Yayınlanacağı yer Georgia - Siyasi tartışmalar ve analiz - 03 Jan 2017 17:31 - 131
Greetings people of eRevolution,
As many of you are aware the admins are planning a resources re-distribution. We of the Vae Victis community have concerned the admins of eRevollution won’t be impartial in this upcoming update. Recent actions of the eRev staff member have shocked our community vigorously.
- A well-known tanker that has constantly dealt billion of damage against our cause Tannin received a citizenship in a country that had 0 regions.
- German had 2 revolutionary wars currently going on at the same time. When this issue was brought alight to the admins. The admins turned a blind eye and ped it off as normality.
- VV has 11 members in its alliance. The admins introducing the 6 MPP rule knew perfectly well this would hinder alliances that are not concentrated in the same regions and are world wide. Many of us are still skeptical why the 6 MPP rule was prompted. The admins until now have refused to fix the issue that has devastated small nations or explain the abnormality of the decision.
- Very recently the head of the mod team Biskvit proposed Iran as a Natural Enemy (NE) and is shouting in both Discord & In-Game to remove Iran and Turkey out of Europe
- Today (Day 359) head of the admin team Biskvit was seen tanking against our alliance member Iran

- Shocking we just discovered recently Germany has 7 MAX MPP https://www.erevollution.com/en/country/military/26/Germany
While the rest of us are suffering because of 6 Max MPP Germany is enjoying its 7 MAX MPP

The admins/game staff should have no power to interfere with the geopolitical situation of the game. This rule has respected throughout times in many other games but it seems the eRev admin and staff member do not wish to respect this rule. The countries that are currently in Vae Victis wish to ask the admins. Will you truly re-distribute resources impartially? Time and Time again the admins/game staff has gone against our alliance. we of Vae Victis have done nothing wrong to attract such anger and rage from the admins. we are concerned the admins will re-distribute resources in a way that will be disadvantageous to our alliance and aid our enemies. We implore the admins to be Just and Fair when making an important like re-redistributing resources.
Vae Victis Headquarters:
VV Supreme Commander
VV Secretary of Foreign Affairs
President of Albania
President of Bulgaria
President of Georgia
President of Indonesia
President of Iran
President of Macedonia
President of Poland
President of Romania
President of Taiwan
President of Turkey
President of USA
spitfireYG ( Ace )
VV Secretary of Foreign Affairs

Greetings people of eRevolution,
As many of you are aware the admins are planning a resources re-distribution. We of the Vae Victis community have concerned the admins of eRevollution won’t be impartial in this upcoming update. Recent actions of the eRev staff member have shocked our community vigorously.
- A well-known tanker that has constantly dealt billion of damage against our cause Tannin received a citizenship in a country that had 0 regions.
- German had 2 revolutionary wars currently going on at the same time. When this issue was brought alight to the admins. The admins turned a blind eye and ped it off as normality.
- VV has 11 members in its alliance. The admins introducing the 6 MPP rule knew perfectly well this would hinder alliances that are not concentrated in the same regions and are world wide. Many of us are still skeptical why the 6 MPP rule was prompted. The admins until now have refused to fix the issue that has devastated small nations or explain the abnormality of the decision.
- Very recently the head of the mod team Biskvit proposed Iran as a Natural Enemy (NE) and is shouting in both Discord & In-Game to remove Iran and Turkey out of Europe

- Today (Day 359) head of the admin team Biskvit was seen tanking against our alliance member Iran

- Shocking we just discovered recently Germany has 7 MAX MPP https://www.erevollution.com/en/country/military/26/Germany
While the rest of us are suffering because of 6 Max MPP Germany is enjoying its 7 MAX MPP

The admins/game staff should have no power to interfere with the geopolitical situation of the game. This rule has respected throughout times in many other games but it seems the eRev admin and staff member do not wish to respect this rule. The countries that are currently in Vae Victis wish to ask the admins. Will you truly re-distribute resources impartially? Time and Time again the admins/game staff has gone against our alliance. we of Vae Victis have done nothing wrong to attract such anger and rage from the admins. we are concerned the admins will re-distribute resources in a way that will be disadvantageous to our alliance and aid our enemies. We implore the admins to be Just and Fair when making an important like re-redistributing resources.
Vae Victis Headquarters:
VV Supreme Commander
VV Secretary of Foreign Affairs
President of Albania
President of Bulgaria
President of Georgia
President of Indonesia
President of Iran
President of Macedonia
President of Poland
President of Romania
President of Taiwan
President of Turkey
President of USA
spitfireYG ( Ace )
VV Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Inglourious BasterdsTantissalamandra123salamandra123lmperiusSlade WilsonSlade WilsonSlade WilsonSlade WilsonBethTsiloKinyasarithGrizzly021arithSonsOfAnarchyYavuzTRTony SopranoJoker EvilLiveD666LiveD666ZE BUNDAAdmiralHairdoTsiloPiroman168658993816865899381686589938168658993816865899381686589938168658993816865899381686589938TakitsuhikoEnver PasasvetbgBiropiecYorumlar (131)

【Vae Victis】Open letter to the Admins

Signed CP of Turkey

-_- im looking forward to the redistributed resources.

And now the party will start in the comments. Popcorn mode - ON

Signed CP of Bulgaria

??? are you scared for your resources? why do you write such a childish crying article? everyone knows that you wont lose any of your hard earned (lol) bonuses... even if france would fight against VV (as long as they dont do it and fight against croatia instead i still count them as VV member on my list) i doubt that any big VV member would lose its high bonuses and economical advantage against all the other countries...

vv has been dominating whole world for a long time. I think any country needed one region at least to survive this game.

@jungrim yes everyone desires a region, but only when they are doing a nap 

Strategy of targeting one country with multi nations has been excellent. It s kinda of diplomatic hard work from power. But I hope we need to know the atmosphere of game is dying from this too.


In conclusion, big nations have been joining vv and won t try to be opposite part. It s Simple way to keep domination but we will be able to see nobody wants to try to do anything in game.

yeah, re-distribution of resources is more important 

Signed CP of USA

Falta la firma de un país latino al que vinieron en su ayuda durante su seudo neutralidad --------------------- Missing the signature of a Latin country that came to their aid during their pseudo neutrality

I think I hear crying from VV...?
I think everyone would sign free gold for all also. Your signs are sign of fear only, maybe time for a change? I got spammed 200x times yesterday from VV-countries and hack-attempt from Turkey, more precisely Türk Telekom without mention any IP adresses and there have not been any punishments. Targeting one person, me because I SPEAK UP. Now whole VV are crying about justice? Anyone see the irony?

I dont understand that game is dying sht. Lame excuses, nothing more. The purpose of a game is to win. There is always a winner in every game. Did u ever heard that bayern is too strong, they must sell robben and levandovski for maintain balance
Game is not dying because of balance, but certainly will die if admins continue this amateur acts.

The funny part is when I investigated the Turkey IP adress I sent to admins I found it had access to a botnet with many interesting services running, not a normal server really. Still no response from admin tho, but I think someone is screwed in turkey. The botnet is probably big enough to take down erev.

In a nutshell VV wants to put the resources at their disposal and that is not affected at all to their alliance, even when this can help the game.
Very nice hahaha

winning part is hard to undetstand it.. If we could remember that we were attacked by other countries and no even oppotunity to change fixed situation. It means we are not playing game, routine job.

Many error in your article also. Biskvit is NOT main admin, it is Sekulla. Biskvit is the only admin really playing the game however so he probably know more than Sekulla about the game. So I do not even understand what the purpose of the article is...? If admins decide a change - I would propose it SHOULD be from someone with knowledge about the gameplay. Rest is mostly crying that you blame admin now because VV is afraid to not remain world police anymore - afraid of change. HAIL NWO


τι διαβαζω θε μου! Ο_ο

...and?, you only need take it i think.

Its stupid and u are stupid...

game is dying

Da se ja pitam sa novim resursima ja bih vratio sve drzavnom na core regije. Sto je potpuno logicno.

VV crying for their bonus? Nothing new...

My reaction: https://www.erevollution.com/es/article/20743

Childish crying article -_-

Cryboys sying vv crying loool

Your article touched me a lot, I cant stop crying too..


VV cry everytime haha

In my opinion resources should shoufle every 6 months or 12 months, keeps things more interesting and countries will start to use diplomacy for once, 6mpps was used to prevent hug boxes, it was killing the game, you guys need enemies to fight, if things stood the way they were many more ppl would have left the game,
you only bash the dev team when things doesnt suit your needs, if you dont want change than complain about georgian granite

Everybody knows MDP killed the game, so logically every move that makes them weaker is a good thing for the game. Simple.

p.s. turkish-french-iranian-georgian community, please dont leave the game.

admins choosen their side 

on the other hand, i see not even a mention on tolerating bots and multies as well as sold accounts on MDP2 side. Hmm... strange. If it wasn t an MDP2 article I would say double standards, but you are famous on your integrity

I d like to say that we don t need to worry about bonuses because most of them are already being occupied by vv. I m curious that how restricted bonuses are to be distributed well. Is there any big country againt vv now? No.

I haven t seen mpp number is restricted in this kind of strayegy game.. players don t want to have adventure. Of course nobody has fault on this result, but sad game atmosphere.


Turkish community leave game, again?? This time lead ehole VV with them?

Yes maybe they will. Turkey community seem to be mostly bots from the botnet owner that walked into my trap while attempting to hack me so I hope admins take it seriously and cross-check the IP-adress i sent them and they should start look on behaviours in Turkey since it is a whole botnet with alot of different zombie-computers that are controlled by him.** now i havent post the whole IP adress or break any rules, just partly of it and everyone can see subnet belong to Türk Telekom. eRev should take it serious not only because of the bots, but because the botnet can take down the server also. Served on a silverplate, thank you Jimmy86.

you killng us with *open letters*. First Turkish communty leave game, now this. ??Why you like SSF dont actually do something what you say you will do. Or just shut up and play



@bob_rock ; You said that; Shut up and play. You should recommend this to yourself 


we will delete our enemies again, its not a big problem for us ^_^

our enemis wont have any chance anyway, so get ready to be deleted again and again guys


Childish article...

bende imzaladım

you need a doctor..seriously


OMG, this kind of crying I never seen. How many time I must explain that Germany first send ticket about same RW open. Germany rised first, so other should be deleted. What about DoW on Iran by German side and vice verse. Iranian Dow should be erased, why you didnt wrote about that. This article is mother of crying , never seen on erev

Oh, no! Turkey do not leave the game! We couldn t bear it. again

Really you scared cuz of biskvit ? Never laughed that much.

Dear VV haters,
Ve Vill Rock You
- Sincerely,

this is just lame

This is just mdp2 xD


It s like a proclamation of the school bully that he is afraid of losing his social status in the new school.


SpitfireYG(Ace) you dont want to see me swearing ... not you, but you know what...

I am still famous 

@stefankole, spavaš li ti mirno

Signed by Albanian CP

Signed by me, loooollll

Oooo i am a tank with 50M damage, nice 

A llorar al valle. Grande Biskvit!

hahahaha shame !

Dont cry! Biggest ally,who destroyed all gaming balance.. and cry like a girls

XD Please dont cry VV, maybe Turkish community leave the game again? Maybe even Iran and other countries?

@peaky kako bebe 

so if you dont like new map what will you do exactly?? I m wondering 

so it is okey to get a bonus for georgia from admins is okey. But 50m from biskvit is not

To be honest non of above said make any sense, it is just like ... OHH it is not my way i mean admin/mod are player/tanker first and then they had additional responsibilities of admin/mod. So if Mod/Admin is hitting for there native country or alliance member it is pretty stupid to accuse him/her for that.


When VV say that they carry about society and resources .. funny
And you are afraie of swiss and biskvit ? Big thankig mod on ???
Omfg ... Really LOL and OMFG

Yes maybe they will. Turkey community seem to be mostly bots from the botnet owner that walked into my trap while attempting to hack me so I hope admins take it seriously and cross-check the IP-adress i sent them and they should start look on behaviours in Turkey since it is a whole botnet with alot of different zombie-computers that are controlled by him.** now i havent post the whole IP adress or break any rules, just partly of it and everyone can see subnet belong to Türk Telekom. eRev should take it serious not only because of the bots, but because the botnet can take down the server also. Served on a silverplate by Jimmy86 earlier.

Biskvit is only an average player In Game -_-

Macedonia is not a country.




Lol, love your comment biskvit.

How to cry, lesson 101

11 country in one alliance ??? WTF !! Are u kidding me ? who will fight If you all be ally together !! In this alliance at least 3 little alliances can be organized. Come on guys, it s a war game and u can make it better.

Crae Victis :v


Ok. Here is my point of view on it. You can agree or can disagree with me.
Since septmber of 2017 We observe the concentration of power in one hands. To make it clear it is MDP/Vae Victis. And here is what we have - The 11 countries are booming when another part of the community slowly dies.
Because Vae Victis officials don t understand what is going on and have no will to change the 6 MPP rule was implemented. I guess there must be local alliances consisting of max 5 countries and 1 neutral.

Lol 😂
Puppets crying XD

yazar.burada ne.demek istemis ? ingilicce oldugundan dolayidir ki ingilicce bilmeyenler anlayamamaktadir. onlarin ingilicce ogrenmeleri, ingilicce bilen birisinin makaleyi Turkceye cevirmesinden daha uzun surecegi icin, hayirsever bir tercumanin makaleyi Turkceye cevirmesi, pek buyuk bir derde derman olacaktir. Kamuoyuna saygiyla duyrulur.

https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/20762 Oylayın gençler VOTE !! New Alliances !

Only 50M damage : D


jimmy drunk as always

@anonymous Hero have you been traveling in time? It s only January of 2017 and you used September of 2017 in your example. Time traveler. Oh fill us with wisdom of the future.

All this pussys call me :3

They tried to balance the game with 6 mpps rule, they failed. Nownthey try to re-distribute bonuses, they will fail again. In the end, WHO FVCKIN CARES??

✊ Say NO to Bullying ✊ https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/20785

Unban Vist.

Just contunie crying about *bot players* because its funny

This kind serious articles makes me sick, there is so much things I have to read
(( or who cares 

Que choradeira hein

now this it s a crying game XD

no woman no cry : (

sissies and cry babies


I think the non-VV people want random MPPs. When an MPP expires no need for diplomacy, just something like Random ORG! C mon people, don t kill diplomacy!

Buhahahaja da sam admin ja vidili bi kakve bi ja promjene izvrsio buhahahaha xd


Good job admins i liked new update finally 6 mpp rule removed

Germoney teh neu Adminlandia

Can I eat Biscuit in here?

Mmmm, my bad, sorry. Read that and thought it would be about update and not about VaeVictis crying :S


jajajja que falta de respeto de algunos de jugadores de Aliansa dicen que VV llora por sus bonos este arti se refiere mas a las malas maña de un moderador que boludos cada quien ve lo que quiere ver

Cry me a river!

-The countries that are currently in Vae Victis wish to ask the admins. Will you truly re-distribute resources impartially? Time and Time again the admins/game staff has gone against our alliance.- Kirito sos un boludo, entrena la comprensión lectora plox.