Yayınlanacağı yer Georgia - Siyasi tartışmalar ve analiz - 07 Nov 2016 03:36 - 69
Hello people :)
Today i'll tell you the story of Thailand, Georgia, Brazil.
How you know Thailand had MPP with all of this countries.
Few days ago Georgia started a campaing to free Thailand from Japan control. The Georgian gov came like "friends" and told that want to free our regions. I didnt knew why... Why for em to free Thailand? What is the reasons? The MPP with us? Maybe. but all of it looks to strange for me. We had agreement with Japan so we couldnt fight in this battles because Japan rent our regions.
Later after left only 1 regions Indonesia made on us DW + NE. I sent messages to 3 positions of each ally country. CP, MOD and MoFA.
One of the positions in Georgia read this message and made NE on Indonesia but he didnt knew that his gov actually have other plans. We can even see it in the votes 6 for and 4 against, not strange?
We will return to Georgia later.
All who remember, we help to Brazil very much by milliards of dmg. brazilian citizens wrote to me messages and their CP and gov and told that will NEVER forget it and will come to help us when we will need it!
Later when this time came and i sent messages to the gov of Brazil. Silence... No one answer to me. No one told anything. Even Peru answer to my message and told they can't because of NAP, but Brazil? Really? After all what we did for you? Now i understand why the "Trollz" left Brazil.
In addition to Brazil, Argentina same story. Silence. Not even answer or anything.
China that have wars, Big troubles and still help us even with few millions.
If Brazil and Argentina afraid of Indonesia than you just scared like little dogs. Sad. Very Sad.
Now back to Georgia.
After they free our last region, Georgia started to act little bit strange. I start to receive some information from mouth to mouth that Georgia not so want to fight against Indonesia when they atatcked us, but still soldiers of Georgia help to us.
After this when we attacked back, Georgia Gov start telling to their soldiers that they need not to fight against Indonesia because Indonesia is ally of Turkey and Georgia not want troubles with Turkey.
Well it was more acceptable but still seems strange at least to me. Some soldiers of Gerogia even after their gov told not to fight, continue to fight and help to Thailand.
Georgia gov was really mad because of it and had to tell the truth to stop the helping to Thailand of their soldiers.
Truth is that Georgia want to make allaince with Indonesia and all of this "friendships" and help is only a mask of the Georgian gov to not let us be against this "fre".
Actually all what did Georgia is was free Thailand to give it as "gift" to their new friends, Indonesia :)
Because Georgia betrayed Thailand, i fired almost all my Georgians workers as sanctions on Georgia.
So we learn from this one lesson, people of erev.
Georgia and Brazil is the "best" allies in this game :D
Best regards,
Today i'll tell you the story of Thailand, Georgia, Brazil.
How you know Thailand had MPP with all of this countries.
Few days ago Georgia started a campaing to free Thailand from Japan control. The Georgian gov came like "friends" and told that want to free our regions. I didnt knew why... Why for em to free Thailand? What is the reasons? The MPP with us? Maybe. but all of it looks to strange for me. We had agreement with Japan so we couldnt fight in this battles because Japan rent our regions.
Later after left only 1 regions Indonesia made on us DW + NE. I sent messages to 3 positions of each ally country. CP, MOD and MoFA.
One of the positions in Georgia read this message and made NE on Indonesia but he didnt knew that his gov actually have other plans. We can even see it in the votes 6 for and 4 against, not strange?
We will return to Georgia later.
All who remember, we help to Brazil very much by milliards of dmg. brazilian citizens wrote to me messages and their CP and gov and told that will NEVER forget it and will come to help us when we will need it!
Later when this time came and i sent messages to the gov of Brazil. Silence... No one answer to me. No one told anything. Even Peru answer to my message and told they can't because of NAP, but Brazil? Really? After all what we did for you? Now i understand why the "Trollz" left Brazil.
In addition to Brazil, Argentina same story. Silence. Not even answer or anything.
China that have wars, Big troubles and still help us even with few millions.
If Brazil and Argentina afraid of Indonesia than you just scared like little dogs. Sad. Very Sad.
Now back to Georgia.
After they free our last region, Georgia started to act little bit strange. I start to receive some information from mouth to mouth that Georgia not so want to fight against Indonesia when they atatcked us, but still soldiers of Georgia help to us.
After this when we attacked back, Georgia Gov start telling to their soldiers that they need not to fight against Indonesia because Indonesia is ally of Turkey and Georgia not want troubles with Turkey.
Well it was more acceptable but still seems strange at least to me. Some soldiers of Gerogia even after their gov told not to fight, continue to fight and help to Thailand.
Georgia gov was really mad because of it and had to tell the truth to stop the helping to Thailand of their soldiers.
Truth is that Georgia want to make allaince with Indonesia and all of this "friendships" and help is only a mask of the Georgian gov to not let us be against this "fre".
Actually all what did Georgia is was free Thailand to give it as "gift" to their new friends, Indonesia :)
Because Georgia betrayed Thailand, i fired almost all my Georgians workers as sanctions on Georgia.
So we learn from this one lesson, people of erev.
Georgia and Brazil is the "best" allies in this game :D
Best regards,
Mladenkakomeng_sajaSennaEReJSMihaTwisterDictAt0RYorumlar (69)

Oh god not again xD

o.O this is tftz

betrayed? sure about that?

is there anyone who didn`t betrayed you ?

this is the first time Georgia does something like this, again xD

voted subbed

says the guy who started fighting against his ally because of VISAs

You always choose wrong country to go bro,but one thing is clear:Kami is builder of Empires

It is true that they want to reset Japan and share all

I haven t started yet. When I start you will know for sure 

Sorry Kami no offensive, nothing personal, but Thailand was just an instrument to humiliate Japan, we remember how Japan threatened us in past and they got punished for this, nothing more and nothing less.
DDDDDDDDDD that was funny tho. But i know better story called:Fake-Germany selling friends on 50% SALE for new VISA friends.

Says the country that sells even dignity not only allies for bonuses and safety lol

Hope you solve this problem kami 

destroy all region next time

Kami we never offered you any help or protection. We help you against japan. But never promised it we help you against indo but yes later we made mpp with indo. So why you oblige us to help you and call traitors?

You will be punished kami neko

What can you expect from georgians, 9mil perhaps xD

agoria Germany captured the next 2 years

I regret every hit for thailand

Georgians, country of multies, what you have expected from them, they were affraid from Turkey from begining of a game

slaves of viza - how can you talk about traitors?


ktab, you re guy that can talk about dignity,loyalty and even purpose at all, go look for more VISA rogue players to invite in your new Nest.


I can talk about all that you mentioned. You on the contrary cannot. My nest is where it always have been. Expect me.

hit the jackpot

ktab, People can ask MKD how loyal you are, or they can ask us, how much dignity youve got back when you tanked against Allies, we can talk about this everyday, but fact is fact, you are pitiful traitors that failed in every aspect of this game, Strategy,Politics and even Friendship, its not only about Eclipse, you also ruined Invictus-Unity, so as i said we can talk about that till morning, but we both know the truth, you are two-faced loser that lost everything. CYA fake german.

@Aveun, says a georgian who PTOed Ukraine, a new level of cynicism lol

@Agoria, That s not even funny dude, even troll has its limits, Ukr-GEO are having great relations coming from RL. Not that great joke but you can always try

Germans - can you find something other than crying? asininity 

pto ?
you clearly dont understand the whole situation here...
dont talk about things that you dont know for sure!

Brazil strikes again xD

Kami, you say that we betrayed because we did not damage to the Thailand? Not so, we have our own problems that are our priorities .... you are judging a wrong way.

Nothing new in comment section, just the wannabe germans crying as always, nothing surprising really

Kami, im sorry to say but you choose wrong country. How many cz in there before you come? Second, look at your member in your MU, i think your member nearly to be inactive :/ and you cant depend on allies because all countries have their plan and priority

@georgians, you can say that to someone who didnt know situation from the begining, remember your cp was in germany for some time

tic tac

So funny to see that germans still blame us in betraial this after when they declared us a war supporting and tanking millions for my enemy,s against me. Lool you bet on wrong side ktab and i told you that one month ago when you start supporting russia. Now do not cry about consecuences when you made a choice


kami you are right
Anyone can show me a map of Germany?
the shaman Traitor 

ukraine is with you brother o7

V 57

crying germany is everywhere?
ohh also traitor The Shaman
lol. also kami. i help to liberate from japan because i don t liked them but about indonesia i didn t talk u anything, helping or others


მოღალატე საბა ხმას რა ნამუსით იღებს? :დდ

Agoria - Ukraine is friend of georgia .. in game and in RL

hail georgia o7

es germanelebi kide ras achukeneben traki dakenon

@Geo, so what, that doesnt change the fact that georgians are the new fake Ukranians

Agoria where is german?

◘Agoria if you look to real world, real Ukrainian government you will see that Georgians are in that government too
we are mates for a long time

ise idzaxit mogalate germaniao vitom turqets ar egalatos chventvis :d

Thailand was only an instrument of Georgia for delete Japan, Thailand doesnt exist in the rWorld for them.

This is sad 

This article should be named How MULTIES and another MULTIES betrayed Thailand

@orkan, and what about your comment? maybe wannabe german trying to be cool?

multies, which can delete you

Who gave that fake germans the right to speak?

georgia is biggest pussy of this game

how many of eGermany s citizens are the real Germans?
dont be ridiculous...

@mojo i have many friends from Croatia and they have my respect, but one idiot is everywhere

Because Georgia betrayed Thailand, i fired almost all my Georgians workers as sanctions on Georgia. xD ayyyyyy lemayoooo. TOP KEK 😂😂😂👌👌👌

@Aveun dh where to laugh ? On the top or bottom?

NAPattonsilians being NAPattonsilians. Simple.

ready to diem rogorc qartulad vitkvit miajva da sheusrula chvens mojos

I can t believe i lost my time reading it

Kami talks about Ally? I still remember when you are in Japan, you started a RW against Japan s best ally, Taiwan, because you want TP. We rented the region and then have mpp ffs