Yayınlanacağı yer United States of America - Siyasi tartışmalar ve analiz - 15 Aug 2016 22:27 - 8

Covow was not too happy when he found out the next day that I have seized the position of the provisional President of the US. I must also say that I have put in a lot of work at this point so I also felt qualified. I created the national forums, http://eusa.forumotion.com/, and the national IRC channel #eRev-usa all on day one. Here are some more article images.
This is Abe’s article making public the provisional government. There is more, about plans for the other departments, but if you would like to give it a full read, I’ll write in the article. http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/24

Covow’s response to Abe’s article. He seemed fine with me being the President, but I’m sure there was some frustration. I named him vice party president solely because of the guilt I felt becoming the Interim president and getting rid of the Council. http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/174

Next were the elections and beginning my interim presidency until the first legitimate US presidential elections. At first, the congress elections were in a few days and the presidential election for the country was in like a month. Something like 28 days. There was a bunch going on with folks trying to level up and get the gold to open the first political party, which became the Federalist Party...

Abe bought gold and quickly created this party so I had a place to run for president. I just had to get to level 18 or 16. I forgot which one. People were also trying to level up to meet the level requirements for the 1st Congress. Unfortunately, on day 2 or 3 we, the players, figured out that the CP elections were to be held 2 days before the congressional elections. I worked really hard to quickly level up to meet the CP level requirements and I ran and won.

Now was the time for me to legitimately lead the country. I was still surprised on the fact that I was the leader of the US. I promised myself that I was going to try me best in the founding stages of the country. I knew that my actions could make or break the country and I was willing to take the responsibility.
Progress about one week later and here we are. now I can finally discuss current events. A lot has happened in the past week. Covow has been removed from the cabinet as the vice president because of an investigation on “illegal” business deals which turned out to be false and were simply business. I will go into more detail later. I have a great cabinet and they are doing a phenomenal job. Last night I attended a meeting for the alliance Eagle also.
Eagle Alliance Meeting
Nothing really got done besides the election of the HQ staff such as the SC, FC, spokesperson and vSC. Abe represented the US very well and became the FC (Financial?). Also in the meeting, we voted on the SC with was DarkWish. He beat Abe 6-3.
Covow Investigations
On Skype Abe and TheMadCatter (Paragon in vPop) brought to my attention the possible breaking of a government by, at the time, my vCP Covow. With this and a few screenshots I decided to remove Covow as my VP and removed his status in game and in the forums. I also posted in the PDB that Covow was under investigation. With this, the investigation began and I was getting most of my info from TheMadCatter or Abe (which was very bias since they both dislike Covow). Keep in mind I was actively looking for Covow in IRC to message also to get his side of the story. I did get the chance to talk to him until after I found out that the allegations were false and Covow was just doing regular business deals. I still have yet to decide if I will reinstate Covow as my vCP. Here are logs of my some of what I got along with some of the conversations.
- Whole Skype conversation between TheMadCatter, Abe, and myself during the whole investigations: http://pastebin.com/mf7EfswgWhat I was presented when Abraham Lincoln and TheMadCatter accused Covow of crimes against the USA: http://pastebin.com/dr9LZBhA
When I figured out that Covow was truly innocent: http://prntscr.com/9sdx2n
Skype conversation images: http://imgur.com/a/D1310
Comments with Abe: http://pastebin.com/zqQ7h5C2
That should be it for the Covow investigation.
So the US is currently planning on attacking Russia via Alaska to get the wars started. Yui just needs to plan out the plans and get the supplies all organized. The war should help get some activity going and get the blood flowing. It’s help the old geezers like Abe. Speaking of the Abe, here is a conversation that I had with him. Great stuff. http://pastebin.com/79yDUb44. Alright I am done for this entry.
P.S. This was not all done in one sitting. This started early in the afternoon and it is currently 12:54am that I am finishing this.
End of Journal Entry
Ending Remarks
So I just thought I'd post this for all of you interested in a little history or what the first US President was thinking in the first few weeks of the game and the development of the country. I did not check all of the links because I copy and pasted from the gdoc that I originally wrote this on. If you have any questions or anything about what I wrote, feel free to pm me.
I hope you enjoyed the read.
arithWarhaftAbraham LincolnTricky DickYorumlar (8)


Great history lesson for future leaders. Thank you!

cool project

I was mentioned.

I am not mentioned. No Vote 

*A Wild TK sighting?*


Sounds like you had some turbulent times.