Presidential News

Yayınlanacağı yer Cyprus - Siyasi tartışmalar ve analiz - 06 Oct 2016 10:45 - 6

Republic of eCyprus want you. For long time eCyprus did not have government or president and it was bullied, but those day are over.
We want to bring this country back to the game and make it great again. We are accepting new and old players
and giving you position in the the government.
eCyprus must have its independence.

 Join our army and fight for independence!

Donate to Republic of eCyprus so that we can develop it to a strong nation. 122

Come here to work and help in the government and diplomacy. 253

So come here and fight loud and proud for nation Republic of eCyprus.



Yorumlar (6)

U skupštini pištolj opaliooo,Stjepana i Pavla pogodiooo Smile)
To nije nimalo smiješno, oni su umrli boreći se za Hrvatsku i braneći je od velikosrpske ideologije a ti se sprdaš sa njima.
a iz čega si ti zaključio da se ja s sprdam s njima? samo sam se sjetio te pjesme kad sam ti vidio nick Smile
Vjera u Boga i seljačka sloga o7
Go Cyprus! Spark a Revolution! Austria Supports you o7
Good luck !