Објављено у United States of America - Ратне анализе - 20 May 2016 11:27 - 22

Hello Seal Team 6 Soldiers,
As some of you may have understood so far, we have been going through a process or rebranding and reorganization of our military unit. Some of you may have found already some of the information released by me and by my 2nd in Command SpitfireYG.
As such, we will be doing today a complete update regarding the status of the Military Unit and how the new policies are going in force.
Topics for today:
1. Command structure
2. Military Drill results
3. Seal Team 6 contacts and procedures
4. Seal Team 6 new graphics and uniforms
5. Final Questions

As some of you may understand, each Army needs to have a very comprehensive hierarchy in order to function, as such, here is the current list of all Seal Team 6 officers:
Commanding Officer: General Abraham Lincoln
Executive Officer: Lieutenant General SpitfireYG
Public Relations Officer: Major General The Mad Catter
Gold Division Commander: Brigadier General Dree
Red Division Commander: Brigadier General Leroy Combs
Green Division Commander: Brigadier General EddieA
Each one of this persons are responsible for the Military Unit as well as their divisions. We don't have yet squads inside each division but we plan to add those as soon as we have more soldiers. With new squads, we will accept Squad Commanding officers (namely captains and lieutenants).
The Public Relations Officer will be the one in charge of contacting people interested in signing contracts with Seal Team 6 as well as handling them.

It is important to notice that each soldier who participated in this drill managed to take a screenshot of their own damage and send it over using the correct form. This form will be used for all future military drills and contracts as well.
There are some exceptional cases that for real life reasons could not present a screenshot but sent their exact number of damage, this cases were accounted as well.
Total damage done by Seal Team 6 in 24h: 23,133,218 (23.1 Million damage)
It is a good number and I'd like to congratulate all soldiers for their performance!

Seal Team 6 Military Unit uses several means of communication in order to better facilitate its operations. You may find all the means listed here. You'll find this contacts listed in order from the most used to the least used.
Seal Team 6 Discord Server: https://discord.gg/0zyoLO0QGytFiWwV - This invite will only get you to the public room in our server. It is handy if you wish to chat a bit or if you're looking for a contract and you need an officer.
IRC Channel on Rizon: #ST6 - Still used, but least now that most communications were moved to Discord.
Seal Team 6 Forums - http://eusa-erev.com/index.php?board=19.0 - The forums are still being reorganized given the entire restructuration of the military unit. We have our boards inside the eUSA national ones but that does not mean you cannot join even if you aren't a USA citizen.
You may also contact any of our officers through private message on erevollution if you are interested to enlist or to hire damage.
Enlisting Procedures
Interested in joining Seal Team 6?! Interested in driving Helicopters to the battle front and destroy our enemies for fame, glory and fortune? Then Seal Team 6 is your place!
Enlist today by filling this form - https:///bXoAl4
After filling the form, in order to process your recruitment faster, contact one of the commanding officers!
Contract Procedures
Wishing to hire Seal Team 6 damage services? You are in the right place!
If you wish to negotiate a contract with Seal Team 6, please fill this form: http:///forms/q6v0XhXjd9 - After filling this form, contact a Command Officer in order to negotiate the contract.
Depending on the confidentiality or not of the negotiated contract, Seal Team 6 may announce the damage operations as proof of success to the world! However, if the contractor wishes full confidentiality, we will not make announcements of such operations.

New Logo:

During the process of rebranding, our Military Unit has decided to use brand new uniforms for our soldiers:
Here are the examples for each division:
Green Division uniform frame:

Red Division Uniform frame:

Gold Division Uniform

1. Are we required to take screenshots of our damage all the time?
No. You are only required that in two very specific occasions: During military drills or damage contracts. If our military unit is hired, you are required the screenshot in order to receive your share of gold. It is not that we officers doubt that you've done the damage but our contracts don't know you and in the event something goes wrong, we need to have proof in order to better defend you.
2. Can we sell the supplies we receive?
No. According to the policy, you receive the supplies in order to increase your firepower. Selling your own supplies will defeat that purpose and our military unit does not support it. Per policy, depending on where you're selling you may get warned or discharged. If you do it too many times, you may face supply suspension and ultimately discharge.
It is important that you understand that officers spent a big deal of time and money so you could receive those supplies to improve yourself. We will not tolerate people taking advantage of the system.

You may all now return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

General of Seal Team 6
Leroy CombsblackhazeКоментари (22)

First denied for the Seals!




We test our Damage in Amazonica and we make +/- 45 mil in one round (500/500).
I think you can collect supplies and test yours full fight!.

V! o7

hey abraham, do you provide career oportunities on SEAL Team 6 ?

Possibly Shirogane, but remember that USA has 2 military units so damage kinda spreads between 

@komeng_saja - Yes, there are. As it is stated in the article, the more people joining, the more squads will be required to open in each division. That s when we ll need more officers and that s when promotions will happen.

Do I get to come back 

I was gonna fetch you when I run for CP but your welcome to come back home @MrSharp1219


Soon spitfire
, ounce I m done with school xD

I have 3 days of school left and I can t wait 

You do get to come back Sharp! 

Cool Design 

