Објављено у United States of America - Политичке дебате и анализе - 07 Jun 2016 19:12 - 21

Greetings fellow citizens,
After some rebranding regarding the Federalist Party ideology, I'd like to invite all the citizens to take part in reading the first official party platform that outlines the goals and policies that our party stands for.
Topics for Tonight
1. Federalist Party Platform Table of Contents:
1. Preamble
2. Restoring the American Dream - Economy
3. We the People
4. Responsible and Prestigious Foreign Policy
5. Manifest Des - Military
6. Transparency and Loyalty
7. Constitutional Government
2. Congressional Elections

The Federalist Party Platform is a statement of who we are and what we believe as a party. It is our vision for a stronger and freer America. The pursuit of opportunity has defined America from the very beginning. This is a land of opportunity. The American Dream is a dream of equal opportunity for all. And the Federalist Party is the party of opportunity.
The eAmerican people possess vast reserves of courage and determination and the capacity to recognize the truth and chart a strong course. They are eager for the opportunity to take on eLife's challenges and, through faith and hard work, transform the future of our nation for the better. They are the most generous people in the eWorld, giving their time, talent, and treasure sacrificially.
This platform affirms that America has always been a place of grand dreams and even grander realities--and so it will be again, if we return government to its proper place, small and smart. If we restructure government's most important domestic programs to avoid causing fiscal collapse. If we keep taxation to a minimum. If we celebrate success, entrepreneurship, and innovation through progress. If we raise the number of active citizens and hand over a legacy of growth and prosperity to the next generation. We as a party also affirm that we are here to serve the country and not just to win elections.

Restoring the American Dream - Economy

Balance Between Currency Value and Taxes
In order to retain a sustainable economy, we believe that the government needs to have control of the monetary market. This needs to be done with periodic injections of USD to keep the currency at an acceptable value on one hand. In addition, taxes need to be kept only at the level needed to fund government programs and siphon money back into the economy, providing market flow and a sustainable income in gold for the government. (In other words, we support low taxes).
Deficit-Free Budgets
We are absolutely against deficit spending except in cases of emergency, where the integrity of the United States may be at risk. We are always in favor of a responsible fiscal policy.
Market Competition
We are against market cartels. We are for free market competition in order to provide better prices for all people and provide a more sustainable income to the government through taxation.
Progressive Investments
We are in favor of all low-risk investments such as hospitals, defensive systems, domestic programs, and military programs as means to provide safety and a good environment for our people.
International Market
The Federalist Party believes in a free market system in which deals with other countries may be made where both parties benefit. These deals may include the trade of goods or renting of regions with duplicated resources that do not harm our economy in any way.

We the People

NASA - Baby Boom Projects
The Federalist Party will endorse any program that stimulates lational growth. We fully support the NASA program as a means to increase the eAmerican lation on eRevollution.
Retention Programs
Every program that works to keep the lation engaged in the game, we will work on. We support programs such as radio shows and game nights as well as lotteries with prizes for new players in order to keep them engaged.
Educational Culture
We support every program that educates the new citizens regarding game mechanics. We support mentoring in all areas such as business, politics, and military so that new blood may progress our nation in the very near future. Education is a cornerstone of our domestic platform.
Supply and Traveling Programs
We are in favor of supply programs such as those that provide weapons and food to new citizens until a certain level so they can grow faster. We are against programs that directly fund new players with gold or any other sort of currency, except during events where prizes are involved or transportation programs that move citizens back to the hospital region or the capital.
Equal Opportunity for Everyone
We believe that every citizen should have an equal chance at receiving a higher wage, at selling their goods for the country economy, and at becoming an elected representative or other individual with political power. We believe in meritocracy as a means of self improvement and consequently as a way to improve the country overall.

Responsible and Prestigious Foreign Policy

We believe that eAmerica should always hold itself to high standards in the agreements that are signed with other nations. As such, the Federalist Party opposes signing any deal that will harm any friend or declaring war on any country that is either a member of the same alliance as the eUSA or otherwise has good relations with our nation.
Given the high standards demanded by our party in terms of diplomacy, we demand the same in return from other nations that have agreements with the eUSA. We may forgive a mistake, but we will never forget. Break our trust, and we shall remember it always.
The Federalist Party will always uphold and respect agreements signed by previous governments regarding foreign policy.

Manifest Des - Military

Military Training
We believe that every soldier should receive military training in order to learn the basics of military; as such, the Federalist Party supports the creation and upkeep of any military academy or military unit that operates with a focus on training.
Main Forces
We believe that Seal Team 6, as the main military force in the eUSA, should not remain private. We believe in contemporary military service with responsible istance from the government as a means to improve the overall eAmerican firepower.
Gold Division and Special Forces
We believe and support the creation of rapid reaction forces that are able to deal large quantities of damage for the good of the eUSA and her allies. Soldiers staffing this body should receive special training.
Military Expansion and the National Security Council
We believe in eAmerican military expansion as a means to help our alliance and as a means to demonstrate strength and valor to other countries. We believe in a strong and coordinated NSC that guides our military strategy to success and an NSC that has a proper internal procedure.
We do not support the inclusion of military units that do not comply with certain size, supply, and damage capability requirements in the NSC, unless there is a special purpose for those forces.

Transparency and Loyalty
We believe in a transparent government and in a government that informs its citizens through all possible means. These means include: radio shows and podcasts, forum posts, open discord chats with the government, and ultimately--and most importantly, national articles.
We believe in government and general media activity, and we support both public and private media as long as it serves the people. We believe in open State of the Union addresses as well as reports regarding Congressional law and bills currently on the floor for discussion.
We will always support a government that is loyal to its people through honesty and transparency.

Constitutional Government

We will always support a government (as well as all citizens) that hold to the rights and duties of the eUnited States Constitution as well as the Congressional Code of Conduct.
We are permanently against any illegal activity perpetrated by any citizen, Congress member, government, or military unit. If the action is unlawful, we shall take appropriate legal action against it. We will fight any government that does not uphold to the laws of the Constitution and does not respect democracy.
We will support legal changes that predict and respond to all sorts of possible scenarios in the eUnited States in order to uphold the integrity of our nation. We will always support and act on choices taken democratically by the people.

If you are interested in representing our Party in the upcoming Congressional elections, please follow the next steps:
1. Candidate for congress ingame. You may do so here: https://www.erevollution.com/en/party/6 - Just click "Candidate" right under the Congress section.
2. Message me that you are interested in running for Congress. If I already know you, I most likely will not interview you. If you are however new, I will likely want to know you a bit better, however, new blood will be accepted and mentored as it is part of our party core values!
3. Your candidacy will most likely be accepted. Wait for the 15th and enjoy being elected. Make sure to uphold to the rules of Congress and be an elected official that works for the good of the country!
Enjoy and be up to the standard of the great honor that was given to you! Serve our country well!

You may all now return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

HunBurryMonkusYouGodMeEmphosblackhazeКоментари (21)

First denied for the Feds!




When do you plan to make ST6 a national force?

@Emphos it s not up to me. If TMC and Arith wish ST6 to be a national force again, I ll gladly rejoin and amend ST6 policy. 

I vote you...
6 to 7


Making a MU national is ultimately up to Congress.

I prefer that ST6 remain private.

So your endorsing the DoCA program. But what is that going to do the only way you can help DoCA is giving us Funds or workers

I never said DoCA shouldn t get funds in order to get the necessary goods to supply people. It s a necessary investment but hey, nice try 

Long read o.O But it has great content so I voted and subscribed 



I just realized how very similar this article is to the GOPs platform... :/