Објављено у United States of America - Политичке дебате и анализе - 17 May 2016 12:12 - 9

During the past weeks we have seen a new rise in activity around our country. We have seen the government trying to get things done and some more political competitions. Regardless what your feelings are regarding any particular subject or any kind of politician, we are all citizens of the same country. We might as well remind ourselves of that when healthy competitions turn into petty arguments and nonsense. We must remind ourselves that we all work for the good of our country, even if sometimes we don't entirely know what is the "the greater good".
Having in mind all of this and considering that none of my fellow Congressional colleagues presented their own platform for the coming month, I truly believe that I, as a citizen of this country should post what I stand for and what I will not open hand of in order to improve our country!

Legal Issues
1. I believe the government should end at once the legal irregularities that have occurred and stayed for a bit due to inactivity.
2. Preventive legislation in order to predict situations of inactivity should be enacted by Congress so that our country remains with functional government in all circumstances.
3. Small revisions of the rUnited States Constitution and the Congressional code.
4. Legislation that prevents one cabinet member to hold more than one position except in cases of nation wide inactivity.
5. Hold the government accountable for all committed legal irregularities to the present and the ones to come to the future, making sure they are not to happen ever again.
Economic Issues
1. Enforcement of the Economic Council law predicted in the Congressional Code as a means to control and strengthen the economy of our nation.
1.1 Assignment of a currency warden to make sure our treasury is protected against Political Take-over attempts and thieves.
2. Government intervention in the economy through sustainable devalue of the dollar and a sustainable budget with no deficit.
3. Creation of business programs in order to export guns and raw materials between countries that have a friendly relation with our nation.
Foreign Policy issues
1. Informed vote on MPP laws with the Secretary of State informing and keeping Congress posted on the moves regarding foreign policy, contributing for a better communication between both Houses.
2. Establishment of economic deals between countries and exchange of needed resources.
Military Issues
1. Enforce the National Security law predicted in the Constitution and make sure communication between military personnel is at the top efficiency.
2. Require a full audit from the national military unit in order to ess best options to achieve the biggest bang for the lowest buck. This audit should also have detailed the current divisions, military personnel and how many supplies the MU receives daily and monthly wise and how many are actually given to the soldiers.
3. Push for the National Security Council to redact their own internal policies and to be present to the US Congress for legal essment and to be completely enacted.
4. Establishment by law of a Military Fund to be used in cases of emergency by any Military Unit willing to fight to serve the rUnited States.
5. Creation of a Defensive Fund in order to m build Defensive systems and put them in key regions of our country.
Interior and Congressional Issues
1. Pushing for a more media presence of all members of Congress as well as the personnel staffing the Department of Citizen Affairs.
2. Establishment of regular Congressional Sessions on discord to debate the state of the country as well as requesting two states of the union to be done by the President to Congress during each Presidential term. The State of the Union shall be presented in the form of a report to Congress followed by an extraordinary Discord session to debate it.
3. Create Congressional Open sessions where citizens may ask questions to each member of congress regarding any topic as long as it is not something overly sensitive.

This is what I believe in. This is what I will push for and I hope that our government has the guts and the competence to pull it off. I for one, will not open hand of any of my personal integrity or any principle that has been my guide in the course of my ePolitical life.
I hope you all understand and I hope you all help me as well as the rest of the US Congress to lead our country by example!
You may all now return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

PalmerWaffleКоментари (9)




first time in abe s life the first wasn t denied

Arith the combo breaker.


Denying for Abe.

Super Ok
