Yayınlanacağı yer Germany - eRevollution da ilk adımlar - 14 Nov 2016 12:32 - 57
I propose this UPDATE long time ago and no one respond. So i will propose once again but this time public.
I propose to this Defence Shield start work.

And propose to work like this: When you wipe 1 country when that country get 1 region back they get Shield for 7 days. So in 7 days no one cant DW that country and if that Country DW someone they lose shield. Country can rise RW's during this time (7 day's) and they can fight in that's RW's.
I think this will prevent Destroying Communities. Like Ukraine in Past.
I hope that you will understand essence of this proposition.
Sry for bad English
P.S. Admins i know you can't make this fast but just tell us will you make it?
I propose to this Defence Shield start work.

And propose to work like this: When you wipe 1 country when that country get 1 region back they get Shield for 7 days. So in 7 days no one cant DW that country and if that Country DW someone they lose shield. Country can rise RW's during this time (7 day's) and they can fight in that's RW's.
I think this will prevent Destroying Communities. Like Ukraine in Past.
I hope that you will understand essence of this proposition.
Sry for bad English
P.S. Admins i know you can't make this fast but just tell us will you make it?
PANZER stronKKinyasMiLeNaAaAaDon Juan CorleoneK o BDiamond LadySereleorkanDejanNKButtersTMPanzer AceLeFrancaisYorumlar (57)

v o7 good idea

Waiting atTurks to start crying

Supported you with PLN money, you will need it my CP 

Ukrainans left because of Vist being banned, dont mix that...

Izanagi they keep ukraine deleted for long time and when they get 1 region they take it.

hehehe ironic time 

Frik, just another stupid idea from Germany
But, keep crying, this is the best what you do. I am expecting kbab to join us tonight here, ofc.

Princ Eugen rly stupid idea ?

I think this is a good idea. No matter on what side you play.


you mention it again cuz Germany got wiped 

i wonder who gave you nick Princ - he realy mix up things 

Good idea, voted

AmirRashidian this is not about germany you can say you like this or no.

Good idea

Defense shield can not save you.

Voted ô7

i have better idea: http://prntscr.com/d7awmk

lmperius leave germany out this article this is for game not for germany

@Princ Eugen aka shisui finally I have reported you

@Frik, it is stupid, because you got the idea, when your country was deleted, repeatedly. Where you was before?
@Diabol Lady, I am not so stupid to use correct written name, I will not give an excuse pathetic group of moods and add moons to ban me :p. @Pesky, why are you lying? You was so boring with your tickets, but there wasn t a single reason to ban me, although they was desperately investigating my account
so, keep going, you can not stop the truth 

This idea is still too complicated for Turkish lil kiddo minds to understand

@princ eugen/uchiha speak on serbian, jer znamo se nemoras da se mucis na engleski da pises, lakse ti je spamati na nas

@Princ Eugen, I gave them full list of your accounts along with ones that are working for your friend(old ones), I still didnt get response, I am hoping that they dont ban you, just to take golds from shisui account .Sweet dreams. I didnt get answer still, it will gonna take a while since I have provided more than 20 accounts

Who is Shisui?

https://www.erevollution.com/en/profile/13994 This player, Shisui, is permanently banned 

Reported. Good ideas are not allowed to be proposed.

Cry cry more more?

cry ajde pokrij se usima.

good idea bad timing

el Macedonico dobro e smiri se

DoOmHaMmEr i propose this 2 months ago and no answer 

@Princ Eugen, Not that shisui, you have changed your nick to levi and again you have registered as Princ Eugen and I suppose that Princ Eugen is refferal of Levi , I wrote that in ticket, so mods can check that

Pesky,this is an interesting point of view. I was wandering how can I get the list of your referrals, or maybe this kind of information is reserved for players with the privileges. Well,this is the reason why everyone hates privileged players LOL. Your friends among the moods and add moons didn t explain you that I have nothing in common with this player, except the blueprint for the book that I got thanks to my friend, and I hope that he will finish and publish this story. Not to forget, I don t know this guy Levi, didn t have a chance to meet him
The link for the game was only thing that I got in the mail,when I asked how to join the game
Will you help me to meet him? I hope he is not so boring and crying every day as you and your Crying Company leaded by beloved kbab 

Not to forget, if they conclude that I didn t brake the rules, I am expecting you to apologies me. I will continue to cry until that moment. At least, I Will meet the pain that my beloved Germans face every second of the playing game here 

Princ Onan bitching around claiming his 1 minute of fame while mentioning my name.

Kbab, eRevollution is for sale. Will you buy it?

I don t understand why people is not growing up in this game. I mean, game is every month making updates in order to make it better... of course that the subject proposed by Fric is because he was watching what was going worst in the game WHEN some one is losing... BUT, nobody was it before and this can be used for everyone else in the same situation than us, so, What is the problem for analyzing that? If you (everyone here) are using the brain, you ll understand that it will be helpful for each country in a critical situation, TODAY we are in that situation AND, most of the time, you have to rock bottom to understand that it can be better, in a real situation, when a group of guys rock bottom, just the most opened will find the solution or at least will propose it.
OPEN YOUR EYES, it is not just for us, it is for the game.

@Princ Eugen,
Mate, you know that in each country there is a lot of guys making noice but they are not giving solution, just trolling others...
I would like to know why are you doing it...
Maybe you are enjoying that, of course that could be true, other reason is that you are making noice because you are like the people that want destabilize a group of person, a city or a country, like medias.
Most of the people follow people like you because they are weak (mentally), but I can see that you wanna call the attention of them, maybe you are interested in having the control OR you are the someone else writing under the name of Princ Eugen.
Mate, enjoy the game, we are playing and enjoying it, you can do whatever you want but, don t be populist it is not working anymore (it is just working in USA and England

@Apocalypsys You have your opinion, and I have mine. I don t see that I need to justify my game play, coss I read carefully the rules and I strongly believe that I didn t brake any of them. But Crying Company continue to insult me with their insane acquisitions, about multi accounts. You didn t react on this,so I see that you are not nearly enough objective as you claim. About my still of playing, except of building account, I am doing what is best for my country, France, according to my point of view. If and when my CP ask me to stop doing this, I will stop immediately. But so far, nobody in my country complains because of my actions, so I feel free to continue. You,or any other player from other countries simply doesn t have right to lecture me. This proposition is bad, and I am against it. This is my attitude, and you didn t convince me otherwise.

About your country. Leadership of Germany is arrogant and making many wrong choices. Because of this they destabilize the eastern frontier of my country, and if Germany don t change their political approach,or leaders, I will support an idea of making Eastern France of your regions. Ofc, if you ever become an independent country again.

@Princ Eugen, Of course that each one has different opinions, that is normal, we are different. What I didn t understand is that you are not giving arguments, you are just making opposition to others, maybe that is good for you but a little bit insane for the game. I have read several post from your side, you are not very educate most of the time so, people will react at the same level due to your behavior. But, you are changing the way of the discussion, we are not talking about you are or not insulted, we are talking about ideas that I didn t see from your side. When someone found that others are giving ideas, most of the time he/she feel that is not giving solution and start attacking others due to his weaknesses, so, try to read more than you can read with you eyes, maybe you will find more information that could make the game better. I didn t say that the IDEA is perfect, maybe it must be developed, but, you are just saying the opposite in order to troll it. I propose you to understand the idea, ask if you have doubts, propose points if you consider that it can be better but I think that it is a little bit stupid (not you, the behavior) if you or someone say IT is not working because I say that... Be part of the game that could be a nice community, we are playing to win, most of us, but we are just paying a game, remember that we are just playing and we can share a beer out of here, we are not real life enemies
SOrry for my English

Hmmm I am also not impressed with the level of your education. About the idea, I hate the game where changing the rules is often. Time to time it is good to bring something new, ofc if most players in the game approve. Doing it more often is insane, or with the bad purpose.
This Friks proposition is against the interest of my country, or any greater country in the game. It prepares the ground for the organised group of PTOers to organize a synchronised assault on big countries, and if some RW in dead country success, my country will be stopped to react properly next day. This will have a massive impact on economy. To be honest, I hate the situation where few selfish PTOers claiming the right to blackmail countries with hundreds or thousands citizens with stopping them to use full bonuses. I don t understand why you take it personally, and why you mix RL with the game. We can drink beer, or maybe not, this have nothing to do with the game. After all, I hope that you didn t fail to understand my point of view, but not excepting you to accept. Feel free to ask me on PM for further explanation, Frik is already pissed of because readers are reading his articles, not because of topic he set. My comments attract people to read this pathetic attempts to write something smart, published by Crying Company.

You are not impressed with the level of my education??? Did I say something wrong? I was trying to be polite but...

You are not objective, and you are trying to show that arguing about this proposition is on some higher level of understanding, but you fail to bring a simple truth. Your fellow Germans are the most arrogant and not polite with players who don t agree with them. But you are blind and or try to hide this simple fact. My radical approach in discussions is only an answer on their stil of writing. Except that, you ask for arguments, and I provided it for you. Instead of bringing new arguments in the discussion, you started to cry now. Actually, you tried to make me bad person with your spin/troll speech, and you didn t have any intention to justify with some arguments this request. If you really want to be polite start using correct premises and show us proper conclusions, instead of fake friendly approach demonstrated so far.

I am not Objective????? why do you think that you are objective and I am not?. You have to understand that you are objective only for you, I am objective for me ... Your opinion is not the true, is just your opinion, and if you wanna start a discussion you have to be opened, you must read and write, ask and reply but if you start thinking that you are objective and just you that will not be a productive conversation
. I guess that it is like a circle and we will stay saying the same for a long time.

Asterisk Truth

You are joking? If your friends here are not polite, you can not ask others who opposing them to behave nice. Just read comments of other Germans and try to tell me that they was correct. There is only one truth, don t try to introduce relativistic approach in serious discussion, if you have ambition to start it. But, you want to make some spin here, nothing more. Nevertheless, because of others, I will try to explain you once more, interest of great countries, like France, and small countries, as Germany is not the same. Rules should be good for majority in the game, there is no point to adjust game according to interedt if minority in the game. Few people in some country with their multi families, should not have any importance in the game. It is insane to value them more than interest of countries with hundreds or thousands of players. I hope that this argument is good enough to finish this discussion.


I know why you, NOW, are proposing this
But support anyways, since defence shield cannot save you either bro...

good idea, i like it


dis is great idea