

Why is 47%-53% considered as huge disbalance? Thats nothing. With good organization those 47% could even wipe out most of the countries with that 53%, wouldnt be the first time in the games of this type such thing to happen. This is strategy, not statistic. TRS win in some battles, in some other they loose - and vice versa. So, whats the big deal 

Crassus, the real stats are much worse than this. Not all puppets are counted.

Romania is puppets and everybody know that. You dont have respect even from your allies :-D

Meanwhile, in South America

If other countries do not like this situation, they have an opportunity to unite themselves and strike as one. So, make some actions, if you want to see some fun in the game 

evil propaganda

V, there needs to be balance.

Game is new. If countries are wiped, it discourages players from those countries to join which hurts the game as a whole.

Ukraincy to jednak maja swoj swiat ... zal na kazdym kroku

crybabies !

popcorn is good with this article 

Glad to see my charts and my text, you can say my name too in your article :p

Wapanese people crying 

Lots of crying lately. Seems like TRS are doing things right. Keep it up, fellow fighters!

He needs some milk ! Damn so much qq its outta control

@Mighty Battle hero, Wasnt Romania with Serbia at start, but switched sides when serbia needed you the most?? Didnt you than join or started kissing boots of Eagle masters?


[TRsS] The Rise of scribble Stupidity - https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/5784
