Yayınlanacağı yer Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Savaş emirleri - 22 Nov 2016 11:49 - 37


Hristijan MakedonecPhilip II of MacedoniaAurielAurielAurielAurielAurielMajkBojan1995geminemATEHTATOPOTWinston XStyle BluewejsbeYorumlar (37)



wow y make this with passion! FAIL AGAIN!




turke, analbania ... allies 

Svaka čast o/





Another ds destroyed 

If serbia would help macedonia in the past like is helping greece now the eWorld would be way different today....but its serbia they help today....they dw tomorrow...be afraid greece if serbia will have border with greece in the future ...you will get DW as well 😂

no they help me
serbia is after all my puppet it always was as germany

@albrev, what you just said could be applied to FYROM, after all greece did help to them vs serbia just month or so ago.. and now , well use your own text ..

you mean fyrom

It is funny how Greece used to be one of most loyal Turkish puppies, helping Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, and even Macedonia every time they needed it or every time Turkey give order. Now other puppy, Macedonia, become stronger and instant favorite because of dmg so there was no need for Greece any more. Also other puppies become hungrier so Turkey throw them, not needed former puppy, Greece to make them satisfied. So, now we have pappies Romania, Albania and honorable Bulgaria attacking their former ally which they used to hail and call brothers, and on the other hand, they support puppy Macedonia and call them new brothers forgetting how Macedonia used to call them traitors, and all other insults. Bulgaria with full honor back stab Serbia and left alliance because of Macedonia and now they are together deleting Greece which stood with them every time they needed it. Honorable Jus7LeTHaL will call that diplomacy full of honor. But everything is ok because master Turkey says its ok.

Much propaganda, very wow.

You can call it like that, i dont mind, but you cant deny that it is truth.
You were hailing them when they were helping you and honorable Bulgaria, but now you are helping Macedonia and honorable Bulgaria to delete them, even thou they have never done to you anything but help. But who cares masters gave orders. 

@rad88 so you think it is an order from a master and it is not decision of the country to conquer more regions and resources?

Hahaha, exactly! Honorable Bulgaria now attacking and deleting former ally with Macedonia (although, because of them they already left one alliance) by the help of Romania even though whenever both (Romania and honorable Bulgaria) needed it Greece was helping them. Greece even declare war to Serbia because of Macedonia (or Turkey order, you decide). Dont tell me that it would be possible for honorable Bulgaria to attack Greece without Turkeys approve first. So reject one puppy to feed stronger one. True friendship indeed 

And i dont say it is something illegal or not in accordance with game, i just find it funny how they are still talking fairy tales about their true friendship and honor while making all others (yes, i mean Serbia) bad guys.

Dont forget other friends fighting in italian front against bosnia and croatia aka Albania and France

A lot of Vardascan propaganda

Please look carefully the battles before you speak...have you seen albania fighting against greece in these battles ??? Also greece attacked italy..that used to be greece ally as well...helping BiH to cut the road of france...but failed in that..so who is the traitor here ??

I didnt mean to mention Albania so i apologize. I have more respect for Albania than for Bulgaria and Macedonia together cause with you everything is always clear, we are enemies and that is it. Greece was kicked from alliance and then after help they received from BiH they returned favor and Italy was abandoned by MDP in the first place, but there is that little thing in your statement that all MDP uses when they want to justify them self, target someone as traitor. Spin masters