Yayınlanacağı yer Serbia - Savaş analizleri - 21 Jul 2016 10:59 - 28

For the 2nd time in 500 years the Arabs from Anatolia attempted to destroy Hungary. The 1st time they were stopped by the Holy League, and now thanks to based Orbán's wall they were stopped in Southern Transdanubia.

Croatia joins the party and beats Turkey in Western Transdanubia.
For all the mad törks in the comment's section, the e-suicide hotline is 342-1488-ROACH o/

This victory was brought to you by RAID: Raid kills bugs dead


Hi i am a simple multipraetorianus74HuMaViGiovanno69Sar BellAlexanderPistolevNightwatcherHUNTarsiLormDeadalusMarlockfakirYorumlar (28)


awesome article o7 

Kad te vidi Babo.

a római nevűek a házba mennek!
Serhun o7
happy to fight on the same side.
that makes me feel better than the victory itself.
almost as good as the chick above.


Nice article! 


o7 kek


Baak iste bu hareketler olmadi..
MOHAC Meydan muharebesi gibi bi nokta koduk biz size
2 saatte biten savas.. Vuu Muhtesem Suleyman.. layoş muydu o artiz..

sorry was there any article? i ve just seen epic.... boobs! 

You guyz nothing but pathetic racists. You cant even have honorouble Victory after a win.


Oh just another butthurt. We ruled over you Serbians for more than 300 years, we used you as slaves. Bye.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Moh%C3%A1cs Next time 2 hours will be enough, thank you o/

Jokes on you roaches, I m from Spain IRL, you know, the guys that assraped you in Lepanto, Vienna and Malta among several others ;D

That is not very Charlie :perplex:

@Tukyu: Do not confuse the IRL with game
@Imperius: plase search it the battle for Nandorfehérvár or Eger
)))) #removekebabterrorist

It s all about that RAID m8


NueveOcho u one good looking girl!
excellent article, cool pictures 

o7 ! ! !

😁 o7
