Yayınlanacağı yer France - Finans işleri - 13 Sep 2016 17:37 - 23

Note added after recieving several PM:
As said in the article we don't change "Currency for Gold" or "Gold for Currency", we only convert Currency for any other Currency with the same rate of the Monetary Market, it's just more quick for you than waiting for your turn in the MM.
vinegifagg29RothbartYorumlar (23)


Excange office 

V 38 o7


nice o7


BNG? wtf is that?

Interesting idea, voted!


Good luck

Genious idea.

What do you win?

It s great, but What is your earn percent ?

Thank you every body
i made already so many changne currency in one day
you ask what i win? i win nothing
i want to be familiar with the international money market may be that will give me some ideas, so it s free help for you and free education for me

Great man

lol.. knew that since u was lower than 20lvl xD

not 1 to 1 value?

@arualex/nicola: thanks @optimium i am lvl 33
@Yutukaron it depend on the value of each money, 80% of cc are 0.01 gold so it s 1 to 1, but many others are not ex HRK is 0.015 and RSD is 0.07 so 1 HRK is allmost 2 RSD