Yayınlanacağı yer France - Siyasi tartışmalar ve analiz - 12 Dec 2016 11:41 - 56

France informed us today in the meeting that they have decided to leave Vae Victis alliance. We like to wish them all the best in the future and thank them for all the effort they put for our alliance.
It was nice fighting with you side by side. Good luck France o7

Kind Regards,
spitfireYG (Ace)
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
YamamotoYamamotoYamamotono0bsailbotATEHTATOPOTrezaderazkeke250TantisPanzer AceYorumlar (56)


Bye bye

LooooooooL they arw leaving VV like they left MDP?

pai pai

Yeeah. Balance will be


Good luck France o7


yeah right

good luck France o/


Good luck france 

Good luck France o7


I suppose this is just a facade and I would be seriously surprised if anything actually changed.

It was a good month at the place of SoFa o/

Again ?

See you guys, this month with you was great


Good Luck o/

Good Luck o/

Again, thanks for all guys. I never liked VV, but it was real pleasure to fight with such a good allies.

Good luck


да ми едат тарлъците

o7 VV, was good time with you.


france is only one country which don t need any alliance. when he join someone they will leave it imediatly

It would be good to see other members of VV and Game Inc leave so that more small alliances are created.

Good Luck o/

only country that don t have any enemy at the borders


o7 Good luck france

Hail Francia (°.°)7


They will leave VV but they will still fight by the side of VV and have the same allies. Soooooooo, it is something done in the paper, but nothing changes at all. It is exactly what happened with MDP.

gL friends o/


again? like they leave MDP? rofl

Good luck....I mean joke

Lets wipe France. This way we will be sure they are leaving this time

good luck france o/

Good luck o7


Good Luck France
