Објављено у Iran - Друштвена догађања и забава - 15 May 2016 14:37 - 121
Why we should not go to Iran.
YouTube Link (For All People)
Aparat Link (For Iranian People)
By French Tourist
amethyst77no0bsailbotAmirgholamrezaSXWLHaveANiceDayZX2016sadegh iranihaftvudMaco13Gran TorinoJinkoGMWOLFimperial gurdmahmooodalireza gholamiLukasBelegureCarterAlexandersisakLiuBeiBelegurmr 4mi2amin007Robinogoneforeverali7900ASAPMarjanSantiago 45AlitaEvil SkullashkashkashkashkmardiMehranIRANSXWLamethyst77RommelJrsepehr sosepehr soUltramagicКоментари (121)

WOW!!! One of the best clips i ve ever seen...this article deserves to be in top 5! S+V+Biiiiiig Like مرسی...فوق العاده بود...دوستان ووتش کنین بره بالا و ساب هم فراموش نشه


زنده باد

o7 Iran

Great work man! way to go! ایول!

بسیااااار عالی بود


v . s.great my freind


That boy stole bread


فوق العادست ...
شدیدا توصیه میکنم همه دوستان این کلیپ رو ببینن و باعث بالا اومدن این مقاله بشن تا خارجی ها هم ببینن ...

v + s
very good clip

very good : ) tnx

best article in e world


@miqel not only Iran but also all over the world never do like that because of stolen a beard. people should be stupid to believing this type of news. any body can take a pic and make lie news for more like, follow, comment, viewer and ... ! so please when you want believe any thing, first verify that

You can smoke there hash and weed to our they can kill for that?

hash and weed??what you mean
hash and weed are illegal in iran

Worst Country in history and the most timid people

dear @Catalan Army about History all thing is clear, I just can invite you read history more . and about timid people I want say we fought 8 year without any support against Iraq that they support by USA, Russia,Isreal and Arabic countries to defance our country. بچه ها اگه کسی همچین نظرایی داشت باهاش درگیر نشین. قانعش کنینک در اشتباهه

A catalan who said worst country... wow gg

o7 v67

Nice o7

Yes dont go İran if you are Sünni théy are kill u %100 i see a Sünni İran Guy He running to Turkey because He writed a book about ehli sünnet

I don t need read your history more .... I can see your culture with your answers ... If you are not timid then where are you in International communities ? not in sport not in war not in economy not in people welfare not in anything ...

your culture is your answers to the best player in history leo messi ....

@DeaDly i studied with my sünni friend in university and now he is Healthy. you talk about which country ?

@Deadly about 7 million sunni bros are in Iran !! we have even sunni congressman ! :l

@Deadly . why you say lies when you never see Iran ? my best friend is a kurdish sunni guy who live in our neighbourhood .
Deadly , Turkuy is country which has killed millions of Armenian people , the second holucast . turkey is the country which are killing its kurdish people in southern cities RIGHT NOW .just google it to see the pictures

Dear @catalan we have some problem.that s correct
can you solve your problem in spain ? i heared about Internal Difference.
and i heared about your respect to Muslim. and i want to say TanQ about your rich culture and hospitality.

Our government is different from Iranian people, our government kill any Opposition There is no difference between Sunnis and Shiites dear

at first we don t have any problem in spain because we are not timid as turkish and kurdish and your other nations ( Internal Difference ) ! but I agree with restive your government is worst government in the world because of people freedom

@Catalan Army . WE are under sanctions because Isreal which has 100s of nuclear warheads and mass killer of Palestinians which never joined NPT is puppet of usa .WE are under sanctions because saudis have invaded unarmed people of yemen for more than a year. Plz find Justice

@Catalan Army its your idea. how much you know about iran ? i guess just a bit

@Catalan Army not in sport ? we become 17th in Olympic game while you become 21th , maybe we havent strong football team (1th in Asia!) but we are vollyball and some other game super power...... not in war ? 4 Iranian High General killed in battle ground with ISIS with more than thousand soldiers . if we didnt fight with them in this last 3 years you would seen them in Europa specially Spain which is their first target in Europa if you seen their map.

Not in International Affairs? we have made THE AGREEMENT OF CENTURY . We are Leading The Non-Aligned Movement consist of 120 countries .

I think for my last speech : all of you think we don t know anything about Iran while your wrong we know more than you ... we know Iran is beautiful and with discount it s people is good but we have problem with your idealogy and government because your government interference in everything specially war ... we know your country better than you ! about sports you can be silent because my country is strong in everything not in just 2 or 3 sports in which of the sports that you mentioned have a gold medal ?????? jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaj

@Catalan Army ok. to khob ma ba ay baba in chi mige khaste shodam

@Catalan Army your last speech is right

Great job. It s showing true story of Iran. You can find something good and something bad in every country.(unfortunately news about iran are bad news which you hear because bad news are attractive so don t count on media) . But be sure true face of Iranian people is so much different than you think. That video is telling you.

In addition to history you are recommended to see Iran 2012 medals areas . if your are good in sports why you dont get medals !!
Just Kidding

@Jinko What would you say about Reyhaneh Jabbari case??

hail iran

I have to answer to you little boy .... whenever the Olympic games were held in Iran you can come here to laugh to everybody which you want ! your country take useless medals and just in individual games but in team games ? jajajajajajajajajajajaja I hope you know why Olympics don t hold in your country !
visca el Catalonia ......

Reyhaneh Jabbari is a whore? you have to search more about her ! she is a real whore it s better you read your own country judge s opinion !

Catalan Army what do you want? are you trying to prove what? olympics don t hold in Iran because so many reasons which I m sure you don t know it. also i have to say in 1978 Iran was selected to hold olympics but revolution in iran happened in that year.

Guys dont mad with më pls all can check on google ör youtube you cant defend to ehli sünnet if you talk you are die !

Bro I answered you

@Deadly . oh maybe in your country or KSA happen that . but in My university , the next to college is sunnis studies campus . As Pouria said The country which has massacred millions of Armenian people just should be sentenced in International Criminal Court (ICC) .

hi guys i must say in iran the ethnicity groups like turks(azeri ,turkmens ,..) and kurd and arabs are under heavily assimilate and racist for example they cant read and speak in their mother language in offical place or in the education books their cultur and history has been ignore and other group of religous like sunni and christens and.... are less chans to go high goverment jobs .

Nice o7

i have example for all racist of the iran .in world cup in 2014 the iran s motto is HONOUR OF PERSIA !!!! and they ignored all ethnic groups. (the persians (fars) are
Ruling class in iran .)

Cyrus Charter of Human Rights Cylinder https://www.erevollution.com/fa/article/6472

Just repost Youtube video and got so many endorses?)

Like ♥♡

IRAN has a long way to go before it is truly safe progressive. human rights, women right, minorities, other religions rights violated daily, if you joke about Islam u DIE. and x1000 other thing`s that we all know, but OK iranians if u want to live delusional life, post videos like this :/
Just videos of beautiful architecture and mountain with flowers is not gonna change REALITY.

@yarali . Persia is name of all ethnic groups of Historical Iran Including you turks and tajiks , afganistan and ... for e.g your writing method was Persian form and words till 25 years ago . These turks and arabs that you say altogether stood against Saddam invasion .so all we love Persia and Iran . we are unique .

@JokerAL . come to tell you a joke about islam in public . what you thought about Iran? nowadays that arab full dictatorship monarchy countries do not how to even spell freedom .we are celebrating 80 s of Constitutional anniversary. and being the first country which has a parliament is Asia since 92 years ago . maybe we have long way but we are beyond of almost all of our region countries .

@marjan ((Persia is name of all ethnic groups of Historical Iran Including you turks and tajiks)) you kidding me? turks and persian are two diffrents ethnics. persians in iran now is just name of ethnic group and persia is just province .persia is called only 95 years ago just from western countries (like arabs call ajam to iran)and since reza shah pahlavi the world call iran . today persia just ethnic name not country .
when saddam attack iran the revolution in iran is just at its beginnigs and turks and arabs and balouch and kurds think this revolution is bring justice to the people but even today there is no little justice in iran among ethnic groups. and the also i must say saddam is the common enemy to all poeple . but today we see in iran this check this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRfQ52cz7TEnoredirect=1 . because of the racist in iran the turks and kurds and ... dont know iran as their country and this video is the in tabriz in play of tractor the football team of tabriz (the tabriz biggest turk city in iran)

Please be quite, our leader is Azeri no Persian,, all of Azeri is free to speak Turkish language not like Uzbekistan than a lot of tajik people not allow to speak Persian in the any where,, all of panturk say lie nonstop like the joke of year: Abraham Lincoln was turk XD

Every country have official language
In Iran official language is Persian from 1000 years ago from safavid empire that they are turks not Persian

If you look at map in pre-Islamic era from northern India to western greece were Persian .after a long times some names changed. your country is in a full civil war with kurds in your southern cities so dont speak about Freedom in a country which suppres its people .we did not forget gezi park
. Our imposed war was not for a week . it takes 8 years and we not forget you and arabs were selling weapons to Saddam and travels to Baghdad .all 8 year our people fight and fight . 8 years is not enough for knowing a goverment ? as I said my best friend is kurd and half of my classmates are turks .majority of azari people really love iran . I know that you dream a gap between us .but we are friends and remain friend FOREVER

@Restive safavi empire language is persian with many different
not turks
you should know in iran we have more turk , but not turkey turks
have more different between iranian turks and turkey turks
you should learn more about this

Is it safe for sunni muslims to go there? :S

Yes is safe 

@MojaNena 7 million sunni brothers lives here!

The same as my closest friend 

I know that they are different but safavid empire was a turk government with Persian official language also Qajar dynasty

@MojaNena i have sunni muslim in my family , its safe

@Restive i told you , this turk language have different with turkey language , my father is turk and do not know turkey language

@hijacker, both( what speak Turks in Turkey , and Turks in Iran) is called dialect of Turkish Language, there is difference zone to zone, time to time, but Turkish is common name for all. They all speaking Turkish. You can not seperate them by calling Iran Turks language, and Turkey s Turks language, it is called dialects..
And video is great btw, voted o/

i say it just on time
you defending suuni???do you even know molavii abd alhamid
suuni are free in iran

@restive khamenei the dictator of iran is sayyed and if you research about sayyed you knows sayyeds s phylum are arabs altough he can speak azeri but he is not real azeri(turk)
)).you are talking about uzbakistan i must say your words are false and the president of uzbakistan is tajik(fars) and i must say tajikistan is racist you must know in the tajikistan the arabic and turkic names are illegal.

few month ago in television program the turks had been
Ridicule and this is the the turkic people protest again them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkfY6hDk_Dc
or in the 2006 the news paper https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_newspaper_cockroach_cartoon_controversy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFzjM2_SgHs this video is
Explanation of turk people in iran .

Turkish terrorists
Turkey support isis

@yarali OK you say right hahahahaahaha Only turks not recist and Abraham Lincoln was turk XD XD XD

I can t understand why you are fighting in comments, The purpose of article is different. It talking about Iranian people and you are talking about foolish jobs which government done

@restive if you dont have any answer be quit there is no need to became troll

You can see this video
You are enemy of Azeri turk and us
Shame on you

yarali .
Turkey terrorist. Because ISIS helps. Kurdish people s because it takes. Iraq and Syria are killed. Because Turkey was going to help Isis

so iran dont to kill to free suria army ?

@restive the video s publisher ( arzive) is armeni and his other wrong video show this video is not trusted .you must know i am azeri

@ yarali I m not racist, for me all people is human but you are one racist and panturk
You say he is armani so this video is lie
You are racist not us.. Speak Persian if you are Azeri I tired from English

وجدانا بیخیال بشین
بهترین کار سکوته

Sub + Vote
I love u IRAN.

You can reading more book about safavid
And Azerbaijan... Azerbaijanian create new iran and you arevery fool.... بین ترکیه ای ها بهت خوش بگذره داداش 

yarali i said because is seen his video and few years earlier i talked and he was insult turks .every one know about the war between azerbayjan a armeni and i say his video is biased . my word mean this. i dont any insult to him or say because of the armeni his liyer or else and you cant blame me racist. you must know azeries in azerbaycan are dont know persians .

@Vanvellope Tnx Dear

زنده باد ایران

oww racist party (: lets talk about your countries helping to PKK terrorist group? why dont talk about slave African people? Why dont say we,Europans, drank African people blood?
there are many many ignorant people. Yes, you are right 

Hail iran. Guys if you want to see the truth you have to come here and see with your eyes. we love iran.

woow . i didn t think that it would be such a mess ...
but ... خیلی باحاله
بعضی ها شروع کردن به توپیدن و بعضی ها هم طرفداری ...
مسئله مهمش اینه که این مقاله رتبه اول رو داره ... هووووررررراااااااااا 

[BEWARE] Admins can pillage your account stuff

French tourist? This is definitely made by ignorant american citizen and probably a jew. Let s start off with history. Iran s history is definitely not poor and it s way older compared to French, German, Spanish etc (not including USA because back then it was just a colony with mad cowboys and pribes). Irani people are uneducated yet their army managed to develop nuclear weapons. Irani architecture is basic, no. Atleast the architects are Irani and not migrants from Europe like Americans. Irani culture is poor, but when you see, Iran atleast has culture, unlike USA. You know, they say if you leave a yogurt and a whole United States of America for 200 years, the yogurt will develop a culture. I have nothing to say about other bullshit mentioned in the video, it s all just non sense and immature. Respect Iran, no matter what they ll still be above French, above Germans, above any scandinavian country, above USA.

Golestan Palace (Iran) www.erevollution.com/fa/article/6480 vote and sup=20 food Q3

This comment-fight doesnt end, does it? Why are you guys being like this? Arent we here to have fun. To play a GAME? if any of you have a problem with Iranian people, fine. Be as you please. This article was just published to show you a little taste of Iran and its people. As it was shown by all you commenters! , non of your ideas were changed by this article. First of all, no government is perfect! Second of all, why are you even talking about politics when the video is mainly about THE PEOPLE not the politicians! No one (including majorities and minorities both) is or will be killed, punished or executed because of the belief he/she holds. Cause it s not homocide! Iranians ARE HUMAN! They respect other ideas and beliefs just like people from any other part of the world do. Why are some of you trying so hard to make us look bad? Have we insulted you? I dont think so. Have we done something disrespectful to you? NO! Responding Catalan Army (we know your country better than you) : No one knows a country better than the citizens living there! That s so obvious! End of discussion hahaha
Let me tell you something about us Iranians. We are not terrorists! (Unless youre talking about FOOD! I ll terror the hell out of food when i m hungry
) We are not racists! We ARE patriots! (That s what the medal is all about
) we treat every single soul with respect and kindness; unless of course the respectee answers our hospitality with treason! In that case every smart man/woman DOES change his/her treatment (just and only) with the traitor! As I said, I truly believe that we Iranians (regardless of our race) have always been good to others (specially tourists!). So before you write anything about politics in the comments, please think of us as friends and try (for once) to recognize a nation by its people, not its government! My thanks to all viewers and subscribers and voters for helping out. Have a great comment-fight

Dislike, Unvoted 


فوق العاده بود!!

ıts stupidly..

A catalan is complaining about our country! Well at least we are A COUNTRY and we have much more than just a football club in our COUNTRY

اگه این چیزایی که اینا می گن درست باشه پس ما چجوری زنده ایم؟دی

Interesting country, voted

ذهن هاشونو بر علیه ایران تحریک کردن ایران بهترینه

pooriaf did you have ever seen a formula 1 car or even moto gp ? jajajajajajajaja or did your national team went up to playoff ever ? again jajajajajajajajaja or what about people s welfare or your country economy or even scientific ? jajajajajajajajajajajajaja your country even underdeveloped from the third country ! are you sure Iran is a country ? I think it s just a big village ! jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaj

Iran is a country that was built up with Turks living there, Turkmeni, Azeri, Qashqai, and persian government and people thank them, by waking fun of turkish tooth brush and laughing at their own stupid jokes! shame on persians who do not know their history and do not respect and love their neighbors, see all the world around iran as enemies! Turks ruled iran for 1000 year, and will rule another 10000 more!

Catalan Army, u are showing the culture of your country, first try to improve it then speak about something u don t know about it.

@catalan i know you do not saw our country , you just want speak joking , if you come and see our country can come here and write comment , i think you are little boy without mind

Every time your village produce something by yourself then come and talk about your village ! None of the governments really do not recognize you ...
Terrorists do not advertise!

@catalan village ?
i think you live out of earth
do you have eyes ?
do you have map ?
can you see iran in map ?
village ?
are you sure our country is village ?
or your country ?
we are more year in lockout from more country
we produce all thing alone
what you think about us man ?

@Catalan Army...I really dont understand u! Why are you labeling us as terrorists? I live in Iran...Do you know more about my own country than me?! Plz stop talking nonsense!

Great video, I have some Iranian friends here in Brasil, theyare loyal and very happy, with huge culture and very interesting way of life. Congratulations and a big Hug.