Yayınlanacağı yer United States of America - Siyasi tartışmalar ve analiz - 23 Jan 2016 03:44 - 4

is for you to decide. But before we go to the news first let me introduce the party leadership of the Federalist Party.First up our honorably founder father of erev and the most respected, honorable and a kind person I have met in my life. He is Abraham Lincoln the defender of fre and the founding father of the Federalists party.

Abraham Lincoln, Party President

spitfireYG, Party Vice President
To introduce this member of the fed leadership is hard because he has many faces and different unique personalities combined in his body and soul :P XD. Also the fact he is the most fun person to be around but at the same time he can be psychotic ha-ha just joking please don’t kill me Eddie :D. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome EddieA our political director.

EddieA, Party Political Director
The most mysterious person I have ever met, he is a great guy and also the fact that we are now working on a project which will improve the overall quality of the party by creating the best jobs within the federalists party. Please welcome kejoh99 the director of Recruitment and Retention.

kejoh99, Party Recruitment and Retention Director
OK the next one, Now I should introduce is myself, hey my name is Arith and I am the director of media and communication , every week I will publish an article on this newspaper and I am responsible of bringing the news on time which will be always be fair and balance.

Arith, Party Media and Communication Director
Last but not the least is the director of Fun and games, Hunburry . I don’t much about hun but I heard
that he is a fun person to be around. Well I have got nothing on him interesting to tell

Hunburry, Party Fun and Games Director
Let’s talk about Federalist Party jobs, right now we need writers and MOAR articles for FED media blitz. This is the project that I will be working. Do you want to be a part of this experience and the excitement of publishing articles? But you don’t have enough gold to publish your articles Well now you can, all you need is to contact me. I will publish articles on your behalf you will get the credit for any article that I published for you. You will also get 60 percent of the endorsement money which is earned from the articles that I published for you weekly. SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR SIGN UP SIGN UP .
But if media isn’t your thing I understand then you have to contact kejoh99 for other jobs that you might be interested and please go crazy with your talent ;) that you been blessed. So please join the Federalist Party Press corps we will happily welcome you to our family.

Join the Federalist Press corps you will never regret it, beware The Federalist press corps is here to stay :D XD.
Ok now to the NEWS. Our country is now in the stage of forming to a better nation since its creation and the future of eUSA is in the hands of congress. Congress is right now is ping a code of conduct for them. This has led to the creation of a new government department called the IES (Immigration enforcement service), this department main function will control the flow of immigrants and provide security by stopping PTOer or enemy states that will aim for the destruction of our great nation.
Since congress can approve citizens the job of the IES is to ensure and guide member of congress to approve citizens who have been and deemed safe for entry. If congressmen approves a citizen who is not deemed safe for entry by the IES screening then the person in question will be black listed. Also the position for the director of IES seems to be going to The mad catter, because most of the congressional support goes to him, it is still too soon to tell but we will update you once we have more information on this topic. So I wish you good luck to you mad Catter. There is right now two candidates for the position of IES director. They are Mad catter and Thomas killiah, these two have so far got nominated as the candidates by congress .
When our country was born recently we will be running under a temporary constitutional document which is from vPopulus until a new constitution is developed. This announcement came from the first president of eUSA, Biohaze. So we have to wait till we have a proper constitution to fellow. These were the recaps that happened this week and nothing interesting happened sadly :(. So join me next week for more news in eUSA, I am Arith and as usual stay PROUD AND HORNY (P/H)

Yorumlar (4)

I am mentioned. I voted too.

Voted! Let's get the rock going Feds!

Voted too! Time to increase awareness on the Federalist Party!!

vote looks good