Yayınlanacağı yer Poland - Savaş analizleri - 30 Oct 2016 11:13 - 25
We have started a war cause Turkey dictate you to do this. Cause all Germany asked from Poland, was security, not to let Polish regions be the road of Germany's enemies to reach our lands. That was the request to carry on the cooperation both countries had for so long. A cooperation that benefit both of us, prosper our communities and strengthen our economies. As soon as i realized that Turkey was pressing you in a certain road and found out the plotting moves of others too, to bring IRAN at northern borders, I knew I had to move first and try the impossible: remove Turkish colonies along with German allies from Central Europe. This is why we attacked Silesia and meanwhile a DW against Tr was running. Germany's objective was not Poland; never was. We are neighbours and we will still be after that. More than this, we are economical partners.
When discussions came to a dead end, i warned Polish reps that this war was about to destroy Germany economically, but the sacrifice for this, would also be Polish economy. That Poland would get destroyed too, so Germany suffer. Right then, I knew that people understood that this would might happen, they just didn't know the scale. And we reach today. That Polish economy suffers, far away from 3x100 that enjoyed for long. And made Polish economy strong.
You people, fought the war of another, fought for the interests of another, you destroyed your country for the interests of another. While they seat comfortably on their 3x100 bonuses, strengthen EVERY DAY their economy and community and you fade away. For them it is a win-win situation. They destroyed an enemy and they destroyed the rival economy of an ally. To remain as sole player in the economy game.
When discussions came to a dead end, i warned Polish reps that this war was about to destroy Germany economically, but the sacrifice for this, would also be Polish economy. That Poland would get destroyed too, so Germany suffer. Right then, I knew that people understood that this would might happen, they just didn't know the scale. And we reach today. That Polish economy suffers, far away from 3x100 that enjoyed for long. And made Polish economy strong.
You people, fought the war of another, fought for the interests of another, you destroyed your country for the interests of another. While they seat comfortably on their 3x100 bonuses, strengthen EVERY DAY their economy and community and you fade away. For them it is a win-win situation. They destroyed an enemy and they destroyed the rival economy of an ally. To remain as sole player in the economy game.
Frank05AgoriaXooKaip3TopSecretSar BellPeakyNyx UlricSCAMEnrique 10Yorumlar (25)






Nice manipulate grandpa xD

Bla bla bla 

ko sa poljskom tikve sadi o glavu mu se obile!

Poland is happy with its choice. so win win for mdp o7


Vultures are everywhere 

not vultures, true friends o7

Sad but true


Nice propaganda! 

cool story. donating 25 cc for german economy.

we should wait and see maybe in future they occupy all regions of germany(and no need to give their regions). but this is what alliances must to do(if they wanna to win). poland has paid, iran also(so many useless wars to be in Europe) and of course turkey too(3vs1 wars for even short moment). if you wanna to looking for interests must to inactive military module because wars are wasting golds and energies.(80%)

i have another cool story bro, a 180€ euro story. Stay tuned

well written story, may win the oscar

Player who would sell even his mother to win germany. 6 letters

Nyx Ulric ask moderators to see how much golds country have

Yes because germany is so peaceful country, as long they can enjoy full bonuses. Otherwise you are not very peacefully country. Give Sweden all bonuses and Sweden will become the most peaceful country in the world
oh nono, germany never wanted to hurt Poland, but we had to attack you, same as you never wanted to hurt Japan and steal granite either I assume.

The officials that i was talking then may justify my words. No need to try and convince about anything