Објављено у Turkey - Друштвена догађања и забава - 14 May 2016 02:09 - 40
Hi there!
Before i start with economy thing i'd like to tell you something you probably didn't knew, a part of dev team coming from another games, ice-blabla and brazzwhat. The only purpose of this game was to make as much money as possible, i'm sure they don't even think at long run.
I decided to test something that was bothering me since long ago, if i build a company in my country cores, where the gold goes?
So.. i moved to Muntenia, Romanian Capital, atm conquered by Hungary and decided to Build a Q5 Iron Mine.
I made printscreens on both treasuries before and after to prove it:
After i built the Q5 Iron Mine, i wasn't surprised to see that Hungarian Treasury was richer with 3.5 Gold and Romania got NOTHING!

Instead of HELPING small countries to develop and grow, you are killing them every day.
I watched Albania's Treasury for a long time, they had 21g since they were fully conquered and there was no extra income.
Only now when they released a region you can see a small growth..
If nothing will change, i'm pretty sure most of the players from small countries will move to 3-4 big countries for supplies and bonuses(cos only Empires can have that). Patriots will leave the game or don't give a sh*t about what happens cos you are killing their countries slowly.
I don't even want to start discussion about Q5 DS that only EMPIRES can afford, let them have +35% defense in ANY REGION they want,even conquered one, LET THEM ADD IT DURING BATTLES !
I have no words to describe how dissapointed i am, if the game keep going that way i don't see a good future.
Before i start with economy thing i'd like to tell you something you probably didn't knew, a part of dev team coming from another games, ice-blabla and brazzwhat. The only purpose of this game was to make as much money as possible, i'm sure they don't even think at long run.
I decided to test something that was bothering me since long ago, if i build a company in my country cores, where the gold goes?
So.. i moved to Muntenia, Romanian Capital, atm conquered by Hungary and decided to Build a Q5 Iron Mine.
I made printscreens on both treasuries before and after to prove it:

After i built the Q5 Iron Mine, i wasn't surprised to see that Hungarian Treasury was richer with 3.5 Gold and Romania got NOTHING!

Instead of HELPING small countries to develop and grow, you are killing them every day.
I watched Albania's Treasury for a long time, they had 21g since they were fully conquered and there was no extra income.
Only now when they released a region you can see a small growth..

If nothing will change, i'm pretty sure most of the players from small countries will move to 3-4 big countries for supplies and bonuses(cos only Empires can have that). Patriots will leave the game or don't give a sh*t about what happens cos you are killing their countries slowly.
I don't even want to start discussion about Q5 DS that only EMPIRES can afford, let them have +35% defense in ANY REGION they want,even conquered one, LET THEM ADD IT DURING BATTLES !
I have no words to describe how dissapointed i am, if the game keep going that way i don't see a good future.
MarlockevilgodPortuguese soldierDarkBlackHCorbenTopSecretRalexxКоментари (40)


insightful as always!

good article


It kind of make sense. If a country conquers another country, they get what is there: all the money, all the gold etc


Battlehero the growth in albanian treasury is made bt donations..me and some other players..just saying

vote ... this is very correct observation and this flaw should be mended by admins or devops of the game

But think about this, you are Hungarian citizen and you are moved to Muntenia, region of Hungary. You created a factory and your gold goes to Romania.
Most of the players will not pay attention whether they are in the CORE region of their country or OCCUPIED region.
So, I partly agree your comments that admin should find ways to keep small countries alive but I do not think that this is the right way.

True !
... nice article


Very good catch. Must change.

the solutions will be: half to the occupied country, half to the other.


easy solution. Upgrade gold goes to country of CS. Problem solved

I want to mention that the increase of the Albanians god was cuz of some donations .(this does not changes anything tho)
you are on point anyway small countries will die slowly. ..

They make the rules in begin that are against ocupied countries (=small countries) in every way and then when this should change how we can call that HELP.
Help is to give Bonuse, Gold ect. to countries that occupy other countries.

Completely agreed.

Thanx the gold mate! 

Borghese, sadly you lost like 300-400g when i made companies in discout day 

lol... no offense... but are you crying?

you see me crying? that s something that should be fixed for the benefit of all small countries.

why dont you put some countries deleted by non-Wolf countries? for example

cos 90% of conquered countries ARE deleted by Wolf countries? it s hard to find one deleted by other countries, please help.

and another thing i thought everyone whould allready know... :/
i was always moving to ukraine to work in my comps and to poland to build new comps/sell my stuff on the market 2 months ago... you may also dont know: if you are located in another country you can sell on your market but you pay import taxes in that case... in some countrys import tax is at 99%... so that means for wiped countrys its just a aditional VAT... and it also means there is no possibility of setting a import tax to prevent the selling of foreign players on your countrys market... everyone with license is paying the same taxes like someone with the CS of that countrys market...

i knew about moving in other country to work in my comps, i had doubts about building new comps too but didn t tested
about product market i don t care, black market ftw.

yes i make 50% of my buisness with direct donations too... but the black market is mostly for big weapon and food producer/consumer... the most trading (raws, houses, all the other stuff from small producers/consumers) is done about the country markets... and i think all together they have a bigger cash flow than what is traded at the black market... 

Say nothing, you re cheating all the valuable resources at Erepublik.

V 64

I m sorry, but this doesn t seem to be a problem to me. If my country owns a certain piece of land, we should get the tax from it.

there is lots of things that shouldnt be copy of other games, for example some country has 20-30 or even 50 territories, while other has 3. Maybe if max is 10 and min 3, i could understand that, but 50 vs 3?? and that is just one of issues here.

you are right TopSecret. The Number of USA Regions are ridiculous, even France have too many.

Battle, thanks for seeing this as well. As you used France as example, similar strenght in game as lets use Serbia, with 3x as many teritories. So if in RL is 3 times bigger than serbia, or have bigger population, what ever is based on, than Russia is 30x bigger than france and should have 600 teritories if its based on that, or if its on population, than China should have 400 .. I just cant see how its made other than exact copy of other game. Now im not saying serbia should have more, imo its about right, but if we had max 10 territories per country than battle for resources would be fierce and also countries could be bit more balanced. Other worlds, achieving 15/15 in war should be daunting task for anyone and great achievement, and no country should have advantage of nearly all resources in core regions.


Europeans are to much stupids HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.
Look you re stupid rebel: if USA conquer a region of, I dont know, hungary, the money learned IN THAT REGION will be USA money.

Europeans are to much stupids HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.
Look you re stupid rebel: if USA conquer a region of, I dont know, hungary, the money learned IN THAT REGION will be USA money.

I think the current system is ok. But all the countries should respect each other by this I mean leaving at least one original territory.

@sieghen thats right, Europeans are stupid, while for example half of US - Americans believe earth is flat, and only 6000y old...