Yayınlanacağı yer Turkey - eRevollution da ilk adımlar - 06 Nov 2016 14:04 - 200

RAF904Quentin TarantinoEsseninRothbartZemjotresGeneral BlackATEHTATOPOTZemjotresZemjotresZemjotresZemjotresZemjotresZemjotresZemjotresZemjotresZemjotresKant Step In Ze Rap InKant Step In Ze Rap InWilfieZaDeNMengrelianDawsonSlade WilsonSlade WilsonSlade WilsonSlade WilsonSlade WilsonSlade WilsonSlade WilsonSlade WilsonSlade WilsonSlade WilsonSnoopy The DogMarcialRoweinHCorbenGiovinco69orkangiovinco10ZivackivelecaroAnthraXAncestralmartinkoTantisSeki333ATEHTATOPOTdanischimdanischimdanischimdanischimdanischimVitalicMrSharp1219FleunderNocturnoxGandalf the WhiteGeorgian SoliderAlieKeinez ArzusMeTaRoRAltariosGeorgian WolffStervoLucas BarresMaximusMaximusDaltonicDCacique ParamaiboaCacique ParamaiboaCacique ParamaiboaCacique Paramaiboahoomankhan127hoomankhan127SrLukSuchetGuepoKahramanMKBig Pappa WolfBig Pappa WolfBig Pappa WolfMohan GhaleHazaparatiMrBl3ndTosunLyell ThirdpreatoAfridiKrungthepPratinoKorgothSergio DiazNovideoBig Pappa WolfBig Pappa WolfBig Pappa WolfNebadinNebadinNebadinSCAMArbustBuldozeryendericksonKeseTamiramiri338BarrocaBarrocaBarrocaBarrocaBarrocaBarrocaBarrocaBarrocaBarrocaBarrocaBarrocasoulstenanceALBANIA ARMYHulkingvaggeliskerSY_PIGiliaspanagoMVJSDainichi NyoraiDainichi NyoraiDainichi NyoraiDainichi NyoraiamirkhanStervoScissorBladeXerTaLTPersesOsloEbrenAratiriAratiriAratiriAratiriBlackfuryFlamby_Flamby_Flamby_Flamby_SuccoSennaDigitalEagledimimitsTorPeD0HuguesWhite EagleAcun AbiarkopadLightswornAdukaInglourious BasterdsPamelaJose MouroNicKs GEonJimboOEnver PasaTheOldMan67RoniALBAtena StarkHuntPanzer AceTHEGUYSEKRAKITRSEKRAKITRMVJSMVJSMVJSMVJSMVJSMVJSMVJSMVJSMVJSMVJSMVJSMVJSMVJSMVJSMVJSMVJSMVJSMVJSMVJSMVJSAratiriXanderHashashifire_starLastecJoanidSzilveszterInsaniAgoneforeverthomhSatanutzMeeha1LightswornYorumlar (200)

#RemoveThisUpdate https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/17655



stop the drugs! its not enough for everyone! 

Would it not just be easier to disable the donation button for all non-paying players? That way donating Gold would become a feature available only after you pay for the game. If admins were completely serious about the update they would take an extreme step like this. As it stands, it looks more like a disclaimer allowing them to impose penalties for those seriously boosting their accounts but will not apply to most cases. Until they disable the donate button for free players, I will keep playing the game as before.

Unban Fibonnaci


Time to start preparing to quit game.

subbed. please sub my newspaper, otherwise we get ban...
otherwise in 10 days i ll unsub to save both of us!


They want to have 0 players here.

how can LENDING gold be EXPLOIT ???? I never lend my gold as I never have enough of it... but seriously.. LENDING gold if NOT BOUGHT is forbidden. Does that mean that Pay to Win players CAN lend gold, while others get ban for same action?






#РемовеТхисУпдате !!!#RemoveThisUpdate









This rule sucks!

Well, the admins look unsure what to do, to say the least.
One one hand, they want more new players, they are giving medals if you bring them and help them reach level 20 but on the other hand you re not allowed to give/lend any gold or anything to them... Is it just me or the whole idea sounds contradictory (not to say retarded)?


Maybe admins should add one more item like Silver or coins for free player and these players could handle this item as before and keep gold for buying players and remove the donate button for free players.


#Remove admins ;because with this mentality very bad future awaits us.
They are only beginning xD

@wiffle the donation gold button is often used for things such as trading helis,houses, or food for gold.


#RemoveThisUpdate :v

Remove the donate button? Add silver for free players and gold for paying players only?
Are you guys serious? If that s the direction where this game is headed the admins should make a statement and some drastic changes like pay to register . That way only you paying players will be able to play. I wouldn t complain. The logout button is nearby. And I m sure many players would agree on this.



the only reasonable change is to forbid players under lv25 to donate gold and items to others, but others can help them by donating free of charge, otherwise you are drunk go home

#RemoveCFTZ sry #RemoveThisUpdate

@NickerMcfoxtails77 - I think that Plato guy above made the right suggestion because it would block the multis but still allow for trading among most players. Plus, blocking Gold donations for free players under level 25 would make access to the Black Market an added feature with the purchase of any Gold Pack. hhmm, someone should give Plato his own game to run ~ I think he has got it figured out.

wtf????????????? this is garbage!!

1+ to Hrvat

#removeThisUpdate RETARDED RULES

















How hungry for money can one be? #RemoveThisBloodyUpdate #boo

organizations of any kind are not allowed
doesn t that defeat the entire purpose of the game? absolutely terrible move by the admins, I don t even understand how this benefits gold-purchasing

^ Yeah, that s the most stupid new rule of them all.
No groups, no organizations... Everyone should play alone without getting anything from anyone and giving anything to anyone.
Remove the countries... people of the same nationality are forming an organization. Remove political parties... people of the same ideology are forming an organization. Remove the forums and charts... people are talking and possibly making organizations...
A big WTF.







or we left game, what a retarded update !



#RemoveThisWeirdUpdate #UnbanFibo


#remove this update






Biskvit ,ajde lagano kljuc u bravu jer nemate pojma sto radite...pored mase modova klinaca koji nabrijano traze svaki krivi potez igraca vi jos uvijek niste sposobni razlikovati posudbe od multi donacija. Također vecina ljudi ovu igru igra zbog ekipe na chatovima i svog MU-a ,a vama je cilj unistiti bas to.
p.s. necete vise prodavati gold zbog ovog updatea 


















#hi #everyone #loves #hashtags #on #this #game


even admin articles sometimes don t reach so much votes




#FixTheUpdate https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/17681


END CORRUPTION BEFORE CORRUPTION ABUSE #Fixupdate AND END GAME https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/17680




#RemoveThisUpdate https://www.erevollution.com/pt/article/17655 - Unban Fibonnaci




#removeThis stupid update


you are a rich



#GameOver #TryAgain





#DontRemoveThisUpdate (I m joking








This is my gold. MY. And I will do with it as I want. #RemoveThisFckUpdate

Muuse you are fucking right. We should do what we want with the gold WE won (bought or not). If I want to make a loan to a friend, we should be able to do it and fix our own terms of the loan. Admins should ban multis and abuse, and account buyers, but do not come into private business of honest players.



blabla..... equivalent transaction in return old rules








Freaking USSR. #RemoveThisUpdate













447 Vote OMG Is it Erev Record?


#RemoveThisUpdate and unban fibo


where is the admins ? this have 452 vote !!!!

just make a loan system where the guy can state his/her condition: how much gold/cc is he/she willing to give to another person and at what time does he/she want the money back from the borrower + set interest rate optional.


Delete update

remove update or delate our accounts !!!

and you broke the game for new players, there will left only who have visa nothing more





Rules have been updated.


the only reasonable change is to forbid players under lv25 to donate gold and items to others, but others can help them by donating free of charge, otherwise you are drunk go home





186 c - 620 v o7


interesting update,... so MU and Political Parties are illegal lol






#Remove this update





