Yayınlanacağı yer Turkey - Finans işleri - 20 Jul 2016 11:30 - 24

Hi! In this article series I put the prices of All Chat (black market - no taxes). I'll provide an interval, or a concrete number, that is the AVERAGE PRICE. Anything lower should be considered a good price, and anything above is therefore a bad price.
This Edition's Notes:
Removed subscriber's trading area, I don't have time for it, and it wasn't being as useful as I thought it would...
The energy / food industry will definitly be revamped, with Q1 Food beggining to be worth more. For now, it's unclear what the future has for us.
Q5 Helis can't stop going down in price, and will continue, in my opinion, due to the new "special missile", that will make other gun industries worth something. You now have TONS of 0,065 sellers.
Houses seem normal.

1G = 2220-2300 Energy

Q1 Helis = 0,032 - 0,034
Q2 Helis = 0,035 - 0,037
Q3 Helis / Q5 Tanks = 0,044
Q4 = 0,053 - 0,057
Q5 = 0,065

Q1 = 4
Q2 = 4,5 - 5,0
Q3 = 5,5 - 6,5
Q4 = 8,0 - 8,5
Q5 = 11,0 - 12,0

Thx for your attention! If you liked it be sure to vote, if you think this is a good idea subscribe, if you have any suggestion go ahead and comment in the secton below!
JacaentyYorumlar (24)

o7 frst

Life Kit info - https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/11816
I sell 5 q1 houses every 3 days.

wrong data

PM polyzus

house prices are wrong

Houses are, like I said in previous editions, not as common as other items, so prices vary a lot, thats why I put a huge interval. With that said, I don t think you ll find any (relevant) price out of these price ranges.


My bad



why not put the price of DS and hospital? haha

@DarkBlack bcs they are very rare to find, therefore the price varies a lot, and isnt worth to put. Anyways, only countrys buy them, and I doubt they need help figuring out the price
@YouGodMe Still waiting for you to tell me what exactly is wrong.



Wrong Wrong Wrong

@HungryKevin lololol

Want to buy energy pm me. huge amount.

Buy food! send pm offerts!!!!

Want to buy Q1 House? PM me ASAP

i whant a q2 or q3 house

You want Energy. My In-Box Is open for you and your friends. 2,200 Energy = 1 Gold