Yayınlanacağı yer Georgia - Savaş analizleri - 13 Nov 2016 15:03 - 43

Hello everyone! Through this article, the Eclipse HQ and its government members would like to announce the official dissolution of the alliance. Eclipse has dated 7 months of union and brotherhood, the longest alliance of the game till now. The dissolution didn´t happen because any problems, we believe that the time to end the alliance has come due to the recent changes in global scenario, where we believe we should take part in to renew the game and make it more fun.
Eclipse has been a big experience for all of us, we built a family and it won´t disappear because alliance dissolution. The relationships built here shall prevail for long time and hope you all enjoyed Eclipse times.
Thank you Eclipse fighters for making this alliance so special for all of us! We shall not forget all the campaigns we have fought together, and most of them with success! Our discord server will be still working for communication, fun and integration:
Hail Eclipse!

HeartDragonJinxPTYorumlar (43)


Hail Eclipse o7

As a former member of an Eclipse territory, I m sorry to see it go in some ways, whether as friend or foe. One last time, hail Eclipse! o7

the sun will never rise again

Voted. Hail ECLIPSE 😢


hail ECLIPSE o7

o7 hail ECLIPSE

Hail Eclipse! o7

v c


*We believe that the time to end the alliance has come due to the recent changes in global scenario, where we believe we should take part in to renew the game and make it more fun.*
I am already having fun reading this sentence
On the other hand, hail Eclipse o7


there were still eclipse o.o

sorry to hear this 

Under the most favorable circumstances, a total solar eclipse can last for 7 minutes, 31 seconds

One last time, hail Eclipse! o7

and we do it for 7 month


Farewell Eclipse!


Hail Eclipse! Hail friendship! o7

Hail Eclipse! o7

Hail Eclipse! o7

Hail Eclipse ! o7

hail eclipse ! o7

Hail Eclipse ! o7

Hail Eclipse ! 07
(Thanks for everything !)

Hail Eclipse! o7

Hail Eclipse o7

Hail Eclipse o7 it was honor to be part of eclipse family

Hail eclipse o7

Hail Eclipse ! o7

Hail Eclipse!

Hail Eclipse

Hail Eclipse! o7

I suspect nothing will change as it didnt change when MDP disbanded itself because there is no balance 

Thanks Eclipse.

Hail Eclipse. o7