Yayınlanacağı yer France - eRevollution da ilk adımlar - 26 Jul 2016 02:42 - 34
NipiusKiminuxDewiszSeirinSereleWolfyBazeraldRaspoutine7eptimeSuccoMarlockTarsiConnenNeuteTripelKarmelietRAF904LeFrancaisAncestralShaKeD Dublin WarrioryaroumeZakIrono0bsailbotno0bsailbotAntimon 101Giovanno69DojimaeVokasiposqrrWarkorno0bsailbotTyrosjavier silva 2016Guardians66LeyomisGhostringZerstorerYorumlar (34)
Désolol l éditeur a merdé, merci pour tous ces dons pdt ce temps :3
Very true
Rofl !
xD Excellent comme toujours !
Hahahha o7
Each article better than the last
Thx Marlock :3 Thx for the endorse everyone. o/
voté ! j adore
hahahah very nice Dorian
it would be funny, if it weren`t sad
J aime :3
lol voted
V ! Bon article, très plaisant a consulter a chaque fois
je m abonne.
t es au taquet (@-@)
sad but true
it would be funny, if it weren`t sad ²
Even though I have no respect for you, last two articles, including this one, are downright awesome and hit the spot. This definitely has a bigger meaning than what most of the people see in this article endorse!
Haha vote!
zhis one is great
Chapeau l artiste
XD voted
Very true
Well now we must make contest in making this stuff. Gold and best of Dorian the master