Yayınlanacağı yer Serbia - Finans işleri - 05 Aug 2016 07:14 - 16
Let me give you some advice NOW!
You have to be an Albanian
Like this guy:

You have to be an Albanian
Like this guy:

Nemanja95BinnCheeYorumlar (16)

How to steal Golde?

that s owea? lool

Umm... Wut?

Thats it guys two easy steps to get rich
yeah baby

Step 1: Put OwYea de ion in the profile. Step 2: See that robber pic. Step 3: Watch the gold rolling in. Shit thats three steps.

i don get it

The comment is getting parsed, nevermind.

This article explains everything 

How to be Vojo? You have to be an Vojo Radikal.

You can t be Vojo there is only 2 Vojo and both are in Canada 

Nemam blage o čem ti to....

wut?! i saw this article yesterday and still didnt get joke! then why u guys voting it???

@vooztrollin this is not joke....

V 66

How to get bannede